
Doom Eternal – Mission 7: Mars Core

by Chappie in

*NOTE: This guide was written assuming that you completed this area and are returning to the locations via fast travel points.


Phobos – BFG-10000 Gun Deck



From the fast travel point, turn around heading down the ramp and through the doorway (marked ENTRANCE 01.22.E). Take a left and pass through the door across from the UAC Spokesperson hologram. Follow the hallway through another door to locate the rune.


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, work your way forward until you drop down onto a platform leading to the BFG Core. Turn around to see another platform leading to the battery.


Phobos – BGF-10000 Ventilation


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward through an opening near the tiny pistons. This will bring you to a room with four giant moving cylinders. Use the cylinders to reach the platform on the top left of the room to locate the sentinel with the point.


Codex: BFG-10000

From the Praetor Suit Point above, jump to the small platform with a green light on the other side of the room. Head through the duct on the platform and take a left to find the codex.


UAC – UAC Outpost LD


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, drop down onto the platform below and head to the walkway across from the portal near the edge of the platform. Drop down the hole under the walkway the locate the hallway leading further into the level. To the left of it will be a wall with a crack in it. Melee the wall but don’t head through yet. Look down to the right to see a doorway. Jump to the doorway to see the sentinel with the Praetor Suit Point at the top of some stairs.


Toy: Prowler

Facing the sentinel from above, follow the hallway left and pass through the door then take a right down the next hallway to arrive at an elevator. Take it up to the top then head through the doorway on the right side of the room to find the toy.



Head back to the room and exit through the door on the right. Head through the hallway and out another door (past a UAC Spokesperson hologram) to find the rune.


Meteor – Alpha Labs


Cheat Code: Powerup Mode: Onslaught

From the fast travel point, head for the stairs leading to the monitors that says “SYSTEM CRITICAL” but don’t go up them. Instead, drop down to lower level by the green light to the left of them. Take the first left in the hallway and use the lift pad to reach the room contained the cheat code.


Praetor Suit Point

From the cheat code, head through the nearby hole in the wall then cross the room to the doorway on the other side.  Go through the doorway then take a left climbing up the fallen crate to reach the vent shaft. Climb up to the top to find the sentinel with the point.


Album: Doom 64 – Intro

From the sentinel, jump/dash to the lift pad in the middle of the room and use it to reach the walkway just above it. Turn around to locate a gold spin bar and a duct with the album just behind it. Use the bar to reach the collectible.


Meteor – Martian Chunks


Toy: Carcass

From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the doorway with “MAINTENANCE 02” written above it. Head to the back of the room and melee the cracked vent to reveal another room with a portal in the floor. Jump into the portal then head for the lift pad straight ahead. Use it to reach a walkway above. Follow the walkway into a room containing the toy behind a support column.


Meteor – UAC Transmission Tower


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward towards the three floating pillars with climbable walls. Jump to the floating rock just before them then use that rock to reach the the third rock. The sentinel will be at the top with the point.


Sentinel Battery

Facing the sentinel from above, head to the structure behind the giant rock to the left (with the 4 red circles of electricity). The battery can be found on the top of this structure. You will need to use the lift pad to head to the Union Aerospace facility. Facing the entrance, head left to the end of the balcony. From there you can reach a pipe you can use to swing to a floating rock then to the roof housing the battery.


Meteor – Delta Labs


Sentinel Crystal

From the fast travel point, turn around and head out the door. Jump right around the building to reach the other side of the broken walkway then take a right to enter the room with the crystal.


Album: Quake Champions – Goroth

From the fast travel point, head left in the facility through a doorway. Once through the doorway, take a right and interact with the console to raise a pillar from the ground in the previous room. Head back through the doorway and take a left to see the pillar. Use it to break the vent shaft on the left and enter the duct to find the album.


Toy: Pinky

From the fast travel point, head left into the facility and pass through three doorways to reach a room filled with blue glowing crates. Head straight through the room then drop down the hatch in the hallway. Facing the open doorway, turn left and melee the grate to reveal an opening. Head through it and use the lift pad in the next room to reach the locked room containing the toy.


Hell – Temple of Sin


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, follow the path forward dropping down off the ledge at the end. Turn right to find the battery.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – The Lost City of Hebeth

From the battery, head down the nearby steps to find the codex near a doorway.


