Final Fantasy VII Remake
by Chappie in


Below are the side quests/odd jobs in Chapter 14 of Final Fantasy VII Remake!


Missing Children

Obtained: Speak with Ms. Folia near the Children’s Secret Hideout in the Sector 5 Slums

Objective: Find the children

Head to the Slum Public Cemetery northeast of Center District in the Sector 5 Slums to find Oates and speak with him. Defeat the Phantoms that spawn to find the children and complete the quest.


Chocobo Search

Obtained: Speak with the Stablehand in Center District of the Sector 5 Slums near the path leading to Wall Market

Objective: Find the 3 Chocobos

If you head to Wall Market, you can speak to Sam at his Delivery Station to find out that the Chocobos were spotted in Sector 5 Back Alleys, Collapsed Expressway and Old Church.


1. Chocobo

One Chocobo is located in the Collapsed Expressway – Old Bypass. To reach this Chocobo, enter the expressway from Evergreen Park in the Sector 6 Slums and work your way through the expressway until you come across the Chocobo. Defeat the group of enemies that spawn then interact with the Chocobo.


2. Chocobo

Another Chocobo is located along Nuts ‘n’ Bolts Hills north of the Center District in the Sector 5 Slums. Interact with it then defeat the Rust Drake that spawns. After you defeat the drake, interact with the Chocobo again.


3. Chocobo

The last Chocobo is located on Sanctuary Way in the Sector 5 Slums, which is northwest of Undercity Station. Interact with the Chocobo.


After you find all the Chocobos, return to Sam at his Delivery Station in Wall Market and speak with him to complete the quest.


Malicious Goons

Obtained: Speak with Madam M by her massage parlor in Wall Market

Objective: Stop the goons

Travel to the battle arena near Aerith’s house in the Sector 5 Slums to stop the goons! Defeat the Tonberry to make the Hoodlums submit, thus completing the quest.


Wavering Heart

Obtained: Speak with Andrea in the Wall Market Gym

Objective: Defeat Andrea in a pull-up contest!

Interact with Andrea to begin the challenge. Defeat him to complete the quest! *NOTE: In order to obtain the Peeress of Pull-Ups trophy, you will need to beat Andrea, Ronnie, Jay and Jules in the pull-up challenges.


The Power of Music

Obtained: Speak with Betty in Wall Market near the Jukebox behind the Family Hotel

Objective: Give her 3 music discs

Betty only accepts certain music discs. After you obtain each of the below discs (click the link on the discs to find the exact locations), interact with the Jukebox then select the following music discs:

After you play all the music discs, a cutscene will trigger and the quest will complete.


Secret Medicine

Obtained: Speak with the Doctor in the Center District of Sector 5 Slums

Objective: Obtain items on the Doctor’s list

  • Behemoth Horn – Complete the Subterranean Menace side quest
  • Moogle’s Mortar – Purchase from Moggie for 1 Moogle Medal in the Sector 5 Slums Children’s Secret Hideout
  • Medicinal Flowers – Located in the church north of Sanctuary Way in the Sector 5 Slums

Once you collect all the items, return to the Doctor in the Center District of Sector 5 Slums and speak with him to complete the quest.


Tomboy Bandit

Obtained: Speak with Johnny at the Undercity Station in the Sector 5 Slums

Objective: Retrieve Johnny’s wallet

*NOTE: This quest will be done concurrently with the Corneo’s Secret Stash side quest.

Travel to the church north of Sanctuary Way in the Sector 5 Slums to find Kyrie. Speak with her then head to the Colosseum in Wall Market. Speak with the Gatekeeper to begin the special match then defeat the two enemies. Once you defeat the enemies, return to Kyrie and speak with her to obtain Johnny’s wallet and complete the quest. For the trophy, head back to Johnny at the Undercity Station in the Sector 5 Slums and speak with him to hand over his wallet.


Corneo’s Secret Stash

Obtained: Speak with Damon in Sector 5 Slums

Objective: Reveal the identity of the Guardian Angel

*NOTE: This quest will be done concurrently with the Tomboy Bandit side quest.

Travel to Lookout Point in the Sector 5 Slums and loot the Corneo’s Vault Note on the blue tarp behind Mireille then speak with her. Head to the church north of Sanctuary Way in the Sector 5 Slums to find Kyrie. Speak with her then head to the Colosseum in Wall Market. Speak with the Gatekeeper to begin the special match then defeat the two enemies. Once you defeat the enemies, return to Kyrie and speak with her again to obtain the key. Once you obtain the key, speak with Mireille to obtain clues on the locations of the secret doors in the Collapsed Expressway, near Angel’s Hideout and in the Sewers.


1. Treasure Trove

For the first bunch of treasure, make your way to the Collapsed Expressway Caved-In Tunnel in the Sector 6 Slums near the northern Sam’s Delivery Station and look for the fancy gate. Open it to loot the treasure!


2. Treasure Trove

For the second bunch of treasure, head directly north of the Sam’s Delivery Station in Steel Mountain, which is in the Sector 6 Slums, and look for the fancy gate. Open it to loot the treasure!


3. Treasure Trove

For the last bunch of treasure, you will gain access to the Sewers after meeting up with Leslie again. Once inside the Sewers, make your way to Former Disposal Area in the Old Trunk Line – Control Section of the Sewer System. The way beyond the fancy gate will be flooded so you’ll have to first drain the water before you can loot the treasure. In a room just past the Abzu’s lair (deeper in the Sewers), there will be a lever that you can use to drain the water. Head back to the treasure trove and grab all of the items.


After looting all the treasure troves, talk to Marle who is in the Evergreen Park in the Sector 6 Slums.


Subterranean Menace

Obtained: Speak with Wymer in Evergreen Park in the Sector 6 Slums

Objective: Defeat the monsters in Shinra’s Underground Test Site

From Evergreen Park in the Sector 6 Slums, head to the Power Substation by using the entrance next to Wymer. Follow the tunnel to the end to reach the Underground Test Site where you’ll hear a faint roar in the distance. Make your way through the test site until you reach the Type-B Specimens – Isolation Zone on Underground Lab B5 where the Type-0 Behemoth awaits. Defeat the monster then return to Wymer and speak with him to complete the quest.


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