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Baldur’s Gate III – Infiltrate Moonrise Towers

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Infiltrate Moonrise Towers is the first quest of Act II in Baldur’s Gate III. Having reached the Shadow-Cursed Lands, the party’s mission is to infiltrate the cult of the Absolute to learn more about them.


  • Reach Moonrise Towers
    • Seek Protection from the Shadow Curse
    • Resolve the Abduction
    • Find Ketheric Thorm’s Relic

Reach Moonrise Towers

Coming from Underdark

For this section, we arrived in the shadow-cursed lands from the Underdark. Follow the main path until a cutscene with a group of Harper triggers. After a couple of dialog options, you’ll be thrown into a fight against a group of Shadows. Defeat them then one of the Harpers will mark Last Light Inn on your map as a place of refuge.

Seek Protection from the Shadow Curse

Make your way to the Last Light Inn which will be west from where you met the Harpers. As soon as you enter the town a cutscene will trigger and you’ll be interrogated. Mol will come to your rescue if you saved the grove (and will even bring up you saving her friends from the harpies and the snake… if you did). You’ll then have the option to show the artefact to your interrogator and tell her everything that’s happened. As long as you don’t attack her, you should be permitted to stay in the town. Feel free to look around and speak with the people there. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, locate Jaheira and speak with her. This will kick off a conversation where she toasts your health. If you pass a Medicine skill check, you’ll notice truth serum has been added to your drink. She’ll ask you to drink anyway but the choice is yours. If you comply, your whole party will disapprove. Refuse to drink and most of your party with approve. Jaheira will then ask if she can trust you. The choice is yours! (We said she could trust us). Toward the end of the conversation, she will send you upstairs to speak with Isobel. Make sure you are healed up first because this is going to lead to a fight. (See Resolve the Abduction below for more info).

After the fight, head to the entrance of the town and speak with the Harpers standing on the bridge. They will tell you about an ambush to get what the cultists are using to move through the shadows. Agree to meet them there, then set out for the ambush site south of the town.

Approach them to trigger a cutscene with a group of enemies walking along with a lantern. One of them will notice you giving you the opportunity to attack them. You can also pass a series of skill checks to make them give you the lantern and bugger off (that’s what we did). Head over to the lantern and pick it up. Inside, causing it to glow is a pixie. She’ll say if you don’t free her, she’ll die. If you choose to keep her in the lantern she’ll be super salty and you’ll have safe passage through the shadow. If you release, you can ask her for help with the shadow curse. She will then give you a bell with a permanent blessing to ward it off. You’ll now be free to reach Moonrise Towers. Continue on with the Infiltrate the Cult of the Absolute objective below.

Resolve the Abduction

Enter Isobel’s room then head for the balcony to find her there. Speak with Isobel to being a cutscene leading to a conversation with the cleric. As the end of the conversation nears, someone shows up to kidnap her. You’ll have the choice to stand with Isobel or side with Marcus. For now, we are siding with Isobel. This leads to a fight against Marcus and a handful of Winged Horrors. You’ll need to defeat all of the enemies before they reduce Isobel’s health to 0. This will cause her to get knocked out and they will leave with her. Make sure she stays healed and take out the enemies as quickly as you can.

Infiltrate the Cult of the Absolute

Once you reach Moonrise Towers, you’ll be greeted by another True Soul. As long as you don’t attack them you’ll be allowed entry. You can also sell out the Harpers but we aren’t doing that this playthrough. Head inside to reach the entrance hall then pass through the Absolute’s Door to trigger a cutscene. When prompted, do with the goblins what you will (note that Disciple Z’rell which check later) then head up the stairs behind the throne to find Z’rell and speak with her. After reviewing how you dealt with the goblins, she’ll assault your mind to see if you are a true believer of the Absolute. You’ll need to pass a skill check to distract her. She’ll then say she has a mission for you and sends you to the Mausoleum. (You also have the option to attack her here, but we are playing the role of spy for now).

Before heading off to the Mausoleum, head to Balthazar’s room past the library where Z’rell is and use the key she gave you to unlock the door. Head over to the bookshelf and look for the Protruding Book on the bottom right side. Interact with it to unlock the altar to the right of the bookshelf. Next loot the corpse in the room or Viscera’s pile of flex for a heart then interact with the altar and combine the heart with it. This will open a secret door behind the bookshelf. Head inside and read the Research Notes.

Investigate the Thorm Mausoleum

So there are a couple of ways you can start this objective. The first is by following the story and speaking with Disciple Z’rell who will send you here on your first mission. The other is by talking with the Brewer at the Waning Moon near Moonrise Towers and questioning him in a drinking game. Once you get this objective, make your way to the Mausoleum north of Moonrise Towers and head inside (if you haven’t been here yet, Raphael with waiting. Make sure you bring Astarion with you as it’s needed for his companion quest).

Once inside make your way to the northern part of the area to find a sarcophagus belonging to Isobel Thorm. There will be 3 portraits with buttons under them that you’ll need to push in the correct order. That order is SW (tower), SW (Thorm with wife) then N (Thorm sitting on Thorn). This will open a secret path in the northern wall. Follow the newly opened path and use the traversal gem at the end to reach the Gauntlet of Shar. (You also might want to have Shadowheart in your party as this is tied to her companion quest).