Praetor Suit Coin

Head through the doorway near the above codex and down a small set of steps. Turn left and head to the end to find the sentinel in a small room to the right.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 5: Super Gore Nest Collectibles

by Chappie in

*NOTE: This guide was written assuming that you completed this area and are returning to the locations via fast travel points.



Upper Area  – Mixom Square


Codex: Story of Earth – The Hellgrowth – Part I

From the fast travel point, turn around and head back towards the entrance. When you reach the blood soaked road, jump down to the ledge below on the left. Jump down one more level to find the codex.


Praetor Suit Point

*NOTE: In order to reach this point, you must first collect the extra life from the gunk covered pillar nearby. To obtain the extra life from the gunk covered pillar, start from the fast travel point and head straight forward. Take a right just before the gunk covered column and proceed to the room at the end with a gunk covered pillar. Use the gold spin bar on the pillar to reach the second level. Look for a crack in the wall then melee the wall to reveal the extra life. Use double jump and dash to reach the extra life on the gunk covered column. When you land on the pillar, the pillar will go down, causing teeth to open, revealing the sentinel holding the Praetor Suit Point.


Toy: Mecha Zombie

From the fast travel point, proceed forward, passing a gunk covered column, to reach a blue air stream flow in the middle of a gunk tower. You will need the blue key to unseal the teeth. Use the lift pad to reach the collectible on the ledge to the left behind the tower.


Sentinel Battery

Head back to the blue air stream flow in the middle of a gunk tower. Use the lift pad and turn right to find a long climbable wall. Avoiding the debris, jump to the climbable wall and work your way up it to reach the room at the top, which contains the battery.


Album: Wolf #D – Wondering About My Loved Ones 

This collectible is located behind the gunk tower on the right side in a room sealed by teeth. In order to unseal the room, you will need to obtain the blue key.


Codex: Story of Earth – The Hellgrowth – Part II

This collectible is located past the gunk tower on the right side at the end of a hallway.


Upper Area – Star Mall



From the fast travel point, turn around heading back down a hallway past the UHGO and Farm Don’s stores. Take a left at the end of the hallway and jump across the gap to reach the modbot at the end of the room.


Toy: Soldier (Shield)

From the fast travel point, head to the center of the room with the moving gunk press. Use the gold spin bar to reach the cave on the other side of it towards the top of the room. Once in the cave, turn around and face the press to find a room above it. Enter the room to find the toy.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head to the center of the room with the moving gunk press. Head past the press and use the green portal to arrive in a gunk covered room. Head to the side of the room with three openings behind you. Take the left ramp up and turn left at the top to find the sentinel holding the point.



From the fast travel point, drop down into the lower level of the room with the moving gunk press. Take a left heading through a teeth doorway and turn right at the end of the hallway to use the lift pad to reach a gunk covered room containing the rune.


Upper Area – Vermilion Canal


Cheat Code

From the fast travel point, follow the walkway left until you get to the room with the purple Ivan sign. Take a right and drop down to the ledge below then head straight to the tip of the ledge overlooking the giant monster building. Just below the monster, there will be a circular area surrounded by teeth. This area can be broken so jump into the hole using dash to smash through and find the cheat code.


Empyrean Key

The key is acquired by defeating the Slayer Gate.


Upper Area – Vorus Medical Plaza



From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the broken section of wall to find the rune.


Sentinel Battery

Facing the previous collectible, head left following the hallway down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs swing right past the UAC Spokesperson hologram to locate the battery.


Album: Doom III – Main Theme

From the fast travel point, turn around, heading into the green lit room, and follow the hallway down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, take a left and head to a window overlooking a spinning skull cauldron. Jump onto the gold spin bar to reach the building across the way containing the album.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, turn around, heading into the green lit room, and follow the hallway down a flight of stairs. Jump through the hole in the window straight ahead to land on a giant concrete slab with lava in the middle. Head to the square structure to find the sentinel holding the point along the back of it.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward through the teeth guarded doorway and follow the hallway to the end. Work your way through the toxic room using the climbable walls. When you go past the fire spinning chain, jump to the climbable wall just beyond it then head to the wall across the way and turn around to find the room with the sentinel holding the point near the top.


Lower Area – Pumping Station C


Sentinel Crystal

From the fast travel point, head forward towards the green portal guarded by the teeth. Just before the teeth, take a left down a small flight of stairs followed by another left to locate the crystal at the end of the hallway.


