Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Cupid of the Laboratory

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Giles Molina in Byzantium who is located near the entrance of the Maintenance Tunnels and Halcyon Parcel Service.



  • Save the Sprats
  • Return to Giles


Save the Sprats

Head into the tunnels using the elevator to Giles’ right. Work your way through the tunnels to locate the 6 Lab Sprats. Giles preferred them alive, so chase after the little buggers until you catch them all. While you’re down there, you’ll have to be on the look out for the Sprat Exterminators as they will be hostile. Apparently, something else didn’t like the exterminators. When you start to see the corpses of the exterminators, you will find the culprit, who is guarding a Lab Sprat.


Return to Giles

Head back to Giles and talk with him to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Silent Voices

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk with Edna Ingmire after completing the Happiness is a Warm Spaceship side quest.



  • Travel to Relay GB-23
  • Reactivate the Relay Transmitter
  • Return the Data Backup to Edna Ingmire on the Groundbreaker


Travel to Relay GB-23

Head to Relay GB-23 via the Unreliable.


Reactivate the Relay Transmitter

If your lockpicking is high enough you can make your life simple by taking a quick right followed by unlocking the door at the end of the hallway to the right. In this room, there will be a terminal that you can use to turn off (if you pass a Hack check) the robots so you’re not reenacting the Terminator movies. Since the area you need to reach with the Relay Transmitter is sealed, you will need to take the long way around this area. Head to the other end of the hallway and enter through the open door. Keep heading straight and enter the door on the right to find a hallway riddled with traps. Carefully make your way through the hallway and keep pushing forward until you reach the room with the Relay Transmitter. Use the terminal to reactivate it.


Return the Data Backup to Edna Ingmire on the Groundbreaker

Travel back to Groundbreaker and talk with Edna in Engineering to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Ice Palace

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk with Lilya Hagen on the Groundbreaker after completing the Space-Crime Continuum faction quest



  • Grant SubLight Remote Access to the Station
  • Return to Lilya


Grant SubLight Remote Access to the Station

Travel to the HRS-1084 satellite via the Unreliable and head through the red doors. Head through another door to the left into end up in a big open room with a lot of shipping containers. Head to the northwestern side of the room to find a doorway. Shoot the mines on the other side of the doorway then head into the kitchen on the left to find a UDL Identity Cartridge on a chair. Exit the kitchen and follow the hallway and down a flight of stairs to reach a small room at the end containing a terminal. Use the terminal to modify the generator mode then exit the terminal to trigger a dialog even. A Corporate Commander will contact you on the nearby terminal. If your Persuade, Lie, or Intimidate is high enough, you can talk them into leaving, otherwise, they will attack and possibly turn on the satellite’s defenses. When your done, return to the big open room with all the storage containers.


Make your way to the office on the southeastern side of this room near the entrance to locate another terminal. Use the Blank UDL Card near the safe on the terminal to encode it. Exit the office and take the door on the northeastern side of the big open room. Head down the stairs while shooting the mines along the way. At the bottom of the stairs, use the card you just encoded to open the locked door. Head inside and use the terminal to turn off the checkpoint security. Exit the room and keep moving forward taking a right through a door passing the checkpoint security. Shoot the mine on the other side of the door then enter the hallway. Take a left in the hallway and head through the door leading to a restricted access room. Enter the room and straight ahead to find a set of stairs. Take them up then head through the second door. This will bring you to an office room. Use the terminal in this room to insert the SubLight Override Cartridge.


Return to Lilya

Head back to the Unreliable and travel back to Groundbreaker. Make your way to the SubLight building and talk with Lilya to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Who To Choose: MSI or Iconoclasts?

by Chappie in


Another of the Outer Worlds major choices places you at the center of a who should run Monarch. The factions in question are the MSI led by Sanjar and the Iconoclasts lead by Graham and Zora. Below is how each of the choices play out.


