Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 9: Taras Nabad Collectibles

by Chappie in



City Outskirts


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Taras Nabad

From the fast travel point, jump to the land at the bottom of the stairs just before the entrance to the city. The codex will be on the left of the stairs near the edge of the cliff.


Sentinel Battery

From the codex, drop off the nearby ledge to land on a platform below. Melee the cracked wall to reveal a tunnel. The battery will be at the end of this tunnel.


Atrium Plaza


Album: Doom (2016) – BFG Division

From the fast travel point, turn around and head back to the end of the bridge. Drop down to the walkway below via the crumbled portion of bridge. Take the walkway to the end then locate the gold spin bar hanging from a column. Use the bar to reach a hidden ledge under a walkway in the distance to find the album.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, enter the doorway in front of you and take a left to find the Sentinel holding the point.


Mastery Token

From the fast travel point, enter the doorway in front of you and take a right, dropping down the hole in the hallway. Follow the path forward to arrive in a big open courtyard with multiple Sentinel statues. Head down the stairs in front of you and take a left past the rectangular pool. Take a left after the Sentinel statue to head under the above walkway lit by blue lights. Turn left and melee the cracked wall then head past the secret encounter into a little tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, interact with the green button to unlock the gate containing the Mastery Token in the next room.


Sentinel Battery 

From the fast travel point, enter the doorway in front of you and take a right, dropping down the hole in the hallway. Follow the path forward to arrive in a big open courtyard with multiple Sentinel statues. Head to the other end of the courtyard past the rectangular pool then go up the stairs at the end. Facing the stained glass window of the sword, take a right heading towards a small set of stairs. At the base of the stairs, look left to find a statue of a Sentinel kneeling. Melee the statue to reveal a switch. Press the switch to raise the gate blocking the hanging weight. Head up the stairs and follow the walkway to the end to reach the room with the weight. Use the climbable wall to get up high enough to break the chain to cause the weight to fall and crash through the floor. Drop down into the newly created hole to collect the battery.


Slayer Creation Chamber


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, turn around and head down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, head through the doorway on the right then take a right to follow the hallway to the end. The Sentinel holding the point will be on the left.


Toy: Cyber Mancubus

From the fast travel point, turn around and head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs take a left and head behind the column to find a sentinel statue next to a vine covered wall. Melee the statue to reveal a switch. Press the switch then return to the stairs to find three lights in the center of it. You will need to jump into the center of the stacked lights to unlock the gate containing the toy. Once unlocked, head down the stairs past the doorway on the right to collect the toy.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – History of the Sentinels Part X

From the fast travel point, turn around and head down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, take the stairs to the left up to a raised level to find the codex.


Codex: Story of the Sentinel – The Divinity Machine

From the fast travel point, head straight forward to arrive in a room with a giant machine in the middle. Follow the path right to find the codex.




Cheat Code

From the fast travel point, work your way through the sewer section of the catacombs. Exit the tunnels to arrive in a large open room filled with lift pads and spin bars. Head to the far right corner of the room to find a set of stairs leading up to a room filled with barrels. In that room, there will be a cracked wall on the left side of the room near a stack of barrels. Melee the wall and jump down into the cave to find the collectible.


Fallen Titan


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – History of the Sentinels Part XI / Sentinel Battery

From the fast travel point, turn around to find both the codex and battery.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head forward and climb over the titan’s legs to find the Sentinel holding the point to the left of the titan’s body.


Toy: Marauder

From the Praetor Suit Point above, look to the right of him to find a cracked wall. Melee the wall to find the toy.




Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, head right and take the stairs up to find the Sentinel standing behind a column with a spin bar.


Codex: Story of the Sentinel – History of the Sentinel Part XII / Sentinel Crystal

From the fast travel point, drop down to the ledge below and head into the room to find the two collectibles.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – History of the Sentinels Part XIII

From the fast travel point, drop down to the bridge below and jump across the gap to the other side. Head down the hallway and work your way to the Sentinel vault. The codex can be found on the left side of the room just past the central pedestal.


Throne Room


Album: Quake II – Rage

From the fast travel point, use the lift pads to launch yourself towards a cracked wall near the roof. Melee the wall to collect the album.


Praetor Suit Point

From the fast travel point, drop down the hole in front of the throne. Head down the stairs then drop into another hole. The Sentinel will be located on the far side of this room.


Toy: Pain Elemental

From the above Praetor Suit Point, look down the hole in the middle. There will be a small area on the right side about halfway down that contains the toy. You will have to jump to this area then use dash to bust through the bars trapping the toy. We recommend using the Chrono Strike rune to slow yourself down as you approach the middle of the shaft. Timing is key on this one!


Central Power Core


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – History of the Sentinel Part XIV

From the fast travel point, the codex will be right in front of you.


Mastery Token

From the codex, drop down to the platform below to find the collectible.


Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to customize wardrobe?

by MrsChappie in


After you build all 3 homes, Tom Nook will then task you with customizing a wardrobe. He will first give you a DIY recipe for a wooden wardrobe. Once you receive it, head to the workbench and craft it using 12 wood. Afterwards, talk to Tom Nook and select the option to talk about the wardrobe. He will then want you to interact with the workbench again. To customize the wardrobe, select the wooden wardrobe then a screen will pop up where you can select the color you want the wardrobe to be. Once you pick your color and have it selected, press + to officially make the selection. When your wardrobe has been customized, talk to Tom Nook again. He will then let you know that you will now have access to customization kits from the shop.



Borderlands 3 – Sinister Sounds

by Chappie in


Location: The Lodge

Obtained: Speak with the DJ on the second level of the Lodge.


Pick up Recorder

Pick up the recorder to the left of the DJ.


Go to Skittermaw Basin

Head to Skittermaw Basin.


Run Over 10 Bandits

Use your vehicle and do as the lady says! Head to the southwestern part of the map and kill 10 bandits by running them over with your vehicle. It helps to weaken them by shooting them first.


Kill Prime Wolven

Keep following the path further down from where you killed the bandits until you can go no further in your vehicle. Exit your vehicle then climb up the ledges marked with yellow paint to find the Prime Wolven. Kill him.


Find the Banshee

Keep following the path forward until you reach a ledge overlooking two buildings in Minstral’s Moan. Jump off the ledge.


Ring Bell

Head towards the marked building and ring the bell.


Kill Ambushers

Kill the enemies that spawn.


Pick up ECHO Log

One of the enemies will drop an ECHO Log. Pick it up to play it.


Go to DJ Spinsmouth’s Camp

Head northeast towards the objective to reach Umbergrist Village.


Kill DJ Spinsmouth

Defeat the DJ when he spawns.


Free the Banshee

Shoot the lock above the area where you defeated the DJ to release the case.


Talk to Banshee

Speak with her!


Give Recorder

Head back to the DJ and place the recorder back where you originally found it to the left of the DJ.


Listen to Dark Mix

Just stand there and listen to her spin the music.



Borderlands 3 – Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC Echo Logs

by Chappie in


The Lodge

Uneasy Truce

This log is located on the second level of The Lodge in a bathroom sink.


Safe Harbor

This log can be found in the building labeled “CURSEHAVEN” between the lodge and the map transition to Cursehaven. It is located next to a corpse in the corner by four lockers behind a counter.



A Cure for Curses

This log is located in an alleyway just south of Gaige’s Gift crew challenge next to a mailbox.


The Proprietor

This log is located next to a pile of trash in Lantern’s Hook in northern Cursehaven reachable during The Case of Wainwright Jakobs main mission. You’ll come across this town when your tasked with going to the eye witness.


Skittermaw Basin


This log is located on the west side of Umbergrist Village on a chair.



The log is located on a crate in Bitehome (where you had to go for The Proprietor: Empty Bottles side mission).


Dustbound Archives


This log is located in Dustbound Archives at the top of the stairs to the right of Harriet.


Love in the Stacks

This log is located by the entrance to the Founder’s Office in the Dustbound Archives on a bookcase next to a chair.


The Cankerwood

Far From Town

This log is located next to a chair in Fugue’s Shelter.



This log is located in Fermentation Station at the base of a cliff.


Negul Neshai

The Heart that Eats (Part 1)

This log is located underneath a structure lit by red lights near the entrance to the Eridum Ruins.


The Heart that Eats (Part 3)

This log is located near the entrance of the Dahl ship, The Dyad, in a room that is accessible via a partially opened door.


The Heart that Eats (Part 2)

This log is located in the server room during the On the Mountain of Mayhem story mission where you had to escort Deathtrap around the ship.


The Heart that Eats (Part 4)

This log is located on a crate on the second level of the room where you listened to Eleanor’s log as part of the story.


Heart’s Desire

The Heart Still Beats (Part 3)

This log will be located on a table next to a bust directly south of the Heart’s Desire fast travel point.


The Heart Still Beats (Part 1)

This log will be located on a table next to a couch in the secret office accessible after you find the missing antler.


The Heart Still Beats (Part 2)

This log is located on a table next to a computer near a respawn point after you take the elevator up.


The Heart Still Beats (Part 4)

This log is located on a metal crate next to a structure just before the final boss fight.


Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 – Gaige’s Gifts Crew Challenge

by Chappie in


Cursehaven – Olmstead Square

This gift is located on a roof in the center of the town. As you near the gift, Gaige will ask you to retrieve the wedding gifts that spilled out during her rough landing.


Skittermaw Basin – Umbergrist Village

This gift can be found near where you killed DJ Spinsmouth during the Sinister Sounds side mission. To reach it, follow the left side of the cliff towards an outhouse and jump on the wooden platform along the edge of the cliff. Jump to the ladder on another platform and climb up it. Keep following the path around the mountain to reach the gift on a wooden beam sticking out over the frozen lake.