Follow the path north and through the doorway at the end to reach a room with a statue of Shar in the middle with a gem in front of it protected by an invisible barrier. There are also a ton of traps scattered around the room that you’ll need to watch out for. To pass forward, you’ll need to reach and interact with the gem. Start by heading to the four crypts (watch out for the floor traps in each one) on both sides of the statue then flip the levers in each one. This will lower 4 Mystyic Thuribles from the roof to surround the statue putting the total number of thruibles to 8. You’ll then need to interact with each one to put the flame out to cause the barrier to appear. You can now follow the path to reach the gem, but you’ll want to ungroup a single character and use them to do it.

Please Note: If you have someone equipped with the Blood of Lathander mace, then the light it sheds will prevent the barrier from showing.

You can pass through the door north of the statue leading to a hallway. Head up the stairs and to the left to find a group of skeletons who will speak with you. After a couple of lines of dialog, you’ll be attacked by shadows. Focus on destroying all 3 Umbral Termors first to stop them from spawning in more skeletons then focus on the remaining enemies. After the battle, follow the path west past the Ancient Sigil Circle to find another group of skeletons. Approaching them will trigger an event leading to another battle with the dead. As before focus on the Umbral Tremors first, except this time a few more will spawn each turn for a few turns. Once that fight is done, the door the skeletons were guarding opens allowing you to speak with Balthazar.

During this conversation, you can either present yourself as an ally or take him out! For now, we chose to play along. He’ll send you to search for the Nightsong. To reach it, follow our Daughter of Darkness guide here as it relates to Shadowheart’s companion quest. Your choice with the Nightsong determines how the rest of the act plays out.

Assault Moonrise Towers (Saved Nightsong)

Having saved the Nightsong, the assault on Moonrise Towers has commenced. Beforehand, you can stop off at Last Light and speak with Isobel there to tell her what’s happening. After that, head to Moonrise Towers and enter the fray! Approach the tower to catch up with Jaheira via a cutscene where you’ll be able to tell her the plan of attack. You can also convince her to join your party as a secondary member if you want and you’ll also want to loot the dead to find a couple of tadpoles if you’re using their powers.

Head inside to start a battle with Disciple Z’rell, Glourik, a small army of zealots and Lann Tarv. If you freed the gnolls in the kitchen earlier, they will also join as allies. After the battle head up to the next level where you’ll have to face Radija and her undead minions. If you kill one, she’ll use an incubation spell that explodes and summons another one. Once they are dealt with, head through the Ornate Door.

You’ll now be face-to-face with Ketheric and dialog with ensue. No matter what choices you make, you’ll have to fight the boss man. He’ll also be joined by his faithful hound, Susdera and a handful of Necromites. When his health gets low, a cutscene will trigger where Ketheric will be teleported away. You’ll have to mop up any stragglers before you can pursue. Also, make sure to loot the Bone Key off of Susdera and use it to loot the chest near where Ketheric was. This quest will also be completed.

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Baldur’s Gate III – Defeat Ketheric Thorm

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Defeat Ketheric Thorm is the final story quest for Act II in Baldur’s Gate. During this quest, you’ll need to discover where the boss man fled and end his reign of tyranny for good!

Follow Ketheric Thorm

Still on the Moonrise Towers Rooftop after Thorm fled, head to the northeastern tower where the tentacle came from to find Jajeira. Speak with her there and you’ll once again be able to get her to join the party if you want. It’s also worth noting that you can rest now on the rooftop. You also may want to bring Wyll with you as the next area is where the demon and possibly the Grand Duke can be found. When you’re ready to pressure Throm, interact with the Hollow Tower near Jaheira and select yes when prompted to leap in.

Search the Colony for Ketheric

When you regain control of your party, you’ll be in the Mind Flayer Colony. There are a couple of things to do here before pursuing Thorm and they will be listed below. Another thing to keep in mind, if you follow that path east from where you started, you’ll end up by an elevator leading forward for the story quest. Near it will be a Restoration device that will heal your party to full health along with restoring their spell slots. You can use this device multiple times as needed.

The Blade of Frontiers – Rescue the Asset / Find Zevlor in the Tadpoling Centre

The first stop on our trip to the colony is the Tadpoling Centre. To reach it, head east from where you start in the area and take the first left (after keeping left at the fork). Interact with the Neural Apparatus in the room to learn that some pods have Mind Flayers while others have captives yet to be implanted. To save them (and the asset for Wyll), you’ll need to release the pods and fight off a horde of Mind Flayers and Intellect Devourers. Luckily the other captives will also join in the fight and aid you. A word of caution, the Mind Flayers swarmed my party ignoring the others. so you have that to look forward to. After defeating them, you’ll begin a conversation with Zevlor. Regardless of what option you pick, he will help survivors escape all the same and the Find Zevlor side quest will be completed.

