
Doom Eternal – The Holt Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below are the collectibles that can be found during The Holt campaign in Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1. You will need to collect the codex pages to earn the Required Reading trophy and the Support Runes for the Lucky Charm Bracelet trophy. Locating all the secret encounters will reward you with the Hypersonic trophy!


Resurrect the Dark Lord

Extra Life

When you reach a dead end with a waterfall where you will need to melee a dead tree to create a path forward, turn around to find a ledge off to the right. Climb up it to find the extra life.


Slayer Key

From the above tree trunk, climb up the trunk to reach the top of the waterfall. From there look to the left to find a ledge you can climb up. At the top, take a left and jump across the gap to reach a rock platform. Jump across the small gap to reach the key.


Extra Life

From the above tree trunk, climb up the trunk to reach the top of the waterfall. From there look to the left to find a ledge you can climb up. At the top, head forward and melee the breakable wall at the end of the path to reveal a cave which contains the extra life.


Secret Encounter

From the top of the waterfall, follow the path along the water to find a breakable wall on the right side. Melee it to reveal a cave containing the encounter.


Support Rune

Complete the Slayer Gate located near the central eastern side of the map just past the first secret encounter then collect the rune.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part IX

The codex can be found on a lower ledge in the center of the map. You know you’re in the right place when you see a lift pad near a tree you can knock down. The codex is guarded by 3 tentacles that pop up to attack you.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part X

This codex is located on a floating platform to the right of the bridge leading to the tower containing the Father.


Secret Encounter

You’ll come across this secret encounter just before a courtyard filled with Maker statues. Activate the console directly across from the encounter then look at the ceiling directly above. Shoot the green diamond to unlock the gate concealing the secret encounter.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part XI

You’ll see this codex next to a switch you need to activate as part of the story at the very top of the structure. Once you activate the switch, the Father will talk to you briefly followed by the Intern.


Codex: Characters and Locations – The Father

The codex is located in the Holy Chamber (room just before boss) on the right side.


Codex: Seraphim

From the Holy Chamber, head backwards towards the doorway to see a green diamond on the pillar in front of you. Shoot it to unlock the door on the other side of the room containing the codex.




Doom Eternal – The Blood Swamps Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below are the collectibles that can be found during The Blood Swamps campaign in Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1. You will need to collect the codex pages to earn the Required Reading trophy and the Support Runes for the Lucky Charm Bracelet trophy. Locating all the secret encounters will reward you with the Hypersonic trophy!


Destroy the the Father’s Life Sphere

Support Rune

Work your way through the Blood Swamps until you reach the giant tentacle. Climb up to the elevated section of ground and head down the stairs. Take a left up another section of stairs then head to the end of the walkway and drop down to the ground below. Melee the breakable wall in the building and head inside until you spot the rune.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part V

When you come to a giant wooden sealed door, you’ll need to make your way to the top right section of the wall by using the jump bar near the spinning fire chains.

Jump across the gap to the top of the wall across the way then drop down into the water. Pick up the hazmat suit and dive into the water. Turn around to find a little hole containing the codex.


Extra Life

After using a green skull to open the sealed doors as part of the story, turn around and drop down to the ground below. The extra life will be located behind a breakable door to the right.


Extra Life

From the life sphere, follow the path to the western trial. When you reach the ravine, look down to find a cave behind a small waterfall draining into the ravine underneath the path your suppose to take. Jump to the cave to find the extra life.


Extra Life

This extra life can be found on the way to the western trial in the water. To release the water, you will need to break the wall underneath the skull.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part VI

As you progress towards the western trial, you’ll come to a foggy area with a lot of enemies in the water near the remains of a giant skeleton. By the base of its neck, there will be deep water you can dive into. Search for the underwater cave then follow it to the end. When you emerge from the other side, follow the path to reach a gap.

Jump across the gap to locate the codex.


Secret Encounter

Facing the door to the western trial, head to the back left side of the courtyard and climb up a small set of stairs. Take a right then drop down below to a platform across the gap. Follow the path forward coming to a ledge. Smash through the wall ahead and melee the giant metal cube to unseal the secret encounter below.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part VIII

Just before reaching the top of the tower for the western trial, you’ll reach an open area with 2 spinning yellow spin bars. Use the 2 bars to reach a climb wall to the right of the far bar. Climb to the top of the wall then jump across the gap to reach the codex.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part VII

As you head towards the eastern trial, you’ll come across a spirit wolf leading you to an alter site where you’ll have to fight off a wave of enemies. This codex can be found on a ledge overlooking the ritual site of the second wolf.


Secret Encounter

This encounter can be found behind a gate in the third area that the spirit wolf leads you to. To reach it, head to the gate leading to the tower of the trial then press forward west of the gate. Follow the path around to a marsh area. You’ll need to jump to the second rock column sticking out of the marsh with an exploding egg.

From there, jump straight ahead east to use a spin bar to reach a climb wall. Follow the path to reach a giant metal cube that you will need to use to unseal the way to the encounter.




