Tokyo Mirage Sessions
by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Speak to Ayaha in Fortuna Office.


After you accept the request, head west of Hee Ho Mart to find a camera crew focused on a hunched-over lady. Speak to the lady then return to Ayaha to report Himemaro’s condition. Looks like the thief can be found in Shibuya’s Idolasphere so head on over there right away and teleport to Block 2: South (2F). Head forward and jump down. Once on the lower level, head north and follow the path to the right. Head up the two flights of stairs on the right side just before the camera then jump off the ledge straight ahead (middle ledge). Once on the lower level, turn around to find the Mirage. Interact with it to trigger a fight with 2 Regal Myrmidon and 1 Leviathan, all of which are level 34. After defeating all the enemies, exit the Idolasphere and head back to Himemaro to check on her condition. Since Himemaro’s back on a roll, report the good news to Ayaha to complete the job.


Reward: Clap Track


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