by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Lonalulu.

Objective: Defeat a Night Clubber with the Pep Power Buff-Buff

*To use the Buff-Buff pep power, you will need the Main Character/Hendrick with the Unbridled Blade skill from the greatsword skill tree and Jade with the Puff-Puff skill from the allure skill tree.

Head to the Insual Incognita island located to the far west of Lonalulu. Once there, dock and make your way to the north side of the island to find the Night Clubber. You will need to weaken the monster until it’s almost defeated, then finish it off with the Buff-Buff pep power to complete the objective. After the monster has been slain, return to the old man at the bar on Lonalulu and talk with him to complete the quest.

Reward: Venus’ Tear


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