Days Gone
by Chappie in

*Note: You must complete the You Couldn’t Stop Shaking mission in order to gain access to Chemult College.



  • Clear All Nests (6)


Clear All Nests (6)

1. Semi trailer

The first nest is located east of the college in the back of a semi trailer parked underneath the overpass.


2. Underneath overpass

The second nest is located north of the previous nest underneath an overpass next to some train tracks.


3. Train car

The third nest is located next to the previous nest in the red train car.


4. White trailer

The fourth nest is located at Chemult College behind the football field in the parking lot in a white trailer next to a green Army vehicle.


5. Tin shed

The fifth nest is located at Chemult College on the side of a tin shed next to the football field.


6. Building

The sixth nest is located on the side of a building with a red Chemult Comm. College banner next to the football field near the parking lot.


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