Before leaving the room, head to the northern section of it to find Mizora in a pod. Interact with the pod (while Wyll is in the party) to learn that she is the asset you were to free. You’ll then have to either pass a Strength skill check to smash the pod or connect your mind to the machine. If you choose the device on the left then Mizora will be purged and Wyll will be killed along with her. Activating the device on the right will free her from the pod. She’ll then tell Wyll that she will free him within six months per his contract. If you pass the Persuasion skill check asking for a reward, Mizora will give Wyll the very rare Infernal Rapier. You’ll then want to speak with him afterward.

Deal with Kressa and her Goons

Head directly east of the Tadpoling Centre to find Kressa giving her goons a pep talk. Approach her to trigger a dialog event where you can convince her you were sent to help if you pass a Deception skill check. After that, you can attack her and get extra exp.

Deal with the Death Shepard in the Necrotic Laboratory

You can find the Death Shepard in the southcentral area of the colony. You’ll be thrown into combat upon entering the room it’s in with the Death Shepard, a few Winged Horror and a whole lot of zombies. The Death Shepard will also keep spawning enemies each turn as well. Once you defeat them all, head to the southwestern part of the room (you’ll have to jump twice to reach it). Interact with the console then solve the brain puzzle. You’ll have to link each brain to its counterpart at the other end. Doing so will open a door allowing you to interact with the Desecrated Relief.

Free Us

Remember at the beginning of the game when you had the option to pull the brain out of the body? Well if you did (and you weakened it to make it subservient) then you can find the little guy locked in a cage heading south down the path where you started on the ship.

Speak to Us and it will ask for help freeing it from its cage. To do this, take care of Chop (who has the key) and the immediate intellect devours. You can then use the key to open the cage freeing Us. It will then join you as a Summonable Cantrip.

Kill Ketheric Thorm

When you’re done exploring, head to the elevator mentioned in the first section of the guide and use it to descend. Follow that path at the bottom to reach a door and beyond it, the Absolute! After a very interesting cutscene, approach Thorm to trigger a conversation. If you can pass a persuasion check, he’ll off himself bringing you to phase two of the fight. If not, then you’ll have to face him and his army of Mind Flayers, Necromites and Intellect Devourers. To damage him, you’ll need to free Nightsong from her chains by running over to her and helping her up. Once he’s dealt with, a level 11 Apostle of Myrkul will enter the fray. If you convinced Ketheric to off himself, you’ll skip right to the Apostle and still have to free Nightsong to damage it. As soon as the Apostle of Myrkul goes down, the fight will end triggering a cutscene. You’ll then be able to loot Ketheric and grab the stone he was wearing to trigger another cutscene with the Dream Visitor. Loot Ketheric again after the cutscene, then use the portal to return to the surface. The quest will also be completed.

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Baldur’s Gate III – Optional Things to Do During Act II

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In this Act II Things To Do guide for Baldur’s Gate III guide, we’ll list as many of the optional things you can do during Act II that we come across. I say as many because this game is huge! We’ll also link things to our other guides if you need some more info where it makes sense to do so. Happy Adventuring!

  • Side quests
    • Shadow-Cursed Lands
  • Last Light Inn
    • Speak with Alfira (sided with Grove in Act I)
    • Buy the Tower-Shaped Key from Mattis (sided with Grove in Act I)
    • Speak with Mol and Raphael (sided with Grove in Act I)
    • Interact with His Majesty
  • Ruined Battlefield
    • Play hide-n-seek with Oliver near the Shadowed Battlefield fast travel point
      • Do not kill him
  • Near Moonrise Towers
    • Explore the Mason’s Guild
    • Save Arabella
    • Deal with the Toll Master in the Tollhouse
    • Save Rolan from the Shadows
    • Explore the Waning Moon
    • Find the Lover’s Caress and True Love’s Embrace rings
      • True Love’s Embrace can be found on a skeleton behind the counter on the left side of the room past the main entrance of the House of Healing.
      • The Lover’s Caress can be found on a skeleton in the graveyard directly northeast of the House of Healing
  • Moonrise Towers
    • Get the three soul coins from Lann Tarv
      • Requires Karlach in the party
    • Free Barnabus in the kitchens
    • Make a deal with Araj Oblodra near the kitchens
    • Speak with Araj Oblodra with Astarion in your party
      • Get a potion that gives +2 strength if you do it
    • Explore Balthazar’s room
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Immortals of Aveum – Chapter 3: Yltheum Collectibles Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Chapter 3: Yltheum Collectibles Guide for Immortals of Aveum! In this guide we’ll cover all the collectibles that you can find during the Yltheum mission.

Return to the Tower

Lore: Spell Altars, Annotated

This lore can be found in the ruins behind the blue locked door on the ground of the upper ledge just before the spell altar.

Gold Chest: Cinder Ring

After unlocking the Blastwave in the ruins, you’ll jump down to the same courtyard where you previously fought a bunch of enemies and will need to fight some more. Afterwards, use each of the different colored spells on their corresponding crystals to unlock the door thus revealing the chest.

Follow the Hand of Sandrakk

Lore: Druahmen Fanesong

After dropping down into the temple, you’ll find this lore on the ground in the large open area with a bunch of walkable platforms.

Reach the Battlefield

Lore: Shroudfanes and Sentience

After exiting the temple, look on your right to find a blue barrier. Just before the barrier you’ll find this lore on the ground.

For more guides on Immortals of Aveum, click here!