Dustbound Archives – Founder’s Office

The gift is located just before the Founder’s Office in the northeastern corner of the area. To reach it, you will need to jump to the rock ledge then climb up where indicated by the yellow paint.


The Cankerwood – Fermentation Station

This gift is located on a rock ledge overlooking the square. You can reach it by climbing up the rock “stairs” just south of the gift.


Negul Neshai – Ruins of Yogseer

This gift is located underneath the middle of the bridge on a ledge. It’s small, hard to see and easy to miss. To reach it, jump down to the small ledge on the left after the shipping container then work your way across the rock ledges until you reach the gift.


Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to plant fruit trees?

by MrsChappie in


As you start exploring other islands, you will come across different fruits that can be planted on your island. It is important to note that fruits which are not native to your home island sell for more in the store. To plant a foreign fruit on your island, dig a hole in the location you would like the tree. *NOTE: If you accidentally dig a hole in the wrong spot, you can always face it and press “a” to fill it back in. Once the hole has been dug, open up your inventory and scroll to the fruit. Select “plant” and the seed will automatically be planted! It takes about 3 actual days for the tree to grow, but once it does, you will be able to harvest the fruits it produces and use them to plant more trees!


Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to remove tree stumps?

by MrsChappie in


In Animal Crossing New Horizons, you can accidentally cut down a tree if you eat a fruit and use the Flimsy Axe on a tree too many times. You can also cut down trees using the Axe on the third swing. Unfortunately tree stumps do not grow back so you have two solutions! You can either leave it there and use it as a stool or you can use your shovel and dig it out. *NOTE: If you leave it alone and choose not to dig it up, you can sometimes find bugs on the stumps.




Code Vein – Perseus Core Fragments

by Chappie in


Perseus Core Fragment A

Location: Sealed Depths – Eternal Abyss

From the mistle, follow the path west to find an enemy hiding behind some tree roots. Destroy the roots and defeat the enemy. Next to where the enemy was hiding will be a lower path. Drop down to that path to find the core fragment in some grass.


Perseus Core Fragment B

Location: Sealed Depths – Eternal Abyss

From the mistle, head south, hugging the ledge on the right path. You will come to a tree root sticking out over the chasm. The core fragment will be located on this tree root. Cut down the small roots to reach it.


Perseus Core Fragment C

Location: Sealed Depths – Eternal Abyss

From the mistle, head south and take the right path. When you come to the cylindrical column, head right and take the path straight to find a pit with a spike ball enemy in it. Drop down into the pit and break the roots on the other side to locate a hidden area containing the core fragment.



Code Vein – How to reach the Lord of Thunder DLC?

by Chappie in


In order to reach the Lord of Thunder DLC in Code Vein, you will need to make your way to the Crypt Spire – Upper Level mistle. From there, head north passing through the areas where you fight the Blade Bearer, Cannoneer and Juzo Mido to reach a long hallway with lights leading down it on both sides. Head down the hallway and take a left or right (don’t go down the stairs heading north) to reach a side set of stairs. Head down those stairs to reach a purple door. Unseal the door (if you haven’t already) and head through another hallway to reach a room. It will contain the Eternal Abyss map. Head back to Home Base with the map in hand and speak to Davis to unlock the Eternal Abyss depths.


Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal – Mission 8: Sentinel Prime

by Chappie in



Holy Pathway


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel Prime

From the starting point, follow the walkway down just before the first building to find the codex.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part IV

From the codex, head down the stairs and enter the door. Use the skull to activate the elevator. The codex will be located at the bottom of the elevator in the hallway leading to the next room.




Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part V

From the above codex, continue down the hall and enter the next room. Head through the circular room and into the square shaped hallway to find the codex just before the next room.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part VI

From the above codex, pass through the forge-like room and enter the hallway on the other side. Enter the room at the end of the hallway to find the codex behind bars. To reach it, enter through the doorway to the left of the bars and take an immediate right.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part VII

From the above codex, climb up the nearby ledge and use the gold spin bar above the doorway to reach a higher walkway. At the top of the walkway, turn left to find the next codex.


Training Hall


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part VIII

From the above codex, turn around and follow the walkway forward into a room with a staircase leading up in the middle. Take the path to the right of the stairs to find the codex at the end.


Praetor Suit Point 

From the above codex, return to the stairs and take them up to the top. Once there take a right and follow the walkway to the end. Across from you will be another walkway containing the Sentinel holding the point.


Codex: Story of the Sentinels – Sentinel History Part IX

Return to the top of the stairs and head through the doorway then climb a small flight of stairs to find the codex on the left.


Codex: Story of Hell – Deag Grav

Press the skull to activate the elevator. Once at the top, the codex will be located behind you near the edge.




Codex: Story of Hell – Gladiator

Head down the long hallway towards the Colosseum to find the codex on the right.