Lower Area – Toxin Refinery


Codex: Story of Earth – Super Gore Nest

From the fast travel point, turn around and head up the ramp. The codex will be on the right side of the next room.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, jump down into the green toxic liquid and follow the path right through a doorway to find the sentinel holding the point at the end.


Toy: Revenant

From the fast travel point, head forward, jumping over the moat of toxic liquid, then pass through a teeth covered doorway. This will bring you to a room filled with toxic waterfalls and fire cannon balls. Jump down into the toxic bit below and follow the stream left through a doorway. This will bring you to a tunnel containing the toy towards the end.


Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, follow the toxic liquid left past some spinning fire chains. This will bring you to a room with a spinning column shooting fire cannon balls. Head past the column and follow the toxic liquid through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, jump up to a ledge to find the battery.


Lower Area – Argent Energy Station



From the fast travel point, head through the doorway behind you (opposite of the giant heart) and take a left, passing through another doorway, into a gunk covered room with a UAC Spokesperson hologram and the Automap Station. Head through the door on the right side of the room and jump over the electric floor, passing through another doorway, bringing you into a waterlogged, gunk covered room. Head through the doorway on the right side of the room and follow the tunnel to the end to find the weapon mod.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 4: Doom Hunter Base Collectibles

by Chappie in


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Station of Redemption)


Praetor Suit Point

The Praetor Suit Point is located on a ledge above the starting area. To reach it, head to the platform on the other side of the red barrier then jump towards the metal skull that shoots fire. Once on that platform, head to the other side and climb up the wall to reach another climbable wall on the other side of the room. At the top of the wall, take a left facing the entrance where you came from to spot a gold spin bar. Use the gold spin bar to reach the climbable wall on a bridge. At the top of the bridge, the sentinel holding the point will be straight ahead on the ledge to the right. You’ll need to use double jump and dash to reach it.



The modbot is located on the far side of the first room in the starting area just before the green lit door.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, head through the green lit door and make your way towards the walkway in the center of the room. The item is underneath this walkway behind some metal bars. To reach it, head to the middle section under the walkway to find a maintenance shaft with a crack in it. Melee the crack then head through the ventilation shaft to reach the battery.


Codex: Story of Earth – Doom Hunter Base

From the previous collectible, head into the next room and up a metal ramp to find the codex straight ahead near a window.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Lazarus Generators)


Toy: Lost Soul

In the forge-like room with 4 yellow columns, head to the end of the room near the molten pit then jump on the moving platform. Look back towards the entrance to find the collectible in a pipe. Use double jump and dash to reach it.


Codex: Story of Hell – Deag Ranak

From the previous collectible, head back to the moving platform then enter the next room to find the codex.



This rune is located in the same room as the above codex.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Tower of Baphomet)


Cheat Code

This cheat code is located above the coffin that was unsealed (coffin in a sealed cylinder in middle of room). To reach it, exit the room and jump to a circular walkway then use the climbable walls to reach a top level where you can press the skull switch. From here jump to the cylinder and use the climbable wall to reach the top where the cheat code can be found.


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous collectible, jump into the cylinder to find the sentinel holding the point.


Album: KEEN – Shadows Don’t Scare Commander Keen!!

From the previous collectible, take the portal to head back to the circular column then jump to the climbable wall to the right through the small opening with red lasers on the ground. From there, turn around and jump back out onto a climbable wall in the open area. Climb up to the top to find a hatch. Open the catch then drop down to find the collectible.


Doom Hunter Base (Travel Point: Skies of Stigmata)


Sentinel Crystal

This crystal is located on the free standing structure opposite of the red access door. To reach it, face the structure then take the platform on the left. Look for the hanging climbable wall then jump to it and use the gold spin bar to reach the structure. The crystal is located on the lower level towards the back of the structure.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, turn around to locate a small shaft with a climbable wall at the end. Head through and climb up the wall to reach the upper level. Take a right and follow the path around to find the battery.


Praetor Suit Point

Enter the red access door then follow the ramp down continuing through a hallway towards a stream of fire. Take the stairs at the end of the hallway up. At the top of the stairs, head through the right doorway with horizontal red laser beams. The sentinel holding the point can be located in a shaft above the doorway. You can reach it by jumping on the nearby crates.


