Vampyr – Claustrophobia
While exploring the sewers under Pembroke Hospital, Jonathan hears someone crying out for help. Upon investigating, he finds two Skal have a man cornered and are trying to get him.
While exploring the sewers under Pembroke Hospital, Jonathan hears someone crying out for help. Upon investigating, he finds two Skal have a man cornered and are trying to get him.
Thelma claims that she is being watched by some people who are hunting her because she’s a vampire. Jonathan decides to look into the issue as Thelma is a mental patient and he can’t have people snooping around the hospital.
Clay told Jonathan that he would feel easier if he had his lucky knife with him. Seeing a grateful Clay intrigues Jonathan enough that he decides to go looking for the knife.
Jonathan finds a death report written by Dr. Tippets for the death of a man named Samuel Connor. He thinks something with the report is off and decides to start his own investigation.
Milton informs Jonathan that a patient he was bringing to the hospital attacked him. He escaped through a garden, but lost his wallet along the way and now refuses to go back for it. Jonathan decides to check it out to see what is really going on.
After eavesdropping on a conversation between Mortimer and Beatrice, Jonathan learns the real reason why Mortimer is at the hospital. He talks to Mortimer with this information to try and help his patient out.
Dr. Strickland is working on an experiment but is waiting for some items he ordered to show up. He believes that his supplier sold the items to a more prominent doctor, so Strickland asks Jonathan if he will use his reputation to get the items he needs.
An old man is trapped by Skal and it’s up to Jonathan to help him out.
Seymour Fishburn told Jonathan that he lost a necklace he wanted to give to his mother. Jonathan things about looking for it to help calm Seymour down.