Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Iori’s in Love Again

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 5 speak to Iori near the Idolasphere in Daiba Studio.


After the cutscene, head to Shibuya Station and speak with Iori again to learn he’s fallen in love with another Mirage. He describes the Idolasphere in Daiba Studio so make your way to there. Teleport to LCD Panels: Door 2 and head to Door 3. Once you enter through the door, you will find a Mirage standing across from you on the other side of the walkway. Speak with her then head back to Iori to complete the request.


Reward: Spd Incense x2


Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Game Guides

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Guides

by Chappie in


Below are guides and walkthroughs for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.


Carnage Unity Weapons




Side Stories