Doom Eternal
by Chappie in


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Station of Redemption)


Praetor Suit Point

The Praetor Suit Point is located on a ledge above the starting area. To reach it, head to the platform on the other side of the red barrier then jump towards the metal skull that shoots fire. Once on that platform, head to the other side and climb up the wall to reach another climbable wall on the other side of the room. At the top of the wall, take a left facing the entrance where you came from to spot a gold spin bar. Use the gold spin bar to reach the climbable wall on a bridge. At the top of the bridge, the sentinel holding the point will be straight ahead on the ledge to the right. You’ll need to use double jump and dash to reach it.



The modbot is located on the far side of the first room in the starting area just before the green lit door.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, head through the green lit door and make your way towards the walkway in the center of the room. The item is underneath this walkway behind some metal bars. To reach it, head to the middle section under the walkway to find a maintenance shaft with a crack in it. Melee the crack then head through the ventilation shaft to reach the battery.


Codex: Story of Earth – Doom Hunter Base

From the previous collectible, head into the next room and up a metal ramp to find the codex straight ahead near a window.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Lazarus Generators)


Toy: Lost Soul

In the forge-like room with 4 yellow columns, head to the end of the room near the molten pit then jump on the moving platform. Look back towards the entrance to find the collectible in a pipe. Use double jump and dash to reach it.


Codex: Story of Hell – Deag Ranak

From the previous collectible, head back to the moving platform then enter the next room to find the codex.



This rune is located in the same room as the above codex.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Tower of Baphomet)


Cheat Code

This cheat code is located above the coffin that was unsealed (coffin in a sealed cylinder in middle of room). To reach it, exit the room and jump to a circular walkway then use the climbable walls to reach a top level where you can press the skull switch. From here jump to the cylinder and use the climbable wall to reach the top where the cheat code can be found.


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous collectible, jump into the cylinder to find the sentinel holding the point.


Album: KEEN – Shadows Don’t Scare Commander Keen!!

From the previous collectible, take the portal to head back to the circular column then jump to the climbable wall to the right through the small opening with red lasers on the ground. From there, turn around and jump back out onto a climbable wall in the open area. Climb up to the top to find a hatch. Open the catch then drop down to find the collectible.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Skies of Stigmata)


Sentinel Crystal

This crystal is located on the free standing structure opposite of the red access door. To reach it, face the structure then take the platform on the left. Look for the hanging climbable wall then jump to it and use the gold spin bar to reach the structure. The crystal is located on the lower level towards the back of the structure.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, turn around to locate a small shaft with a climbable wall at the end. Head through and climb up the wall to reach the upper level. Take a right and follow the path around to find the battery.


Praetor Suit Point

Enter the red access door then follow the ramp down continuing through a hallway towards a stream of fire. Take the stairs at the end of the hallway up. At the top of the stairs, head through the right doorway with horizontal red laser beams. The sentinel holding the point can be located in a shaft above the doorway. You can reach it by jumping on the nearby crates.


Doom Hunter (Travel Point: Chamber of Penance)


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous Praetor Suit Point, melee the crack in the wall then jump across the hanging climbable walls to reach a narrow ledge. Stay as far away from the lasers shooting along the wall as you can and defeat the enemies. The sentinel holding the point will be at the end of the ledge near a climbable wall.


Codex: Story of Hell – Doom Hunter

Shoot the green diamond above the stand alone structure you came from (before you jumped to the ledge with the lasers lining the wall) to send a bridge out towards you. Jump to the platform to reach the structure and enter through the green lit door. The codex will be located on the other side of this door.


Toy: Hell Knight

From the Chamber of Penance fast travel point, head through the green lit door then drop down to the ledge below. Turn around and enter through the door, heading down a ramp. Head forward towards another door, but before heading through that door, turn around and look up towards the ceiling to find a green diamond. Shoot it to reveal a secret entrance in the ramp leading to the toy.


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