by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Wait for Clay Cox at Pembroke Hospital to be sitting in a chair in front of a tent. Look for a letter in the tent and read it, then talk to Clay Cox. Choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions, ‘Your wife’s letter pissed you off?’, then ‘Don’t you want it back?’ to get the investigation.


Summary: Clay told Jonathan that he would feel easier if he had his lucky knife with him. Seeing a grateful Clay intrigues Jonathan enough that he decides to go looking for the knife.



  • Retrieve the knife of Clay Cox
  • Bring back his knife to its owner


Retrieve the knife of Clay Cox

Head south from the hospital to the bridge that takes you to the docks. The knife is located on the pier to the right of the bridge. To access the pier, you will need to look for an alleyway between the green grocer and bookstore. Enter the alleyway to find a set of stairs heading down to the pier. At the bottom of the steps swing right to find the knife in a trunk under one of the archways.


Bring back his knife to its owner

Head back to the hospital and talk to Clay to hand over the knife and complete the investigation.


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