Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – A Family Matter

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk with Agnes Needham near the gate leading to the Stellar Bay Ruins (South) and agree to look for her son.



  • Look for Tucker Needham in Amber Heights
  • Return to Agnes Needham in Stellar Bay


Look for Tucker Needham in Amber Heights

Follow the objective south along the road to reach Amber Heights. Enter Amber Heights and head to the north side of the town. Locate Tucker in one of the buildings and speak with him. If your Persuade is high enough, you can convince him to face his mother. Alternatively, you can also intimidate him to return home or choose to help him fake his death.

*Persuade: Tucker will return to Agnes to face her. You can tell her that her son is a grown man but she will not listen. Alternatively, you can say that this is between them. It honestly doesn’t matter. Tucker warns his mother he is going back to Amber Heights and that they are going to have a long talk about this.

*Intimidate: Tucker will return to Agnes to protect her from you. Once you get the money, you can tell him that he is free to go so he does and leaves Agnes behind. Obviously, Agnes will be upset by this. You can also choose to Intimidate him again to make him stay. If you do this, Agnes will be happy and Tucker will hate you.

*Fake Death: Tucker will give you his dad’s ring as proof that he died. When you talk to Agnes, you can lie and tell her that Tucker is dead and give her the ring as proof. If you do this, Agnes will tell you to leave her alone to grieve. Alternatively, you can tell her that Tucker wanted us to tell her that he died because he was tired of her controlling his life. Here’s where the choices fork again. You can give her the ring as proof and she will tell you that she needs to think about this or you can tell her where he is and she will be mad at him and will still need to think about this.


Return to Agnes Needham in Stellar Bay

Whatever you decide, you will need to return to Agnes and talk with her to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Secret People

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Velma in the warehouse and agree to look for Braxton on her behalf.



  • Go to Braxton’s Apartment
  • Search the House
  • Escape the House
  • Speak to Velma at the Fishery


Go to Braxton’s Apartment

Head up to the second level of the apartment complex and talk to Laura. You can tell her to relax if you have Persuade 35, ask her why she’s acting so paranoid or state that she’s been taking drugs if you have Medical 35.


Search the House

Head through the Stellar Bay Ruins (South) gate and follow the objective west to find the Mather Residence. Enter the house and talk to Edgar Mather. He will invite you to dinner and you will have no choice but wait for it to be done as they have locked you inside the house. While you’re waiting, you can talk to all the family members and explore the house. On the top floor you can open the door in the bedroom if you have Lockpick 35 and 4 Mag-Picks. You will discover a very gruesome mess in this room. Make sure you loot the body.


Escape the House

Head down the stairs to the second level. If your Lockpick is high enough, you can open the locked door to exit the house onto a balcony. If not, head to the first floor of the house to confront the Mathers. You will have to fight them all then you can leave through the front door.


Speak to Velma at the Fishery

Head back to Velma at the warehouse and speak with her. Give her Braxton’s ID to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Herrick’s Handiwork

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Caleb Herrick on the upper deck of the Yacht Club and agree to mediate for him.



  • Convince Velma to Negotiate
  • Inform Caleb that Velma will Negotiate
  • Inform Velma the Situation is Resolved


Convince Velma to Negotiate

Head to the warehouse and talk to Velma Ballard about Caleb. She isn’t convinced by any of the dialog options. If you have Lie 30, you can find out that she might have something that can be used against her for blackmail on her terminal. If this evidence is found, Velma might be persuaded to increase Caleb’s salary. On the other hand she also tells you that Caleb is living off of a stash that he keeps at his home, which is located near the diner. You have the option to steal his stash to make him return to work. Note that either option has the same rewards.


*Blackmail Velma: To find Velma’s terminal, head to the second level via the stairs next to the break room. Once at the top of the stairs, follow the walkway to Velma’s office. To access her terminal, you will need Hack 55. Once you hack your way in, look at her personal files to get some leverage on her. Return to Velma and use the new found information to get Caleb that raise.


Inform Caleb that Velma will Negotiate

Head back to Caleb at the Yacht Club and give him the good news to complete the quest.


*Steal Caleb’s Stash: Head to Chef Raymond’s diner and go up the stairs. Jump over the railing on the balcony facing south. From there, turn left and jump onto the overhang of the next building. Caleb’s stash is located in the yellow bin. You will need Lockpick 50 to open it and loot its contents. Return to Caleb and tell him he doesn’t have the savings he thinks he does (you can also lie if its 50).


Inform Velma the Situation is Resolved

Head back to the warehouse and tell Velma that Caleb will be coming back to work. This will complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Grimm Tomorrow

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk Grimm after landing in Stellar Bay and agree to his favor.



  • Check with Celia
  • Speak with Velma at the Warehouse
  • Get Grimm’s Tossball Poster
  • Deliver the Tossball Poster to Grimm


Check with Celia

Head into the tallest building northwest of the transition to Stellar Bay Ruins (south) and talk to Celia. Tell her the Grimm asked us to check with her about his tossball poster.


Speak with Velma at the Warehouse

Head to the warehouse and talk with Velma. Ask her about the poster to learn that she decided to sell it to someone else.