Choose to Help Sanjar

Below are the rewards for choosing to help Sanjar:

  • The remaining Iconoclasts will be hostile to you.
  • 22,860 EXP
  • 2188 Bit Cartridge
  • MSI Saltuna Searer (Plasma Flamethrower)

Choosing to help Sanjar sees you defending Stellar Bay from an Iconoclast assault led by Graham and Zora. You will have to fight your way to them and take both of them out. This will give Sanjar control of Monarch and a seat on the Board. Life in the Bay will be better as the Iconoclasts will no longer be pressuring the residents of Stellar Bay. Also choosing this route makes all remaining Iconoclasts (included Amber Heights) hostile towards you. I would put this as a neutral ending. Sure Sanjar is on the board, but he’s no where close to being ready to wear the big pants.


Choose to Help Graham

Below are the rewards for choosing to help Graham:

  • 22,860 EXP
  • 2188 Bit Cartridge
  • The Good Word (Heavy Machine Gun)

Choosing to help Graham puts in you charge of leading an assault on Stellar Bay. This forces you to eliminated Sanjar, putting the Icnonclasts in charge of Monarch. Graham will be thrilled that he can now take to the stars to spread his teaching. This option leaves you without an ally on the board. I would classify this as probably the worst outcome of the four choices.


Choose to Help Zora

Below are the rewards for choosing to help Zora:

  • 22,860 EXP
  • 2188 Bit Cartridge
  • The Good Word (Heavy Machine Gun)

This is virtually the same as helping Graham, except for Zora will be in charge, who I think will definitely be better capable of leading.


Choose to Bring the Two Factions Together

Below are the rewards for choosing to unite the two factions:

  • 22,860 EXP
  • 2188 Bit Cartridge
  • Soft Speaker (2 Handed Melee Weapon)

Choosing this option is only available if you looked at the data Sanjar asked you to delete during the BOLT with His Name faction quest. You will have to side with Zora over Graham and convince both Sanjar and Zora to work together. Going with this choice will see both Sanjar and Zora represent Monarch on the board, which is something that Zora is really good at. I would say this is probably the best outcome out of the four different options.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Star-Crossed Troopers

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk with Nyoka after leaving Stellar Bay for the Monarch Wilderness.



  • Visit Hayes’ Grave with Nyoka
  • Give Nyoka the Medallion
  • Ask Hiram for Help
  • Search the Outpost
  • Talk to Nyoka
  • Collect 3 Pheromone Glands from Pungent Primals
  • Speak to Nyoka
  • Clear Out Nyoka’s Old Base
  • Search the Hive for the Remains of Nyoka’s Friends
  • Inspect the Mantisaur Feeding Grounds
  • Exterminate the Queen and her Hive
  • Speak to Nyoka


Visit Hayes’ Grave with Nyoka

Follow the objective northwest of Devil’s Peak Caverns and northeast of Cascadia. Defeat the Raptidons around the grave then examine it.


Give Nyoka the Medallion

Talk to Nyoka and hand over the item.


Ask Hiram for Help

Follow the objective northeast up the mountain to reach Devil’s Peak Summit. Work your way through the enemies there and enter Devil’s Peak Station (large building that is kinda hard to miss). Once inside, head a short way forward to reach the cafeteria. Exit the cafeteria via the door on the right and head straight through the sitting area to come to a red-lit room. On the left side there will be a huge console with an intercom. Interact with the intercom to talk to Hiram, who will unlock the elevator. Head back to the cafeteria and go up the elevator. After you exit the elevator, head to the right and go down the hallway to enter a room with a platform in the middle. Exit this room via the door on the left to enter a room with a giant cylinder in the middle. Exit this room via the door on the left and head up the stairs. Head through the door at the top and proceed to the back of the room. Use the intercom next to the sealed door. Once Hiram opens it, head inside and speak to him. Tell him that Nyoka needs a favor. If your Persuade, Intimidate or Lie is high enough, you can use those to convince him to help.


Search the Outpost

Head to the Unreliable and set course for Edgewater Landing on Terra 2. Follow the objective west of the Geothermal Power Plant to arrive at the Abandoned Spacer’s Choice Settlement. Take care of the marauders here then head for the most western house across from the vending machine. Examine the keycard panel to the right of the locked door for Nyoka to butt in and fix it for you. Enter the building then inspect the bodies in the back room, collect the medallions from them and examine the Rusty Journal on the bed.


