by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Sniflheim.

Objective: Look for a Viking who was Meant to Deliver a Shipment

From Sniflheim, use your ship to travel to the Viking Hideout located to the left of Sniflheim. Dock at the hideout and keep moving forward until you reach a big room filled with treasure (if you reach Erik and Mia’s area, you’ve gone too far). Talk to the Viking with reddish-brown hair standing near some barrels and crates. After the conversation, return to your shop and head north in search of the Viking’s brother. He is located on an island to the far north of the map as shown in the picture below. Once you reach the island and dock, work your way following the path through the island until you reach the end. There you will find the Viking’s brother fishing behind a giant rock. Talk with him to receive the Scruffy Urchin. Return to the Minister of Viking Affairs in Sniflheim and hand over the Scruffy Urchin to complete the quest.

Reward: Pirate’s Hat



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