Doom Eternal
by Chappie in

*NOTE: This guide was written assuming that you completed this area and are returning to the locations via fast travel points.



Upper Area  – Mixom Square


Codex: Story of Earth – The Hellgrowth – Part I

From the fast travel point, turn around and head back towards the entrance. When you reach the blood soaked road, jump down to the ledge below on the left. Jump down one more level to find the codex.


Praetor Suit Point

*NOTE: In order to reach this point, you must first collect the extra life from the gunk covered pillar nearby. To obtain the extra life from the gunk covered pillar, start from the fast travel point and head straight forward. Take a right just before the gunk covered column and proceed to the room at the end with a gunk covered pillar. Use the gold spin bar on the pillar to reach the second level. Look for a crack in the wall then melee the wall to reveal the extra life. Use double jump and dash to reach the extra life on the gunk covered column. When you land on the pillar, the pillar will go down, causing teeth to open, revealing the sentinel holding the Praetor Suit Point.


Toy: Mecha Zombie

From the fast travel point, proceed forward, passing a gunk covered column, to reach a blue air stream flow in the middle of a gunk tower. You will need the blue key to unseal the teeth. Use the lift pad to reach the collectible on the ledge to the left behind the tower.


Sentinel Battery

Head back to the blue air stream flow in the middle of a gunk tower. Use the lift pad and turn right to find a long climbable wall. Avoiding the debris, jump to the climbable wall and work your way up it to reach the room at the top, which contains the battery.


Album: Wolf #D – Wondering About My Loved Ones 

This collectible is located behind the gunk tower on the right side in a room sealed by teeth. In order to unseal the room, you will need to obtain the blue key.


Codex: Story of Earth – The Hellgrowth – Part II

This collectible is located past the gunk tower on the right side at the end of a hallway.


Upper Area – Star Mall



From the fast travel point, turn around heading back down a hallway past the UHGO and Farm Don’s stores. Take a left at the end of the hallway and jump across the gap to reach the modbot at the end of the room.


Toy: Soldier (Shield)

From the fast travel point, head to the center of the room with the moving gunk press. Use the gold spin bar to reach the cave on the other side of it towards the top of the room. Once in the cave, turn around and face the press to find a room above it. Enter the room to find the toy.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head to the center of the room with the moving gunk press. Head past the press and use the green portal to arrive in a gunk covered room. Head to the side of the room with three openings behind you. Take the left ramp up and turn left at the top to find the sentinel holding the point.



From the fast travel point, drop down into the lower level of the room with the moving gunk press. Take a left heading through a teeth doorway and turn right at the end of the hallway to use the lift pad to reach a gunk covered room containing the rune.


Upper Area – Vermilion Canal


Cheat Code

From the fast travel point, follow the walkway left until you get to the room with the purple Ivan sign. Take a right and drop down to the ledge below then head straight to the tip of the ledge overlooking the giant monster building. Just below the monster, there will be a circular area surrounded by teeth. This area can be broken so jump into the hole using dash to smash through and find the cheat code.


Empyrean Key

The key is acquired by defeating the Slayer Gate.


Upper Area – Vorus Medical Plaza



From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the broken section of wall to find the rune.


Sentinel Battery

Facing the previous collectible, head left following the hallway down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs swing right past the UAC Spokesperson hologram to locate the battery.


Album: Doom III – Main Theme

From the fast travel point, turn around, heading into the green lit room, and follow the hallway down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, take a left and head to a window overlooking a spinning skull cauldron. Jump onto the gold spin bar to reach the building across the way containing the album.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, turn around, heading into the green lit room, and follow the hallway down a flight of stairs. Jump through the hole in the window straight ahead to land on a giant concrete slab with lava in the middle. Head to the square structure to find the sentinel holding the point along the back of it.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward through the teeth guarded doorway and follow the hallway to the end. Work your way through the toxic room using the climbable walls. When you go past the fire spinning chain, jump to the climbable wall just beyond it then head to the wall across the way and turn around to find the room with the sentinel holding the point near the top.


Lower Area – Pumping Station C


Sentinel Crystal

From the fast travel point, head forward towards the green portal guarded by the teeth. Just before the teeth, take a left down a small flight of stairs followed by another left to locate the crystal at the end of the hallway.


Lower Area – Toxin Refinery


Codex: Story of Earth – Super Gore Nest

From the fast travel point, turn around and head up the ramp. The codex will be on the right side of the next room.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, jump down into the green toxic liquid and follow the path right through a doorway to find the sentinel holding the point at the end.


Toy: Revenant

From the fast travel point, head forward, jumping over the moat of toxic liquid, then pass through a teeth covered doorway. This will bring you to a room filled with toxic waterfalls and fire cannon balls. Jump down into the toxic bit below and follow the stream left through a doorway. This will bring you to a tunnel containing the toy towards the end.


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, follow the toxic liquid left past some spinning fire chains. This will bring you to a room with a spinning column shooting fire cannon balls. Head past the column and follow the toxic liquid through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, jump up to a ledge to find the battery.


Lower Area – Argent Energy Station



From the fast travel point, head through the doorway behind you (opposite of the giant heart) and take a left, passing through another doorway, into a gunk covered room with a UAC Spokesperson hologram and the Automap Station. Head through the door on the right side of the room and jump over the electric floor, passing through another doorway, bringing you into a waterlogged, gunk covered room. Head through the doorway on the right side of the room and follow the tunnel to the end to find the weapon mod.


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