Talk to Nyoka

Speak to Nyoka to hand over the medallions.


Collect 3 Pheromone Glands from Pungent Primals

Travel to Scylla and follow the objectives to the locations of some pungent primals. Defeat them then harvest their pheromone glands.


Speak to Nyoka

Talk with Nyoka to hand over the glands.


Clear Out Nyoka’s Old Base

Travel back to Monarch and follow the objective southwest of C&P Boarst Factory to arrive at Nyoka’s old base. Use the console next to the door to enter the password opening the door. Prepare for battle! Enter the Mantisaur Hive and clear out those things.


Search the Hive for the Remains of Nyoka’s Friends

Collect the medallions from the corpses of Opal and Clara. Opal is behind the mantisaur feeding grounds and Clara can be found near the storage area.


Inspect the Mantisaur Feeding Grounds

Interact with the feeding ground to place the glands.


Exterminate the Queen and her Hive

Exterminate all the things. EXTERMINATE!!!


Speak to Nyoka

Talk with Nyoka to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Friendship’s Due

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk with Felix on the Unreliable.



  • Bring Felix to Meet with Harlow
  • Find Trask
  • Confront Trask
  • (Optional) Find Trask’s Stashed Evidence
  • Return to Harlow with Felix
  • Speak with Felix on the Ship


Bring Felix to Meet with Harlow

Head to the Harrow’s Base landing pad on Scylla. Enter the large building and talk with Harlow.


Find Trask

Head to Groundbreaker and talk to Rosana who can be found leaning against the wall in the Lost Hope. If you tell her that you are not one of Harrow’s thugs using the persuade option, she will reveal where Trask might be.


Confront Trask

Head to the Edgewater Landing Pad on Terra 2 and make your way to the objective in the northern part of the map to find Rufus Trask in the North Gulch (the entrance to where he is located is east of the Botanical Lab guarded by some beasts). Talk to Trask. You can either attack him or let him explain his side. If you let him explain his side, you will have the below optional objective and can request Trask to give you his ring.


(Optional) Find Trask’s Stashed Evidence

Head back to Harrow’s Base and enter the giant building. Take an immediate right and head into the hallway on the left. Loot the Stashed Receipts from the vent on the left.


Return to Harlow with Felix

Head back and talk with Harlow. You will have several different options on how this plays out. As you choose your dialog options, there will be three outcomes: Felix will leave your party, Felix will remain in your party and Felix will remain in your party but you will have to kill Harlow.


Speak with Felix on the Ship

Travel to the Unreliable and talk to Felix (if he’s still in your party) to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – The Empty Man

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Vicar Max and ask him about the journal.



  • Locate a Security Terminal on the Groundbreaker
  • Give the Data Cartridge to Vicar Max
  • Track Down Reginald Chaney
  • Search Reginald Chaney’s Domicile
  • Find Reginald Chaney
  • Take Max to the Hermit on Scylla
  • Partake in the Medicine Aid to Join Max on his Vision Quest
  • Help Max Fulfill his Vision Quest
  • Check Max’s Mental State


Locate a Security Terminal on the Groundbreaker

Exit the ship after landing on the Groundbreaker (put Vicar Max in your party) and make your way to the platform with the “CUSTOMS” sign. Facing the sign, head left and take a a small flight of stairs down. At the bottom of the steps turn left and look on the nearby crates to find Mardet ID Cartridge. Then head up the steps a short distance away to the northwest. Lockpick the sealed door with the Restricted Access sign and head in. This will trigger the Holographic Shroud allowing you to sneak into customs (the shroud can be found in the captain’s quarters on the Unreliable if you haven’t grabbed it yet). Head through the supply room to arrive in another room filled with Mardets and glass windows. In this room, take a left through another doorway to arrive in front of some holding cells. Head to the red door and hack it to locate the security terminal. Access the terminal and eject the Docking Records Data Cartridge.


