Tokyo Mirage Sessions
by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Speak with Ayaha in Fortuna Office.


Head on over to Cafe Seiren in Shibuya and speak with the hunched-over man in a gray suit near the entrance. Afterwards, head back to Ayaha to alert her of the man’s drained Performa. Since a strong Word Performa was spotted at 106’s Idolasphere, make your way there to take care of it like usual. Head on up to the 6th floor and take the first available left to head towards the purple dress mannequin. The Mirage will be on the balcony overlooking the mannequin. Interact with it to begin a battle with one Bacillus and two Skellingtons, all of which were level 30. After defeating them, head back to the man in front of Cafe Seiren to check up on him. Once you find out he’s ok, report the news to Ayaha to complete the job.


Reward: Clap Track


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