Doom Hunter (Travel Point: Chamber of Penance)


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous Praetor Suit Point, melee the crack in the wall then jump across the hanging climbable walls to reach a narrow ledge. Stay as far away from the lasers shooting along the wall as you can and defeat the enemies. The sentinel holding the point will be at the end of the ledge near a climbable wall.


Codex: Story of Hell – Doom Hunter

Shoot the green diamond above the stand alone structure you came from (before you jumped to the ledge with the lasers lining the wall) to send a bridge out towards you. Jump to the platform to reach the structure and enter through the green lit door. The codex will be located on the other side of this door.


Toy: Hell Knight

From the Chamber of Penance fast travel point, head through the green lit door then drop down to the ledge below. Turn around and enter through the door, heading down a ramp. Head forward towards another door, but before heading through that door, turn around and look up towards the ceiling to find a green diamond. Shoot it to reveal a secret entrance in the ramp leading to the toy.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 3: Cultist Base Collectibles

by Chappie in


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Grotto of Penance)


Codex: The Story of Earth – Cultist Base

From the starting point, take an immediate right and head into a room past two columns to locate this codex.


Toy: Gargoyle

From the starting point, proceed deeper into the level until you come to a chasm. You will need to jump to a climbable wall in the chasm then use that to reach a doorway. Head through the doorway to find a rib cage jutting out over a cliff side. If you look to your left, you will see a skull suspended by a crane. The collectible is located on top of this skull. To reach it walk to the edge of the rib cage then jump towards the stream of air. When you fly up in air, dash to the climbable wall then look right to find another climbable wall with red damage dealing orbs underneath a doorway. Once you reach the top, turn left through a small tunnel to find a cracked wall at the end. Melee the wall then jump through the hole to reach the skull.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, backtrack to the tunnel and at the end take a left and melee the cracked wall. This will bring you to an open area in the mountains filled with enemies fighting. Drop down to the lower level then take a right facing some icebergs floating in the water. To the right, there will be a ledge along the cliff reachable by jumping (see picture above). Double jump to the ledge then melee the barrier and the switch located behind it to open a gate. Turn back around and jump back to the ledge you came from. Follow the ledge right, passing by the blue air stream, to arrive under the platform. Take a left to reach a blue air stream that will shoot you up into the air where you can then reach the battery.


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous collectible, jump out of the cave the battery was in then head through the doorway beneath it and walk across a yellow bridge. You will arrive in a long hallway of death. Activate the terminal straight ahead to trigger a fight that introduces the Mancubus. After you defeat all the enemies, head to the end of the hallway where the cultist key is located and take a right to find a sentinel holding the point.


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Station of Inquisition)



This rune can be found near the location of the rocket launcher during the part in the story where you have to activate a terminal behind a sealed metal gate. The rune is located at the very top of the tower. To reach it, enter the small room at the base of the tower to melee the switch. This raises a gold spin bar behind you. Use the bar to access a climbable wall above the room with the switch. Climb up the wall to access the platform containing the rune.



From the previous collectible, proceed forward in the story using the skull switch to unseal the gate. This will enable you to return to a previous courtyard area. Defeat the enemies then stand on the green platform in the middle of the area to unseal the gate. Head inside to obtain the collectible.


Praetor Suit Point

Facing the previous collectible, head left down the tunnel. Just before the doorway, there will be a cracked section of wall on the left side of the tunnel. Melee it then drop down into a room below containing the Praetor Suit Point.


Sentinel Battery

After you defeat a group of enemies, a large gate will drop allowing you to move on to the next area. Head up the gate then swing left to find the battery.


Sentinel Crystal

You’ll come across this collectible during the Obtain your Super Shotgun objective. It will be sealed in the middle of a bloody room. To reach it, you will need to look for the room with the Automap Station to find a moat of red stuff. Wall jump through the moat without touching the red then climb up the wall at the end to reach a metal platform containing a skull switch. Use the switch to gain access to the crystal.


Praetor Suit Point

From the previous collectible in the blood soaked room, head into the next room with two moving columns. Enter the moving column on the left and take it down to the next level. Exit the column and follow the metal walkway until you reach a metal cube. Jump over the cube and continue along the walkway to reach the collectible.