Give the Data Cartridge to Vicar Max

Talk with Vicar Max and give him the data cartridge.


Track Down Reginald Chaney

Travel to Fallbrook on Monarch (with Vicar Max in tow) and look for the SubLight Dry Goods & Sundry store. Enter the building to the right of that store to find Reginald’s domicile.


Search Reginald Chaney’s Domicile

Examine Reginald Chaney’s Gold Panning Log in the cupboard next to his bed.


Find Reginald Chaney

Make your way to the eastern part of Fallbrook then follow the river north to locate Reginald standing next to a campfire. Speak with him and choose what ever dialog options you fancy.


Take Max to the Hermit on Scylla

Travel to Scylla and follow the objective to the northeastern part of the map. This will bring you to a little settlement. Enter the red building next to the cylinder tower along the northeastern part of the settlement to find the Hermit’s Lodge. Locate the hermit in her home and speak with her.


Partake in the Medicine Aid to Join Max on his Vision Quest

After agreeing to taking all the drugs with Max, head into the back room of the Hermit’s Lodge and breath deeply.


Help Max Fulfill his Vision Quest

Choose the dialog options you want as the ending is still the same.


Check Max’s Mental State

Talk with Max after waking up to complete the quest.


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Don’t Bite the Sun

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Parvati on the Unreliable after completing the Drinking Sapphire Wine companion quest.



  • Shop for Cleansing Products
  • Speak to Parvati
  • Buy a Dustback Casserole
  • Find Sweetheart Cakes
  • Give Parvati the Food
  • Find Parvati Fancy Clothes
  • Speak to Parvati
  • Talk to Parvati on the Ship
  • Check in on the Date
  • Chat with Parvati on the Ship


Shop for Cleansing Products

Talk to Gladys at the Rest-n-Go on Groundbreaker and tell her that our engineer is looking to do some deep cleansing. You will be able to choose the smell to be rose-ish, mock-apple and synthamon or refurbished ship. Picking rose-ish will cause Junlei to sneeze during the date while picking refurbished ship will have Junlei asking Parvati if she got new parts in.


Speak to Parvati

After obtaining the products, talk to Parvati to hand them over.


Buy a Dustback Casserole

Head to Stellar Bay on Monarch and obtain a Duckback Casserole from Chef Raymond. You can purchase it for 3000 bits or if you have Intimidate 50 you can force him to make it for free.


Find Sweetheart Cakes

Head to Cascadia in the southwestern part of the map and fight your way through the enemies to reach the building marked by the objective.  Pick up the Sweetheart Cakes laying on the counter.


Give Parvati the Food

Talk to Parvati and hand over both items.


Find Parvati Fancy Clothes

Head to Byzantium on Terra 2 and talk to Celeste Jolicoeur in Jolicoeur’s Haberdashery. To get an outfit for Parvati, you will need to pay 6000 bits or if you use Persuade it will cost you 3000 bits.


Speak to Parvati

Talk to Parvati.


Talk to Parvati on the Ship

Head back to the Unreliable and travel to Groundbreaker. Once you arrive, speak with Parvati to finally get this date started.


Check in on the Date

Head to the kitchen on the 3rd floor to observe the date (like a weirdo). With everything going so well, venture out into Groundbreaker to give them some privacy.


Chat with Parvati on the Ship

Head back to the Unreliable and check in with Parvati. This will finally complete the quest!


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Canid’s Cradle

by Chappie in


Obtained: This quest is automatically obtained after you flip the switch at Devil’s during the Radio Free Monarch main quest.



  • See Where the Ship Lands
  • Retrieve the Gunship’s Targeting Module
  • Convince MSI and the Iconoclasts to Negotiate (Optional)
    • Speak to Zora / Sanjar
    • Retrieve Zora’s Review
    • Speak to Zora / Sanjar
    • Oversee the Negotiation
  • Give the Module to Sanjar (Optional)
    • Defeat the Iconoclasts
    • Speak to Sanjar
  • Give the Module to Graham (Optional)
    • Defeat MSI
    • Speak to Graham
  • Give the Module to Zora
    • Confront Graham
    • Defeat MSI
    • Speak to Zora


See Where the Ship Lands

Just watch the ship.