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Immortals of Aveum – Chapter 2: The Magnus Collectibles Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Chapter 2: The Magnus Collectibles Guide for Immortals of Aveum! In this guide we’ll cover all the collectibles that you can find during Chapter 2.

Complete Your Training

Lore: Lost Diary

This collectible can be found on the stone bench in the room where you grab the health crystal.

Lore: Case Report: Changewinds

This lore can be found on a pedestal in a small nook in the same room you get your Shatter ability.

For more guides on the Immortals of Aveum, click here!

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Immortals of Aveum – Chapter 1: Streetwise Collectibles Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Chapter 1: Streetwise Collectibles Guide for Immortals of Aveum! In this guide we’ll cover all the collectibles that you can find during Chapter 1.

Follow Luna

Lore: Eviction Notice

This lore can be found on a table in a room off the main path after riding the second chain elevator up.

Lore: Lurge Notice

From the previous collectible, head outside the left doorway to find this collectible on a small barrel. It will be just before the shooting tutorial.

Speak to Luna

Lore: Lightless in the Lights Army

This collectible can be found on the table next to Babs.

Lore: Enlistment Contract

On the dresser in Luna’s room on the upper floor.

Lore: Luna’s Deed

This lore can be found in the picture frame hanging on the wall in Luna’s room above her nightstand.

Follow Luna

Lore: Enlistment Pamphlet

After dinner, you’ll follow Luna and will drop down a ledge on the main path. This collectible will be just before the chain elevator on the table.

Lore: Wanted Notice

Just after taking the chain elevator, follow down the main path a short ways to find this collectible on a crate in the main path. It will be near where Luna is asking Jak what’s wrong.

Search the Manor

Lore: Letter from Lavenry

After zip-lining into the manor, loot this collectible from the table on the left.

Lore: Letter of Warning

Down the southern hallway on the first floor, enter the bedroom to find this letter on the floor.

Lore: Unforeseen and Unbidden

Down the northern hallway on the first floor, loot the bookshelf near the fountain to find this lore.

For more guides on Immortals of Aveum, click here!

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Baldur’s Gate III – Githyanki Creche Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Towards the end of Act I in Baldur’s Gate III, you’ll find yourself at a Githyanki Crech in the Mountain Pass. According to Lae’zel they have a way to purify the parasite. This guide will cover the quests you can find there and how to complete them.

Find the True Blood of Lathander

This quest can be started by looting the Strange Chunk of Amber from the Display Case in the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the Rosymorn Monastery. One of my party members detected that the artefact was fake prompting us to search for the real one. You can pass the item around to different party members to see if they will pass the check. The other way to get this quest is by finding all of the Ceremonial Weapons and placing them on their pedestals (which you’ll need to do anyway) then reading the Note to the next Dawnmaster note in the pouch you’ll be rewarded.

To start, you’ll need to find 3 ceremonial weapons scattered around the monastery and place them on their pedestal (unless you looted the Ceremonial Longsword, then you’ll also need to put that back!) in the room with a giant stained glass image on the floor in the northern part of the monastery. The order from left to right when entering the room is Battle Axe, Longsword, Warhammer and Mace. After doing this, the wall will open up between the Longsword and Warhammer allowing you to grab the Dawnmaster’s Crest from a pouch. Listed below is where you can find the Ceremonial Battle Axe, Mace and Warhammer.

Ceremonial Battle Axe

The battle axe can be found in a barricaded room with a Guardian of Faith on the east side of the building. You can jump over the things blocking the door or destroy them to gain entry. Doing so will invoke the wrath of the guardian. Defeat it then you’ll be able to grab the axe. It will either be on the floor or looted off of the guardian. Please note, I defeated the guardian before having the quest and it disappeared. When I went back, his corpse was there and the axe was on the ground. I had reloaded the game for this to happen.

Ceremonial Mace

The mace can be looted from a Kobold (you’ll have to fight a group of them) in the wine cellar of the monetary which is on the west side of the building. To reach it, head to the room where all of the Gremishka were then make your way to the northwestern part of the room. You can then jump down to the level below to reach the cellar. This is a bit of a jump and will result in you taking some damage. You can mitigate that by casting Feather Fall.

Ceremonial Warhammer

The Warhammer is located on the roof of the building in an eagle’s nest. To reach, head to the room where the pack of Gremishka made their next then look for some boards blocking a doorway. Break them and head through bringing you to an area with a small pool. There will be some vines there you can climb up to reach the roof. If you try to grab the weapon, the birds will turn hostel and you’ll have to fight them. This includes putting down for or trying to pick it up while invisible.

Dawnmaster’s Crest

With the Dawnmaster’s Crest, head to the room where you fought the Inquisitor (or will fight) then go to the western part of the room to find two statues. Facing the western wall, the one on the right needs to be turned so that it’s facing east. The one on the left needs to be turned so that it’s facing west. In order to turn the statue to the left, you’ll need to pass an Acrobatics check first which rolls when you interact with the statue. You can use Lae’zel’s Anstral Knowledge and select Dexterity to make this a little easier. Once the statues are in the correct position, the western wall will lower revealing a hidden path. Follow the path down the steps and head through the giant doors with the sun on them at the end to reach the Secret Chamber.

