by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Dr. Thoreau Strickland at the Pembroke Hospital to get this investigation.


Summary:  Dr. Strickland is working on an experiment but is waiting for some items he ordered to show up. He believes that his supplier sold the items to a more prominent doctor, so Strickland asks Jonathan if he will use his reputation to get the items he needs.



  • Reach the pharmacy
  • Search for Thoreau Stickland’s Order
  • Tell what happened to Thoreau Strickland
  • Gather ingredients and formulate the medication
  • Choose what to do about Thoreau Strickland
    • Give the medication to Thoreau Strickland
    • Report him to Dr. Ackroyd


Reach the pharmacy

From the main gate of the Pembroke Hospital, take a left heading south along the road towards the objective. You will run across a couple of vampire hunters along the way. Eventually, you should reach a bridge that takes you back to the Docks area. As soon as you cross the bridge, take a right between 2 buildings into the alley. One of the buildings will have Harwood A. Lingard written on the front.


Search for Thoreau Stickland’s order

In the alley to the left, there will be 2 Skals, one of them is a level 16 boss while the other is a regular enemy. Take out the scrub and focus on the boss. He likes to use a clone then teleport into a lunge melee attack that has a massive range. Defeat the Skal and loot the corpse the boss was near to find the list of ingredients Dr. Strickland’s request.


Tell what happened to Thoreau Stickland

Head back to Pembroke Hospital and talk to Dr. Strickland.


Gather ingredients and formulate the medication

Bring 1 unit of sodium hypochlorite, 1 unit of potassium permanganate, and 6 units of ferrous tartrate to the medical desk in Jonathan’s office and create the medication. You can break up items dropped off of enemies or buy the materials from a vendor if needed.


Choose what to do about Thoreau Stickland

You can give the medication to Dr. Stickland or report him to Dr. Ackroyd to complete the investigation. If you report Dr. Strickland to Dr. Ackroyd, Dr. Ackroyd will give you a key to the doctor’s office on the second floor to store the medication.


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