by Chappie in

*NOTE: This guide was written assuming that you completed this area and are returning to the locations via fast travel points.


Phobos – BFG-10000 Gun Deck



From the fast travel point, turn around heading down the ramp and through the doorway (marked ENTRANCE 01.22.E). Take a left and pass through the door across from the UAC Spokesperson hologram. Follow the hallway through another door to locate the rune.


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, work your way forward until you drop down onto a platform leading to the BFG Core. Turn around to see another platform leading to the battery.


Phobos – BGF-10000 Ventilation


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward through an opening near the tiny pistons. This will bring you to a room with four giant moving cylinders. Use the cylinders to reach the platform on the top left of the room to locate the sentinel with the point.


Codex: BFG-10000

From the Praetor Suit Point above, jump to the small platform with a green light on the other side of the room. Head through the duct on the platform and take a left to find the codex.


UAC – UAC Outpost LD


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, drop down onto the platform below and head to the walkway across from the portal near the edge of the platform. Drop down the hole under the walkway the locate the hallway leading further into the level. To the left of it will be a wall with a crack in it. Melee the wall but don’t head through yet. Look down to the right to see a doorway. Jump to the doorway to see the sentinel with the Praetor Suit Point at the top of some stairs.


Toy: Prowler

Facing the sentinel from above, follow the hallway left and pass through the door then take a right down the next hallway to arrive at an elevator. Take it up to the top then head through the doorway on the right side of the room to find the toy.



Head back to the room and exit through the door on the right. Head through the hallway and out another door (past a UAC Spokesperson hologram) to find the rune.


Meteor – Alpha Labs


Cheat Code: Powerup Mode: Onslaught

From the fast travel point, head for the stairs leading to the monitors that says “SYSTEM CRITICAL” but don’t go up them. Instead, drop down to lower level by the green light to the left of them. Take the first left in the hallway and use the lift pad to reach the room contained the cheat code.


Praetor Suit Point

From the cheat code, head through the nearby hole in the wall then cross the room to the doorway on the other side.  Go through the doorway then take a left climbing up the fallen crate to reach the vent shaft. Climb up to the top to find the sentinel with the point.


Album: Doom 64 – Intro

From the sentinel, jump/dash to the lift pad in the middle of the room and use it to reach the walkway just above it. Turn around to locate a gold spin bar and a duct with the album just behind it. Use the bar to reach the collectible.


Meteor – Martian Chunks


Toy: Carcass

From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the doorway with “MAINTENANCE 02” written above it. Head to the back of the room and melee the cracked vent to reveal another room with a portal in the floor. Jump into the portal then head for the lift pad straight ahead. Use it to reach a walkway above. Follow the walkway into a room containing the toy behind a support column.


Meteor – UAC Transmission Tower


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward towards the three floating pillars with climbable walls. Jump to the floating rock just before them then use that rock to reach the the third rock. The sentinel will be at the top with the point.


Sentinel Battery

Facing the sentinel from above, head to the structure behind the giant rock to the left (with the 4 red circles of electricity). The battery can be found on the top of this structure. You will need to use the lift pad to head to the Union Aerospace facility. Facing the entrance, head left to the end of the balcony. From there you can reach a pipe you can use to swing to a floating rock then to the roof housing the battery.


Meteor – Delta Labs


Sentinel Crystal

From the fast travel point, turn around and head out the door. Jump right around the building to reach the other side of the broken walkway then take a right to enter the room with the crystal.


Album: Quake Champions – Goroth

From the fast travel point, head left in the facility through a doorway. Once through the doorway, take a right and interact with the console to raise a pillar from the ground in the previous room. Head back through the doorway and take a left to see the pillar. Use it to break the vent shaft on the left and enter the duct to find the album.


Toy: Pinky

From the fast travel point, head left into the facility and pass through three doorways to reach a room filled with blue glowing crates. Head straight through the room then drop down the hatch in the hallway. Facing the open doorway, turn left and melee the grate to reveal an opening. Head through it and use the lift pad in the next room to reach the locked room containing the toy.


Hell – Temple of Sin


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, follow the path forward dropping down off the ledge at the end. Turn right to find the battery.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – The Lost City of Hebeth

From the battery, head down the nearby steps to find the codex near a doorway.


Praetor Suit Coin

Head through the doorway near the above codex and down a small set of steps. Turn left and head to the end to find the sentinel in a small room to the right.


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