In the chamber, the way forward will be blocked by a barrier. Destroy the energy source to the left to the door to drop it then head inside. This will trigger turn-based mode as a trap is set off. Head over to the Dawnbreaker in the middle of the room and disarm it by passing a skill check. You’ll then need to cross a gap to the other side to disable two energy sources and another Dawnbreak. We did this by having Gale cast fly on another party member then flew over to the other side.

Once you get the barrier down, continue heading west to reach a platform with the Blood of Lathander on it. Place the crest in the pedestal under it to release the weapon and claim it for yourself completing the quest.

Steal a Githyanki Egg

You can pick up this quest from Lady Esther near the Trielta Crags fast travel point. She will ask you to still a Githyanki Egg so that the Society of Brilliance can raise it in an attempt to see if can overcome the Githyanki’s violent nature. You can choose if you want to get involved or not. Saying no will complete the quest while saying yes has you taking one from the Creche. If you have Lae’zek in the party, she will not be amused. You can also attempt to pass a skill check to get paid upfront.

If you’re going to steal the egg, head for the basement of the Rosymorn Monastery to reach the Creche. You’ll then want to head for the northwest side of the area to find the hatchery with a single egg. It can be found at the back of the room in a pool of acid guarded by 3 Githyanki. You’ve got two options if you want the egg:

1. Try and take it with force. Picking up the egg will start combat with its trio of guardians that you’ll have to defeat.

2. You could try and persuade Varsh Ko’kuu to let you have it. Going this route, you’ll receive a pair of boots to make you immune to the acid allowing you to collect the egg (or crush it). Equip them then walk over to the egg and pick it up. You’ll then be free to deliver it to Lady Esther.

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Baldur’s Gate III – Travel to Moonrise Towers

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Travel to Moonrise Towers is one of the main quests of Act I in Baldur’s Gate III. You’ll receive it after either rescuing Halsin and killing the goblin leaders or assaulting the grove and killing all of its occupants. Halisin will tell you about it if you sided with the grove and Minthara will be the one to send you there if you sided with the goblins. This guide will cover the objectives for the Travel to the Moonrise Tower quest and how they can be completed.

** PLEASE NOTE ** For our first playthrough, we sided with the druids so the guide will be more tailored to that.

Find a way to Moonrise Towers

In order to complete this quest you’ll need to complete one of the objectives below to reach the Moonrise Towers. We recommend going to both places for the exp and loot you can get. Also, both areas are required for some of your companions and optional quests. Also note, that once you leave Underdark or the Mountain Pass for Moonrise Towers, Act I will end and you’ll start Act II. This can lock you out of some quests so make sure to do everything you can beforehand.

Travel Through the Mountain Pass

To reach Moonrise Towers from the Mountain Pass, you’ll first need to travel to the Mountain Pass which can be found northwest of the starting area, west of Waukeen’s Rest. Once there you’ll want to travel to the west side of the map, past 2 wooden bridges to reach the path leading to the towers.

Travel Through the Underdark

Travel Through the Temple of Selune

To reach the Underdark, start by making your way to the Goblin Camp then enter the old temple. Once inside, head to the priestess room west of the statue in the southern part of the area. Once there, look on the right side for a locked door. Pick the lock and head through to reach the defiled temple. This area is guarded by the ogre Polma who is the bodyguard of the High Priestess. If you want to skip her, you can climb up a ladder near the door and jump down into a hallway when she isn’t looking. If she sees you, you can try and persuade her that you should be there otherwise you’ll need to take her out.

Find the Secret Entrance / Unlock the Secret Entrance to Underdark

Continue down the hallway until you get to the Stone Disc puzzle in the middle of a dead-end room. Move the disc so they match the picture below to reveal a hidden path. Alternatively, there is a lever you can try to lockpick that will also open the way forward. Proceed through the new path and follow it to reach the Selunite Outpost in the Underdark.

Explore the Underdark

Once you’re in the outpost, head for the statute in the center of the room shooting a beam of light out of the staff. Use your bow to shoot the moonstone in the staff to stop the beam. This will also disable the guardian statues on the other side of the gate. They will attack anyone who draws their gaze.

Reach Moonrise Towers through Grymforge

In order to reach Moonrise Towers from the Underdark, you’ll need to travel to the Grymforge. To do this, make your way to the Myconid Colony and speak with the Sovereign there. He will give you a quest to deal with some dwarfs who have been attacking his people. This quest will send you to the beach where you’ll find a boat. Use that boat to reach the Grymforge.

Once you’re in the Grymforge, head west of the fast travel point to find an elevator. Interact with it to discover the way to Moonrise Towers. You may need to deal with Nere before you can use the elevator. We killed him and stole his lamp before interacting with the elevator.

For more guides on Baldur’s Gate III, click here!

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Baldur’s Gate III – Personal Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Baldur’s Gate III, you’ll come across personal quests tied to your main character. Our Baldur’s Gate III Personal Quests guide will list quests and cover what you’ll need to do to complete them.

Discover the Artefact’s Secrets

To get this quest, you’ll need to speak with goblin leaders in the Goblin Camp to learn that they are looking for an artefact. This will prompt your party to want to know more about why they are searching for it. You’ll then need to travel to the Mountain Pass and locate the Creche in the basement of the Rosymorn Monastery which can be found in the northeastern part of the area.

