Doom Eternal
by Chappie in


Mission 2: Exultia

Exultia (Travel Point – Central Rotunda)

The secret encounter is located in the tower with a statue being guarded by two sentinel statues on pillars. Use the gold spin bars to reach the top of the tower. The secret encounter is located behind the statue.


Hell (Travel Point – Belphegor’s Gate)

The secret encounter is located at the base of the giant sentinel robot holding the spear.


Mission 3: Cultist Base

Cultist Base (Travel Point – Basilica of Adjuration)

You’ll come across this encounter during the Obtain your Super Shotgun objective. To reach it, you will need to look for the room with the Automap Station to find a moat of red stuff. Wall jump through the moat without touching the red then climb up the wall at the end to reach a metal platform containing a skull switch. Use the switch to gain access to the encounter.


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Forge of Transfiguration)

After the guillotine hallway, you’ll reach a circular room with a skull slab in the middle. Head forward until you get to the two pillars with four climbable walls. Use them to climb to the very top. Once at the top climb up a ledge then take a right down a narrow tunnel. At the bottom, turn left and melee the cracked wall to reveal the secret encounter.


Mission 5: Super Gore Nest

Upper Area (Travel Point – Star Mall)

From the fast travel point, head to the center of the room with the moving gunk press. Head past the press and use the green portal to arrive in a gunk covered room. Head to the side of the room with three openings behind you. Take the right ramp up and turn right at the top to find the secret encounter.


Lower Area (Travel Point: Toxin Refinery)

From the fast travel point, head forward, jumping over the moat of toxic liquid, then head through a teeth covered doorway. This will bring you to a room filled with toxic waterfalls and fire cannon balls. Look to the right to spot a climbable wall. Use this wall to reach a platform the next level down. The secret encounter will be located on this platform.


Mission 6: Arc Complex

The Waste Tunnels

From the fast travel point, head down the purple gunk filled tunnel and drop down into the room below. Climb on the platform a short distance away and use the gold spin bar and dashes to reach the platform in the corner of the room. Jump to the tunnel across from the platform and follow it to the end. Dodge the electric spikes along the way to eventually end up at an elevator. Take it up then exit the elevator to find yourself in another hallway. Follow it right dodging more electric spikes ending up at a door. Pass through the door and take a left heading through another door. Drop down the ledge on the right and head to the back of the room to find the secret encounter.

Moring Aeronautics

From the fast travel point, head right into the interior portion of the building to locate a set of stairs. Head up two flights of stairs then take a left. Follow the hallway to the end then jump across the way to the other side to find the secret encounter.


Mission 7: Mars Core

UAC – UAC Outpost LD

From the fast travel point, drop down onto the platform below and head to the walkway across from the portal near the edge of the platform. Drop down the hole under the walkway to locate the hallway leading further into the level. To the left of it will be a wall with a crack in it. Melee the wall, but don’t head through yet. Look down to the right to see a doorway. Jump to the doorway then climb up the stairs. At the top take a left to spot the secret encounter.


Meteor – Martian Chunks

From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the doorway with “MAINTENANCE 02” written above it. Head to the back of the room and melee the cracked vent to reveal another room with a portal in the floor. Jump into the portal to find the secret encounter.


Mission 9: Taras Nabad

Atrium Plaza

From the fast travel point, enter the doorway in front of you and take a right, dropping down the hole in the hallway. Follow the path forward to arrive in a big open courtyard with multiple Sentinel statues. Head down the stairs in front of you and take a left past the rectangular pool. Take a left after the Sentinel statue to head under the above walkway lit by blue lights. Turn left and melee the cracked wall to find the secret encounter.



From the fast travel point, work your way through the sewer section of the catacombs. Exit the tunnels to arrive in a large open room filled with lift pads and spin bars. Head to the far right corner of the room to find a set of stairs leading up to a room filled with barrels. In that room, there will be a cracked wall on the left side of the room near a stack of barrels. Melee the wall and jump down into the cave to find the secret encounter.


Mission 10: Nekravol – Part I

The Mill

From the fast travel point, take a right and follow the path to the end then head left past the green diamond and under a spiked ceiling. After the spiked ceiling, take a right up a flight of stairs to find a room. Once in the room, take the right doorway up a flight of stairs. Facing the Sentinel, take the left path to the end of the ledge. Under the ledge there will be a small opening that you will need to head through. The easiest way to reach this is to walk off with your back towards the gap. Once you walk off, you’ll need to dash onto the ledge below to reach the secret encounter.


Passage of the Damned

From the fast travel point, head right climbing a flight of bloody stairs. You will then need to head through the area with the spinning fire column via the climbable walls then jump on top of the moving metal cages on the left side of the room to reach the room above. The secret encounter will be located up the stairs on the left side.


Mission 11: Nekravol – Part II

Corpse Conveyor

From the fast travel point, head down the bridge and about halfway across look to the left underneath the bridge to find a blue lift pad. Jump off the bridge and use dash to reach the lift pad to shoot towards a platform with a spinning cylinder shooting fire. Work your way around the platform to locate another platform with a climbable wall. Jump to the climbable wall to reach another platform. Follow the platform around to locate a climbable wall underneath a ledge. Jump to the wall and climb to the top to find the secret encounter.


Soul Extraction

From the fast travel point, head to the back left of the room to find a hallway leading deeper into the level. Take the first left in the hallway. At the end of the hallway, there will be a cracked wall. Melee the wall to reveal the secret encounter.


Mission 13: Urdak

Guardians of Sanctuary

From the fast travel point, jump down to the area below then head through the room. Use the metal cube in this room to jump through the oval shaped hole and follow it to a hidden room on the other side that contains the secret encounter.


Xanthous Harmonizer

From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the door on the left side of the building. This will bring you to a ledge overlooking the giant beam. Look immediately to the right side on the outside of the building just before the first gold spin bar to find a cracked wall. Dash through the wall to find the hidden area containing the secret encounter.


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