Sentinel Battery

From the previous collectible, jump over the crate and turn left into a small room. Punch the switch then shoot the green diamond on the wall in front of you. After doing that, use the gold spin bar to reach a climbable wall. From there, jump into the right moving platform behind you. Take the moving column up to the next left then follow the hallway and take the column at the end. Exit the column then drop down to the area that contains the battery.


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Forge of Transfiguration)


Cheat Code

Travel to the Forge of Transfiguration. The cheat code will be in the center column. Use the gold spin bar on the side then dash into the small compartment to reach the cheat code.


Toy: Soldier (Blaster)

In the long hallway with guillotines dropping from the ceiling, there will be a crack in the wall on the right side. Melee the wall to find the toy.


Praetor Suit Point

After you safely make it through the guillotine hallway, you’ll enter a large circular room with a skull slab in the middle. Use the spin bars to reach the top then dash to the area that contains the sentinel holding the Praetor Suit Point.


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Promenade of Culling)


Album: Doom II – Into Sandy’s City

This album is located in the meat grinding room just past the area with the spiky walls that crush you. To reach it, you will need to wait for the grinder to reach the bottom then jump on top of it. Follow the path to find the album at the end.


Cultist Base (Travel Point – Station of Anointment)


Praetor Suit Point

This point is located near the entrance of the Terrordome.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 2: Exultia Collectibles

by Chappie in


The second mission called Exultia in Doom Eternal contains a total of 15 collectibles. There are 1 album, 7 codices, 1 Empyrean key, 1 modbot, 1 rune, 1 sentinel battery, 1 sentinel crystal and 2 toys.


Exultia (Travel Point: Mourning Spire)


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Exultia

From the Exultia starting point, jump down to the ledge below then use the climbable wall  to move through the broken section of wall with the two Sentinel statues on top. This will bring you to a broken section of bridge. Follow it into the upper level of a circular room. Drop down to the lower level then jump towards the gold spin bar in the middle of the long floor-less hallway using it to reach the other side. When you reach the stone statue at the end of the hallway, there will be a cracked section of wall on the left. Melee the wall and head through the hole. Take a left to locate the codex.



When you gain control after unlocking the Blood Punch ability, you will find yourself in a circular hallway. Follow the hallway around and dodge the lightning streaks to reach the rune at the end.


Toy: Arachnotron

From the previous collectible, head through the nearby hole leading to the center of the structure and follow the steps on the right down until you come to an open doorway on the right. Head through the doorway and melee the wall on the left to reveal a hidden room containing the toy.


Exultia (Travel Point: Central Rotunda)


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – The Wolf

After exiting the room with the wall cannons shooting fireballs, jump across the broken section of bridge to reach a big open circular room filled with enemies. Defeat the enemies to open the way forward. This will bring you to an area outside overlooking a tower guarded by two Sentinel statues. Instead of jumping to the gold spin bars, drop down the cliff side and follow the path to the left. Use the the gold spin bar to reach a wall climbing area just past it. Climb up the wall then turn around to where you just came from to find the codex across the way on a small ledge.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part I

This codex is located in the room with the giant spinning propeller where you obtain the Dash ability. On the ground level, follow the propeller around the room to reach an opening with a giant metal cube. Use the cube to jump to the second level. You can then use the propeller to reach the codex, or if you have Dash unlocked, you can use that ability to reach the codex on the second level.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – King Novik

This codex is located at the bottom of the stairs just past the king’s throne room.


Sentinel Battery

After you meet the king, you’ll head back to the big open circular room with an electric floor. After you clear out this room, a gate guarding the battery will open, allowing you to collect it.


Hell (Travel Point: Belphegor’s Gate)


Album: DOOM – At Doom’s Gate

From the starting point in Hell, head down the stairs and keep moving forward passing by flaming demon skulls. Towards the end of the path, you will need to drop down to a lower level, which will lead you to an area with a giant robot hand. At the base of the ramp just before the hand, look immediately to the right to find a metal cube. Head to the other side of the cube and melee it to send the cube flying, revealing a secret underground tunnel. Head through the tunnel to locate the album.



From the previous collectible, you will need to defeat all the enemies to unseal the entrance to the cave on the other side of the hand. Proceed into the cave with purple liquid on the ground. This liquid will reduce your movement speed and prevent you from jumping. Watch out for the tentacles in the liquid as you work your way through the cave until you find a pillar in the center of the cave that you can use to wall climb. Use the climbable wall to reach a higher level in the cave to find the weapon mod.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels: Sentinel History Part II

After blasting a hole in the wall with the giant robot hand, proceed forward into the area using a couple of wall climbing sections to reach a platform, which will contain the codex.