Once you reach the Creche, head to the Captain’s Quarters and speak with her. You can then ask her about the object they are seeking making a face prompting her to ask if you have it. You’ll then have to pass a deception check to say no resulting in you not being granted an audience with the inquisitor. If you say you have it but won’t give it to her then you’ll have to fight all of the Githyanki. She’ll then have a Gith Shard you can loot to lower the barrier allowing you to reach the inquisitor. Saying yes will have her take the object from you only for it to return on its own. She’ll then send you to talk with the Inquisitor a little deeper in the monastery. He too will ask for the artefact. If you hand it over to him, the queen will make an appearance and ask that you kill the blight (aka your dream guardian) tainting it.

If you agree, you’ll have to enter the relic. Approach the Beckoning Cave for the Dream Visitor to speak with you. They’ll ask to talk alone and offer you the choice to kill them or not. If you tell them you’re not going to kill them, they will say their trust was well placed in you and will tell you that the queen is lying to her people. If you do choose to kill them, they don’t actually die and will heal saying that you broke their trust. Exit the Astral Prism will complete the quest.

Discover the History of Prince Orpheus

You can start this quest by having Lae’zel (or your character if you’re Githyanki) read one of the Githyanki forbidden books about Prince Orpheus. You’ll then need to track down the other volumes to progress the quest. We have listed below where you can find them. This quest will be completed at the beginning of Act III after exiting the Astral Prison.

Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part One: Betrayal

The first book on Prince Orpheus can be found at the Arcane Tower in the Underdark. You’ll need to activate the elevator and take it up to the bedroom just before the roof. There you’ll find the text lying around.

Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part Two: Sacrifice

The second part of the book is located in the Githyanki Creche at the Rosymorn Monastery along the Mountain Pass. Make your way there then head for the Classroom. The instructor will be beating up one of his students. Intervene by passing a skill check to get the instructor to back off and then speak with the student. You’ll need to pass a couple of skill checks to convince the lad to hand over the text.

Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part Three: Resurrection

Part Three of the Prince Orpheus saga can be found in Balthazar’s room in the Moonrise Towers during Act II. You will be granted access during the main story if you side with the Absolute or at least pretend to. It will be on a bookshelf near the entrance to his room.

Embrace Your Potential

This quest starts after meeting the dream visitor for the first time or coming across a Mind Slayer Parasite Specimen. The visitor will tell you that you need to become stronger with the powers you get from the Mind Flayer. When she visits you the second time she will tell you that absorbing other parasites will make your powers grow. There are a number of them that you can find listed below. Once you absorb them, you’ll be able to make your Illithd power stronger.

Act I

  • Looted from Dror Ragzlin in the Goblin Camp
  • Looted from True Soul Gut in the Gobling Camp
  • Looted from Nightwarden Minthara in the Gobling Camp
  • Absorbed from Edowin in the forest northwest of the Druids’ Grove
  • Looted from Flind the Gnoll Warlord
  • Looted from Nere in the Underdark Grymforge

Act II

  • Looted from Fist Marcus at Last Light Inn
  • Looted from Linsella in the kitchen of Moonrise Towers
  • Looted from Adept Merim at Moonrise Towers
  • Looted from Zealot Malik at Moonrise Towers
  • Looted from Disciple Z’rell at Moonrise Towers
  • Loot from Zealot Krizt in Oubliette (jump down hole in Moonrise Prison)

In Act III, you’ll have the chance to turn into a Mind Flayer while keeping your mind intact via a special Astral-Touched Tadpole. It’s up to you to do so if you wish, but keep in mind that everyone in your party will not approve.

Free Orpheus

You’ll get this quest in Act III after defending the Githyanki assault on the Astral Plane. You’ll then need to meet up with Kith’rak Voss in the Sharess’ Caress which can be found past the South Span Checkpoint north of Rivington. He’ll be in the Devil’s Den where you’ll end up meeting with Raphael. The Devil will offer you a way to Orpheus if you agree to deliver the crown of the Absolute to him in exchange. There are multiple ways to go about this and we’ll cover ours in our The Githyanki Warrior companion quest guide for Lae’zel.

Help Kith’rak Voss

You’ll get this quest after the events at the Githyanki Creche. Voss will show up at your camp asking to aid you in taking down the queen. You’ll need to accept his help, not kill him and agree to meet up at Baldur’s Gate.

When you begin Act III, head to the northern part of the map to reach the South Span Checkpoint. Pass through and continue down the road a bit to find Sharess’ Caress. Enter the building and make your way to the Upper Floors where you’ll find the Devi’s Den. Head inside and Voss will be there with Raphael. The rest of this quest can be found in our The Githyanki Warrior companion quest guide for Lae’zel.

