Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Repel the Rejects

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Speak to Mirage located in the Shibuya 106 Idolasphere on the 5th floor twice.


Defeat an Ironclad Myrmidon, Dark Barbarian and Ironclad Cavalier, which can be found by just fighting your way through the next levels. Once you have collected all of the monster’s Forces, Mirage’s icon will turn purple on the map. Head back to her to hand over the Forces to receive a Treasure Key. You can use the Treasure Key to open the chest near Mirage to obtain a Bracelet of Eternity.


Reward: Treasure Key


Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Game Guides

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Guides

by Chappie in


Below are guides and walkthroughs for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.


Carnage Unity Weapons




Side Stories