Doom Eternal – UAC Atlantica Facility Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below are the collectibles that can be found during the UAC Atlantica Facility campaign in Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1. You will need to collect the codex pages to earn the Required Reading trophy and the Support Runes for the Lucky Charm Bracelet trophy. Locating all the secret encounters will reward you with the Hypersonic trophy!


UAC Facility (Intact) – Get the Seraphim’s Key

Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part 1

This codex is located on the bottom level of the UAC structure near the starting point. It is located in the section of the structure requiring Blue Access. It is across from a set of stairs and a jump pad.


Extra Life

This extra life can be found in the vent shaft above the room containing the Red Access key card.


Secret Encounter

After using the elevator to ascend, head straight ahead and jump on the climb wall across the gap then descend. Turn around and jump across the gap to reach a lower platform containing this secret encounter.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part II

After ascending the elevator, you’ll need to disable a giant fan to jump across the gap to reach a platform on the other side. Do so then head forward a short way to reach a lever that needs to be melee’d. Head left past the lever to reach a set of stairs. Go up the stairs to find the codex.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part III

After using a fan to launch yourself across a giant gap to the climb wall on the other side, you’ll jump down to a metal platform below. Instead of taking the stairs up, follow the walkway towards a giant sealed metal door. Jump over the railing to the right of the door to reach a ledge. Follow it around to find the codex.


Codex: Book of the Seraphs Part IV

After fighting the Doom Hunter for the first time, head through the doorway to the facility to reach a room containing a set of stairs leading to the second level. The codex can be found on the other side of the stairs.


UAC Facility (Destroyed) – Locate the Seraphim

Slayer Key

After clearing the first area of enemies in the destroyed UAC Facility, you’ll enter a long hallway filled with tentacles. Enter the doorway at the end of the hallway to reach another hallway filled with lasers. Continue heading through the hallway passing the Slayer Gate.

Defeat the Tyrant then continue through the door to reach a loading dock with the area map. Jump up on the cargo to the left of the map and look over the ledge to find some yellow spin poles.

Use the poles to reach a ventilation shaft then crash through it. Follow the shaft to find the Slayer Key.


Support Rune

This rune can be obtained after defeating the above Slayer Gate.


Secret Encounter

After obtaining the dive suit, head back out to the large room and enter the water to look for a breakable grate. Break this then head into the vent shaft to find the secret room containing the secret encounter.


Extra Life

After punching the lever and using the yellow spin bar to jump onto a shipping container, allow the shipping container to take you to a climb wall. Climb up the wall then jump to the platform on the right. Follow the path right to reach the extra life at the end.



Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Slayer Gate Key Locations

by Chappie in


You will need to find all the keys to unlock the Slayer Gates if you plan on getting the platinum trophy for Doom Eternal. You will receive the Bonus Stage trophy for just completing a Slayer Gate and will receive the Breaker of Gates trophy if you complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot.


Mission 2: Exultia

Location: Hell (Travel Point – Precipice of Recompense)

The key for the Slayer Gate is located on a platform floating just above the gate. To reach it, enter the cave to the left of the Slayer Gate and work your way up to the top ledge to find a hole above the entrance of the cave. Head through the hole to reach the platform on the other side.


Mission 3: Cultist Base

Location: Cultist Base (Travel Point – Promenade of Culling)

In the room with the demon effigy, look down to the left of the effigy to find a climbable wall. Jump down onto the climbable wall and look behind you to find two gold spin bars. Use them to leap to another wall directly ahead. Turn to your right to see a yellow recharge floating in the air. Dash to the climbable wall past it and climb up it. Turn around and jump into the room then use the yellow spin bar to jump up to the small room containing the key.


Mission 5: Super Gore Nest

Location: Upper Area  – Mixom Square

From the fast travel point, proceed forward, passing a gunk covered column, to reach a blue air stream in the middle of a gunk tower. Use the lift pad and turn right to find a long climbable wall. Avoiding the debris, jump to the climbable wall and work your way up it to reach the room at the top. Work your way to the end of the room to obtain the key.


Mission 6: Arc Complex

Location: Vargo Convention Center

From the starting point, turn left and head towards the brown door to find a set of stairs. Take the stairs up to find the Slayer Gate. Head to the edge of the broken walkway and jump to the climbable wall on the right side. Turn around and face the opposite direction then jump to the room containing the key.


Mission 7: Mars Core

Location: Meteor – Delta Labs

From the fast travel point, head left in the facility through a doorway. Once through the doorway, take a right and interact with the console to raise a pillar from the ground in the previous room. Head back through the doorway and take a left to see the pillar. Use it to break the vent shaft on the right side and enter it to find the Slayer Key.


Mission 9: Taras Nabad

Location: Catacombs

From the fast travel point, work your way through the sewer section of the catacombs. Before exiting the tunnels of the catacombs, take a left and head up a ramp to find the Slayer Key at the end.