by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Thelma Howcroft at Pembroke Hospital to obtain this investigation.


Summary:  Thelma claims that she is being watched by some people who are hunting her because she’s a vampire. Jonathan decides to look into the issue as Thelma is a mental patient and he can’t have people snooping around the hospital.



  • Find out who is spying on Thelma
  • Determine what the Priwen agents have discovered
  • Find the local command post of the Guard of Priwen
  • Steal the reports leading to the Pembroke Hospital
  • Reassure Thelma Howcroft about the spies


Find out who is spying on Thelma

From the main gate of the Pembroke Hospital, take a right heading north down the road towards the objective. Once you reach the bridge heading to Whitechapel, keep moving past it to the left of the pop-up tent towards an alley. You will see the word ‘WHISKY’ printed on a building at the end of the alley. Turn right to find a doorway leading into one of the buildings. Follow the stairs to the top and open the door. You will fight 2 enemies in a small room.


Determine what the Priwen agents have discovered

Pick up the paper sitting on a wooden folding table near the windows to examine it and update the objective.


Find the local command post of the Guard of Priwen agents have discovered

Head back outside to the front of the building you are in and take the bridge to the Whitechapel district. Pass through the ‘enter at your own risk’ gate and keep following that path. Take a right before the next gate, then left at the end of the alley. Fight the enemies there and push up, proceeding through the next gate. Fight those enemies and head into the building that the objective leads to.


Steal the reports leading to the Pembroke Hospital

Head upstairs in the building and take out the lone enemy. Grab the report from the desk and head back to the Pembroke Hospital.


Reassure Thelma Howcroft about the spies

Back at the hospital talk to Thelma to complete the investigation.


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