Help Your Protector

You’ll get this quest automatically when you rest in your camp at the beginning of Act III. A squad of Githyanki will ambush you while the Absolute tries to take control of your mind. You’ll have a few turns to defeat them and reach the portal before the Absolute takes over. Keep in mind that only one member of your party needs to reach the portal. Interact with it to be transported inside the artefact which the Githyanki is also attacking. You’ll need to work your way toward the giant skull to find the protector who will ask you to help. Upon discovering the truth about them, a choice will be presented: attack them or not (we didn’t). After the fight, talk with your protector. They will then offer you a choice: turn into a mind flayer (keeping yourself intact) or don’t. Doing so will get disapproval from the whole party. We chose not to. After the conversation, leave the Astral Plane via the portal to complete the quest.

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Baldur’s Gate III – Underdark Quests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Underdark is one of the last areas you’ll come to in Act I of Baldur’s Gate III. There you’ll find a handful of side quests you can complete for rewards to help your party on the way to the Moonrise Towers. This guide will cover the quests you can pick up in the Underdark along with what you’ll need to do in order to complete them.

Avenge Glut’s Circle

Sovereign Glut can be found on the west side of the Myconid Colony. Speak with him after talking to Sovereign and he’ll request to accompany the party with defeating the Duergar. Bring him with you when you head to the abandoned village southwest of the colony. After defeating all of the Duergar, speak with Glut. He’ll say he plans on using the enemies you just killed to form a new colony and that the other Sovereign must be killed. You can choose to side with Glut or kill him to save the other Sovereign. We chose to strike Glut down since he was giving us villainous vibes. Doing this starts a battle with the shroom and any of the Duergar you converted during the fight. He also has an increased health pool when fighting against the Duergar. Defeating him completes the quest. If you return to Sovereign Spaw, he’ll give you a fancy title.

Cure the Poisoned Gnome

The gnome Thulla can be found in the Myconid Colony near Sovereign. Speak with her and choose “Who did this to you?” to get additional options. From there you’ll want to do the Medicine skill check. Passing that will allow you to examine her more closely to determine that a regular antidote will do the trick. Give her one to cure the poison leading to more dialog. She’ll tell you that her people are in trouble and she needs to help them. You can say that sucks or offer to help. If you do the latter, she will give you rare Boots of Speed and the quest will be completed. If you can’t pass the check, then you’ll need to follow the Defeat the Duergar Intruders quest which has you taking down the leader of the group, Gekh Coal. He will drop a Duergar Antidote that you can use to save the gnome.

Defeat the Duergar Intruders

To start this quest, you’ll have to meet with Sovereign and agree to help him by removing the Duergar who threatened his people. Sovereign can be found in the Myconid Colony on the northern end of the map north and slightly west of the Selunite Outpost past a mushroom field. As you approach it, you’ll begin a conversation with the big guy who wants to know your purpose for the visit. If you’re honest with him, he will let you in and want to speak in person giving you the quest. Please note, you’ll want to grab the Avenge Glut’s Circle and Cure the Poisoned Gnome quests before setting out to do this quest.

Exit the colony on the west side and head southwest to reach the Decerpit Village. The Duergar will be hiding in wait there, but passing a perception check will warn you about the ambush. You’ll have to defeat four of them along with three corpses that the leader reanimates.

After the battle return to the Sovereign in the colony and tell him the good news. You’ll be free to claim your reward behind the vines for completing the quest then Spaw will have another request for you.

Deliver Nere’s Head / Free True Soul Nere

** PLEASE NOTE** This is a timed quest once you reach Grymforge. If you do a long rest, Nere will die automatically and you will not be able to save the gnomes.**

So I put these two quests together but you get them differently. You’ll get Deliver Nere’s Head after completing the Defeat the Duergar Intruders quest. Sovereign Spaw will say that in order for his colony to truly be safe, Nere has to die. To reach him, you’ll need to return to the beach and take the boat there. This will trigger a cutscene with more Deurgar, but it should be easy to pass one of the skill checks to have him guide you to the Grymforge. Once there, you’ll learn that Nere is trapped and will want to make your way to the Ancient Sigil Circle where he will reach out asking for help. This starts the Free True Soul Nere quest. It’s also worth noting that this is also where you need to be for the Save the Grymforge Gnomes quest.

Follow the path south to reach the room where the rocks collapsed. If you interact with the rock then you’ll have a brief conversation with Nere. Next, you’ll want to look for Elder Brithvar. Speak with him and if you pass some skill checks, you’ll be able to team up and backstab Nere by blinding the Scrying Eye floating around. You can also ask him about a way to clear the rocks and he’ll tell you about an escaped gnome that fled with blasting powder. Talk to the gnomes digging out the rocks to learn more. If you pass a skill check, they’ll even tell you where to look. To blind the eye, interact with it and then choose the poke it option. You can then lead it away from everyone and destroy it somewhere discreetly.

Travel to the northeastern part of the map to find Philomeen in the Contemplation Chamber. Speak with her and tell her the situation with the gnomes then convince her to give you a vial of Runepowder. She’ll ask you to tell her lover that she’s dead, but that’s up to you. You can also kill her and take her stuff.

Either way, return to the Cave-In and use the powder to clear the rocks by dropping the vial on the ground and blasting it with something flammable. A cutscene will trigger and Nere will walk out and blast a goblin into the lava. You’ll have the choice to stop him or egg him on.