Hell (Travel Point: Dour Slough)


Sentinel Crystal

The crystal is locate inside the giant demon that you blasted a hole through. To find it, head forward a short way through the hole until you reach the pool of purple liquid. Follow the liquid left, minding the sneaky tentacles, to find the crystal.


Hell (Travel Point: Precipice of Recompense)


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part III

From the previous collectible, continue through the demon to emerge in an area with lava flowing below. Leap across the rock pillars to locate the codex.


Empyrean Key

The key is awarded for completing the first Slayer Gate.


Hell (Travel Point: Ichor’s Expanse)


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – The Betrayer

The codex is located in the upper level of the Betrayer’s lair.


Toy: Cacodemon

The toy can be found in the corner on a ledge at the top of the lava waterfall near the lair of the Betrayer. You can reach it by using the Double Jump and Dash abilities.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 1: Hell on Earth Secret Collectibles

by Chappie in


The first mission called Hell on Earth in Doom Eternal contains a total of 12 collectibles. There are 6 codices, 3 modbots and 3 toys.


Barge (Travel Point: Hell Priest Barge)



Toy: Zombie (Earth)

From the starting point, exit the room and head down three flights of stairs. At the base of the stairs, follow the path left through the center of the room, passing an explosive barrel and cages filled with bodies. When you reach the back left corner of the room, there will be a cracked section of wall next to one of the cages. Melee the wall to create an opening then follow the path forward to locate the toy doll at the end.


Modbot: Weapon Mod

From the starting point, proceed forward a short way until you reach the section where you have to melee the giant cube. After you melee the cube, use it to reach a higher level to find the weapon mod near a doorway leading deeper into the area.


Codex: Story of Hell – Hell Barges

After collecting the Weapon Mod, you’ll pass through a narrow hallway leading to a big open room filled with enemies. Defeat all the enemies to unlock the way forward. The book can be found in the middle of the hallway leading to Deag Nilox’s Chamber.



City (Midtown)



Codex: Story of Earth – Remaining Human Populations – Part 1

After exiting the Hell Barge, follow the highway to locate the book near the entrance to a ruined building.


Modbot: Weapon Mod

From the above collectible, jump into the building to find the weapon mod near the entrance. (See picture above.)


Toy: Doom Slayer

From the previous weapon mod, head further into the room to find a crack in the wall. Melee the wall then head through the opening and jump up to the ledge above next to an impaled corpse. Head past the corpse to find the toy tucked away at the end of a short hallway.


City (Travel Point: Ravaged Cathedral)



Toy: Imp

This collectible is located in the building with a sign boldly saying “SCOTT” in neon lights. To reach it, you will have to climb on the overturned semi-truck across from the SCOTT building. Follow it to the end then jump to the ledge above the ShuZ sign. Follow the path straight ahead to come to a crack in the wall at the end on the left then melee the wall. Drop down the hole in the floor to find the toy.


Codex: Story of Earth – Remaining Human Population – Part 2

Head through the doorway of the building with the SCOTT sign, passing the UAC Spokesperson hologram. Make your way across the room towards the green light on the ceiling, passing through the door under it. Climb up a ledge following the path right to the broken section of the windows but don’t go out it. Facing the broken window, turn left to see another section of floor down a hallway. Use the double jump to reach that area to find the book.


Modbot: Weapon Mod

This weapon mod is located in the underground section of the subway just past the three fire shooting tubes.


City (Travel Point: Metro Station)



Codex: Story of Earth – Formation of the Arc

After you jump across a large chasm and head through a subway train, you’ll end up in a subway tunnel. The book will be located straight ahead in the tunnel just past a door leading to a maintenance room.


Citadel (Travel Point: Citadel of Hell)



Codex: Story of Hell – Dreag Nilox

When you enter the Citadel, take the stairs to the right of the statue and follow the way forward until you come to a big open room. In the room, take a right heading up a flight of stairs. You will find the book on the right side of the room.


Codex: Story of Hell – Hell Priests

From the above book, head past the flaming statue towards the middle of the room and drop down near the skull pedestal. The book will be located in an alcove behind the pedestal that is located in the middle of the room.