Get Grimm’s Tossball Poster

To get the poster, you have several options:

1. You can bribe Velma with bits.

2. If your Intimidate is high enough, you can force her to give it to you.

3. You can choose the Persuade option, and she will want you to finish The Secret People side quest first. Once you finish the quest, return to Velma and show her the item from the quest as proof. Use the Persuade option again, and she will give you the poster.

4. If your Lockpick is high enough, sneak into her office and steal it from her container.

5. Kill her and take the container key from her corpse. Use the key to open the container.

6. Pickpocket the container key off her if your Sneak is high enough. Use the key to open the container.

7. Talk to Nell at Left Field Bar. If your Lie is high enough, you can get her to give up the poster for Grimm. The other option here would be to ask her if she would trade for the poster. She says she only wanted the poster because her shipment of tossball jerseys got lost near Amber Heights. If you find the jerseys, she will let Grimm have the poster. If you choose to look for the jerseys, head out the Stellar Bay Ruins (South) gate and follow the objective south to arrive at a crash site up in the hills near the Amber Heights Crossroads. Take out the marauders camped there then enter one of the storage containers to find the jersey in a bin. Grab it and return to Nell to hand it over. Return to Velma and tell her that Nell no longer needs the poster to receive it.

8. Return to Grimm and tell him that Nell is buying the poster and there is nothing he can do about it (you monster!).


Deliver the Tossball Poster to Grimm

Head back to Grimm near the port and speak with him to hand over the poster, completing the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Stainless Steel Rat

by Chappie in


Obtained: Investigate the apartment room after being told about a dead body from Talmadge Kerr (he will come out of the apartment building).



  • Search the Apartment for Clues
  • Investigate Left Field Tossball Betting
  • Investigate Elijah and His Gang
  • Tell Sanjar about Isaac’s Murder


Search the Apartment for Clues

Examine the Tossball Betting Slip on the table and the bag hanging over the back of a chair in the corner of the room.


Investigate Left Field Tossball Betting

Follow the objective to the Left Field bar in the northwest corner of Stellar Bay and talk to Nell behind the counter.


Investigate Elijah and His Gang

Head to the alley behind The Yacht Club and talk to Elijah. If you choose to forget it or attack, you will have to fight them, which makes Sanjar unhappy. If your Intimidate is at 55, then you can diffuse the situation without a fight.


Tell Sanjar about Isaac’s Murder

Head to Sanjar who is located in the tallest building northwest of the transition to Stellar Bay Ruins (south) and tell him what happened to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Flowers for Sebastian

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Celia Robbins in Stellar Bay



  • Ask Sebastian on a Date for Celia
  • Give Celia the Good News


Ask Sebastian on a Date for Celia

Head behind the building Celia is in and speak to Sebastian Adams about Celia. In order to get him to go on the date you will need Persuade 30, Lie 20 or bribe him with 822 bits.


Give Celia the Good News

Head back to Celia and tell her that Sebastian will go on a date with her to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Passion Pills

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Nyoka in The Yacht Club at Stellar Bay.



  • Get Nyoka’s Medicine from the MSI Dispensary
  • Search Dr. Williams’ Body (Optional)
  • Return with Nyoka’s Caffenoid


Get Nyoka’s Medicine from the MSI Dispensary

Head for the dispensary on the western side of Stellar Bay and enter the building. Talk with Abigail Edwards and mention you need to pick up some medicine. Now depending on your skills, a couple things can happen. If you have Intimidate 55, you can make Abigail give you the pill, however she will be disappointed in you and refuse to talk to you anymore. You can also make a trip out to the graveyard and collect the Dispensary Supply Room Key from Dr. Williams’ body as suggested in the objective below. If you wish to avoid making a trip out to the graveyard, you can sneak upstairs and lockpick the door open. To do this, you will need Lockpick 30 and 3 mag-picks. Lastly, you can choose to hack into Dr. Williams terminal with Hacking 55 and increase Nyoka’s caffenoid allotment. If you do this, head back to Abigail and ask for the medicine.


Search Dr. Williams’ Body (Optional)

Exit Stellar Bay through the Stellar Bay Ruins (south) gate and follow the objective southwest down the road to reach the graveyard past the ruins. Examine Dr. Williams body and collect the Dispensary Supply Room Key.


Return with Nyoka’s Caffenoid

Head back to Nyoka in the Yacht Club and speak with her to hand over the pills completing the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Solution Vital

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Corporal Wheeler at Groundbreaker Customs and agree to do a favor for him.



  • Talk to Dr. Wanda Dorsett in the Sick Bay
  • Find Captain Irion on Scylla
  • Report to Dr. Dorsett


Talk to Dr. Wanda Dorsett in the Sick Bay

Head to the Medical Bay on Groundbreaker and talk with Dr. Wanda. Tell her Wheeler said her shipment won’t be coming soon and agree to look into it for her.


Find Captain Irion on Scylla

Travel to Scylla and follow the objective to the southwestern part of the map to locate Captain Irion being held captive by some outlaws. Take them out, then speak with Captain Irion.