Retrieve the Gunship’s Targeting Module

Follow the objective to the northeast of Cascadia to locate the Gunship Crash Site. Be mindful of all the extra large enemies along the way. Once you finally make it to the ship, enter it and use the terminal to obtain Captain Matsu’s Command Key. Use the key to open the locked door behind you. Head inside and climb up the ladder straight ahead. Once at the top, go through the door to find the Targeting Module. Pull both levers on either side of the module to release it and then pick it up.


Convince MSI and the Iconoclasts to Negotiate

NOTE: To do this option, you will need to have read Sanjar’s review during the BOLT with His Name faction quest.

Travel to Stellar Bay and talk with Sanjar. Choose the “Could you agree to a truce with the Iconoclasts?” option and continue the dialog picking what ever choice you fancy. When the option “What about Graham’s second-in-command, Zora?” appears, select it and give Sanjar her review (see Zora’s Review below if you don’t have it). Finish talking with him then travel to Amber Heights and speak with Zora. Agree with her to depose of Graham then kill Graham. With that out of the way, talk to Zora again and choose the “Hold on. I was thinking you and Sanjar could join forces” dialog option. You will need to pass a Persuade, Intelligence or Perception check to convince her.


Travel to Amber Heights and talk with Zora outside of the room Graham is in. Agree to help her depose Graham then confront him. Once you kill Graham, speak with Zora and choose the “Hold on. I was thinking you and Sanjar could join forces” dialog option. You will need to pass a Inspiration, Persuade, Intelligence or Perception check to convince her. Now travel to Stellar Bay and talk with Sanjar. Choose the “Could you agree to a truce with the Iconoclasts?” option and continue the dialog options picking what ever choice you fancy. When the option “What about Graham’s second-in-command, Zora?” appears, select it and give Sanjar her review (see Zora’s Review below if you don’t have it) to convince him.

*Note: Zora’s review can be found in Cascadia on an HR terminal. The terminal is located on the first floor of the building connected to the large fallen “Bottling Plant” sign.


After getting both Sanjar and Zora on board, head to OSI Church located in the Stellar Bay Ruins (South) to kick off the negations. Just choose what ever dialog options you want as they all lead to the same ending.


Give the Module to Sanjar (Optional)

Travel back to Stellar Bay and hand over the module to Sanjar. This will cause the Iconoclasts to attack the city. Make your way to the Stellar Bay Ruins (North) and start taking out the Iconoclasts. Defeat Graham and Zora to win the battle. You will then need to head back and speak to Sanjar to complete the quest. *NOTE: This choice will cause the remaining Iconoclasts at Amber Heights to become hostile.


Give the Module to Graham (Optional)

Travel to Amber Heights and hand over the module to Graham. When you finish talking with him, exit the city and start following the road to Stellar Bay. You will be fighting MSI troops along the way. As you approach the northern Stellar Bay gate, Sanjar will appear. Defeat him then return to Graham and speak with him to complete the quest.


Give the Module to Zora (Optional)

Travel to Amber Heights and head towards Graham. Zora will stop you at the door and want to team up to depose him. Agree to her proposal and confront Graham together. The confrontation ends with you killing Graham. Talk to Zora afterwards to hand over the module then leave Amber Heights. Follow the road to Stellar Bay fighting the MSI troops along the way. Defeat Sanjar then return to Zora and speak with her to complete the quest.


*For more details regarding this choice, click here!


Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds – Sucker Bait

by Chappie in


Obtained: Talk to Zora at Amber Heights after completing the Pay for the Printer faction quest.



  • Open the Sealed Door
  • Search the Area
  • Return to Zora


Open the Sealed Door

Follow the objective to the Abandoned Relay Station northwest of Forlorn Crossroads and enter the code you were given as part of the quest in the terminal to open the door.


Search the Area

Head through the newly opened door and loot the second yellow bin on the left.


Return to Zora

Head back to Zora and give her the data cartridges to complete the quest.