We chose to tell protect the gnomes and take Nere down. We also decided to work with the rebels as well. Nere will be joined in battle by some of the dwarves. You can get rid of a couple of them by pushing them into the lava. Once all of the enemies have been dealt with, Brithvar (or someone else if he died) will approach you about leaving. You’ll have to pass a persuasion check to convince them to leave the gnomes for the Save the Grymforge Gnomes quest. Speak with Beldron of the gnomes for a reward and to complete the gnome quest. Afterward, head over to Nere and interact with his corpse to decapitate it. Then take it back to Sovereign Spaw to complete the quest.

Find the Mushroom Picker

Talk to Derryth Bonecloak who can be found on the west side of the Myconid Colony. She will ask if you’ve seen a dwarf named Baelen anywhere then say her husband is missing. If you feel so inclined, you can offer to help her look for him. Exit the colony from the west side and follow the path heading north. When you reach the split on the rock bridge, head right and climb down the vines to reach a ledge below. This will lead to a cave filled with green mushrooms.

Approach the cave to begin a conversation with a dwarf. He’ll say he’s trapped and request that you throw him his bag which can be found to the left of him by the rock with a torch on it. Unfortunately, there are some green mushrooms between you and it. You can try and sneak over there and throw it to him, use Misty Step to teleport in and out… or you can just let it blow up and he’ll come to you. It doesn’t make a difference either way. Speak with him afterward and say his wife sent you. He’ll give you Scroll of Invisibility on the way out. Return to his wife in the colony and speak with her to receive the rare Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo which deals extra damage with throw attacks and attack made with improvised weapons. The quest will also complete.

Help the Cursed Monk

To start this quest, you’ll need to travel to the Adamantine Forge in the Underdark (past the Ancient Forge fast travel point). Make your west of the forge to find a pool of lava being circled by a Lava Elemental. In the middle of the pool will be a structure you can reach and on it a structure with an Adamantine Chest. You’ll need to open the chest by passing a level 20 Slight of Hand skill check and loot the Sentient Amulet inside. This will trigger a dialog conversation with the Cursed Monk who will ask you to take him to his granddaughter at Wyrm’s Crossing. You can pass a series of skill checks to learn that the monk was probably tortured by servants of Shar and that while he doesn’t want to hurt you, he might. We agreed to help him and in exchange he granted us his power after we equipped the amulet. You can’t proceed with this quest until Act II when you reach Baldur’s Gate. (It’s a Baldur’s Gate quest that we put here so you didn’t miss it!)

Save the Grymforge Gnomes

** PLEASE NOTE** This is a timed quest once you reach Grymforge. If you do a long rest, Nere will die automatically and you will not be able to save the gnomes.**

You’ll get this quest after completing the Cure the Poisoned Gnome quest and agreeing to help her people. See the Deliver Nere’s Head / Free True Soul Nere quest above on how to complete it.

The Adamantine Forge

You can pick this quest up by traveling to the Sussur Tree and defeating Filro the Forgotten there. You’ll then want to loot him and read the Scribble notes he was carrying. That will trigger the quest. To learn more about the forge, complete the Defeat the Duergar Intruders quest to gain access to the area behind the vines in the Myconid Colony. You can loot a Pale Corse there that has a book on it. Pass a skill when reading the book to learn it’s really titled The Great Furnace of Grymforge.

Head to the Grymforge (you can get there following the Defeat the Duergar Intruders quest line) then follow that path through the north part of the area to meet Herdmaster Skarjall. He’ll tell you to get the beasts to work to help clear the rubble. If you pass a persuasion check, then he’ll inform you that there is adamantium on the other side of the rubble. Interact with the animal to get the notion to hit it, If you have Animal Handling, you can take that approach (and that is what we did) to calm the beast. You can then tell it to get back to work or to attack its masters. We recommend having the animals dig out the rock because afterward, the dwarfs will attack you anyway. If you want to make the fight easier and don’t care about the loot, you can try and push them over the edge. Also note that if you don’t interact with the animals before attacking the dwarfs, you’ll have to fight them too.

With those goons taken care of, you’ll now want to work your way around to the southeastern part of the area. There you’ll find the Ancient Forge Ancient Sigil Circle and slightly further than that the Adamantine Forge itself. In order to use the forge you’ll need a mould and some ore. The ore can be found in two locations: in a sitting area just off the broken steps leading to the forge (beware ambush) and down the path southwest of the Ancient Forge fast travel point on the other side of the lava. The image below has the general locations of the moulds (pink) and the ore (blue).

When you have both of those things go to the forge and place a mould into the Mould Chamber and a piece of Mithral Ore into the Crucible. After that head over to the Forge Lever and activate it. This will lower the forge. Once it comes to a stop have someone use the Lava Lever… to start the boss fight against the automaton Grym, Etneral Protector of the Forge who also happens to be level 8. The way Grym works is that he will go after the last person who attacks before his turn. If you spread out your party, you can effectively kart him around as you see fit and if you get him in the center of the room and hit the Forge Lever, you’ll deal some massive damage to it. Another thing you’ll need to do is keep the room filled with lava. It will heat Grym up so that you can deal damage to him. When his health gets low, a squad of Magma Mephit will spawn on the northwest side of the forge. Once they and the guardian have been dealt with you can claim your forged item. Once doing so, the quest will be completed.

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