Report to Dr. Dorsett

Head back to Wanda on Groundbreaker and speak with her to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Weapons From the Void

by Chappie in


Obtained: Read Log Entry 1 and 2 on the terminal in the captain’s quarters on the Unreliable.



  • Acquire the Science Weapon on Groundbreaker
  • Acquire Phineas’ Science Weapon
  • Acquire the Science Weapon on Scylla
  • Acquire the Science Weapon on Monarch
  • Acquire the Science Weapon in the Abandoned Lab


Acquire the Science Weapon on Groundbreaker

Purchase the Battered Mardet Datapad from Gladys in the Rest-n-Go at Groundbreaker. Head to the bunkroom, which can be reached by going through the room with the large red container next to Security. When you enter the bunkroom, look left and head up the stacked crates to reach the top of the bunks. Follow the bunks to reach a small hole at the end of the path. Crouch walk through the hole and take out the enemies in the room. Loot the Outlaw Squad Leader to receive the Repair Hangar Keycard and use it to open the locked door next to the workbench. Enter the room to find the Prismatic Hammer in a safe on top of the metal table straight ahead.


Acquire Phineas’ Science Weapon

Travel to Phineas’ Lab and make your way to the room where Phineas is located. The Shrink Ray will be sitting on a table to the right of him.


Acquire the Science Weapon on Scylla

Purchase the Hephaestus Mining – Archive Cartridge Hephaestos from Gladys then review the Hephaestus Mining Archive on Hawthorne’s Terminal. To do this, head to the Unreliable and use the Captain’s Terminal on the second floor. Choose the [Search Hephaestus Mining – Archive Cartridge for Keywords: “weapon”] option. Afterwards, set course for Scylla. Head to the Abandoned Mining Outpost to the east of the landing pad and search the building marked by the objective. The Mandibular Rearranger is in a safe sitting on the ground straight ahead.


Acquire the Science Weapon on Monarch

Purchase the Damaged UDL Datapad from Duncan’s Wholesome Dry Goods at Fallbrook on Monarch. After purchasing the datapad, head to the Monarch Wilderness and follow the objective slightly southeast of the center of the map to find the UDL Lab. Defeat the marauders that occupy the area, then enter the big building at the northwestern side of the area. The weapon can be found on the first floor in a sealed cylinder. Use the terminal next to it to open the cylinder and retrieve the Gloop Gun. To access the terminal, you will need to pass the Hack check or get the keycard from a table on the second floor of the building. You will then need to answer the security questions correctly to open the cylinder.


Terminal Security Question Answers:

  • Protect the Chairman
  • Berate him relentlessly to defend the Chairman’s honor
  • Arrest you spouse and admit your children to a reeducation program


Acquire the Science Weapon in the Abandoned Lab

Purchase the SubLight Datapad from Duncan’s Wholesome Dry Goods at Fallbrook on Monarch. This weapon can be found during the Space-Crime Continuum faction quest. It will be in a control room just after fighting the Mantiqueen. When you reach the elevator in the room, turn right and jump across to the platform. Climb up the yellow ladder and keep following the way forward to find the Mind Control Ray.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Distress Signal

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Vicar Max and ask him about the journal.



  • View the Distress Signal Recording on Your Ship
  • Search for Secrets in Roseway
  • Acquire The Weapon Plans
  • Acquire Vaughn’s Research
  • Acquire Anton’s Research
  • Return to Gladys on the Groundbreaker


View the Distress Signal Recording on Your Ship

Head to the Unreliable and talk with ADA to play the distress signal. This will unlock Roseway Landing Pad.


Search for Secrets in Roseway

Head for the Roseway Landing Pad on Terra 2 and disembark from the ship. Head down the ramp leading off of the landing pad and follow the objective west down a road. This will bring you to the Roseway Premium Outpost. Head into the outpost and enter the building on left to find Orson Shaw. Speak with him to learn about his weapon plans. Next head over to the Roseway Luxury Apartments to find Vaughn Cortes in the cafeteria on the first floor. Talk to him to learn about his research. Finally head to the Roseway Communication Room to locate Anton Crane and speak with him. Use Intimidate 25 if you have it to get Anton to tell you what’s really going on. Agree to help him out.


Acquire The Weapon Plans

The plans can be obtained during the Vulcan’s Hammer side quest.


Acquire Vaughn’s Research

The research can be obtained during The Amateur Alchemist side quest.


Acquire Anton’s Research

The research can be obtained during The Doom that Came to Roseway side quest.


 Return to Gladys on the Groundbreaker

Head back to Groundbreaker and talk with Gladys to complete the quest.

*NOTE: After acquiring all the research, you have the option to return them to their respective researchers or give it to Gladys. If you returned all the research to Orson, Vaughn and Anton, Gladys will still give you the following rewards:

  • 2,000 EXP
  • 8,000 EXP
  • Groundbreaker reputation increased
  • Purpleberry bunch
  • 300 bit cartridge

If you give Gladys all the research, you will get a 1875 bit cartridge for each item you bring her and get more experience. If you have Lie 35 or Science 20, you can talk her into thinking the toothpaste recipe is fuel and get a 3750 bit cartridge.