by Chappie in


Investigation Received: This investigation can found early on in the game when going to the morgue in chapter 1. In the basement of the morgue is a deceased patient on an operating table. Read the nearby medical report to receive the investigation.


Summary:  Jonathan finds a death report written by Dr. Tippets for the death of a man named Samuel Connor. He thinks something with the report is off and decides to start his own investigation.



  • Find out the cause of death
  • Interrogate Gwyneth Branagan about the medical error
  • Interrogate Corcoran Tippets about the medical error


Find out the cause of death

You should already be in the morgue when you get this investigation, if not make your way back to the basement of the morgue to the room with the guy laying on the operating table. Interact with him to begin the investigation and exhaust all the dialog options.


Interrogate Gwyneth Branagan about the medical error

Make your way to Nurse Branagan at Pembroke Hospital and speak with her. Choose the dialog options ‘Personal question’ then ‘Tippets Medical error’ to unlock a new hint for her and fulfill this objective.


Interrogate Corcoran Tippets about the medical error

Head to Dr. Tippets and choose the dialog options ‘Personal question’ then ‘About your medical error’. Finish the resulting dialog to complete the investigation.



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