by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Milton Hooks at Pembroke Hospital to get this investigation.


Summary:  Milton informs Jonathan that a patient he was bringing to the hospital attacked him. He escaped through a garden, but lost his wallet along the way and now refuses to go back for it. Jonathan decides to check it out to see what is really going on.



  • Enter the backyard garden
  • Find the lost wallet in the garden
  • Bring the wallet back to its owner


Enter the backyard garden

Head through the first floor of the Pembroke Hospital to the gate on the northeast side next to where Rakesh Chadana runs his shop. Pass through the gate and take a right heading southeast following the objective. This will lead you to a gate near a sealed-off area behind the hospital.


Find the lost wallet in the garden

Pass through the gate and head forward until you reach a t-intersection. Take a left and follow the path fighting the Skals along the way. At the end of the path, you will find 2 Skals huddled together near a pool of blood. Take care of them and pick up the wallet laying the blood.


Bring the wallet back to its owner

Head back to Milton to return the wallet to complete the investigation and get a new hint for Milton.


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