by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Head to Enid Gillingham’s house in the Western Docks. Search around her house to find the Unfinished Letter to get this investigation.


Summary: After finding a half-written letter, Jonathan learns of a scared young man who is hiding in a quarantine area. He is so afraid that he is hiding in a dangerous location. This is interesting to Jonathan who wants to know why he chose to hide there.



  • Talk to the man hiding in the sewers
  • Convince Rodney to go back to the Docks


Talk to the man hiding in the sewers

In order to gain access to the sewers, you will need to be at least on the Give a Dog a Bad Name main story quest in Chapter 3. Head to the boardwalk located on the southwestern side of the Western Docks. The entrance to the sewer is a gate located under the boardwalk. Head through the gate to work your way forward until you reach the sewer skal camp. If you already completed the sewer quest, then take the shortcut in Sean Hampton’s office.  Head to the southern lower level of the skal camp to find a tunnel that leads straight to the man hiding in the sewers. 


Convince Rodney to go back to the Docks

Talk to the man named Rodney and choose the dialog option ‘You don’t look like a killer’ to convince him to head back to the docks and complete this investigation.


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