Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Live Combat Training

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Live Combat Training standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You’ll automatically obtain this quest during Teach’s Teachers when you discuss the Tutors: Sena & Eunie topic.


Speak to the group of Foots, Nagumo and Ysorra in the Assembly Yard. Afterwards, head to the Training Yard a short ways ahead. Defeat the assault team three times. Afterwards, the quest will complete!



  • 1160 EXP
  • 1410 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Going Beyond Power

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Going Beyond Power hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the ? north of the Gura Flava Camp landmark and just west of the Lapdog Veece unique enemy.



After accepting the quest, a battle will trigger with level 25 Keves forces. Defeat them to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, fast travel to the Loch Ciel landmark then head west towards the objective at Colony Gamma. Approach the front gate to trigger a cutscene. Next, you’ll have to gather info from the colony soldiers. To do this, speak with the following people:

  • Kyrie
  • Zakir
  • Foots

After speaking with the above people, head to the Colony Gamma Canteen and discuss Colony Gamma Lately. Next, head to the objective in the Assembly Yard. Approach Teach to trigger a cutscene. Once it concludes, head to the objective to trigger yet another cutscene. When it ends, continue heading toward the objective. Once there, you’ll learn Scree Walking, which allows you to walk up sand. Continue following the objective until you reach Transcendent Retreat. Here a fight will occur with level 26 Inscrutable Teach. Halfway through the battle a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight with level 27 Moebius G. Defeat him then head back to Colony Gamma to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, the quest will complete.



  • 940 EXP
  • 1210 Gold
  • 10 SP
  • Acquire Thaumaturge class for Mio




Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – A Gray Matter

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the A Gray Matter hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the ? in Murmur Rise, northeast of the Kamos Guidepost.



Upon accepting the quest, a fight will immediately trigger with a Level 28 Mystery Man. Once his health reaches halfway, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes, a battle with Level 25 enemies ensues. After you win, there will be another cutscene. You’ll then have to head to the beach below to find the stranger’s tracks. Follow them along the river. You’ll eventually cross after the skirmish with Piros Crustip and Heavy Brog where you’ll pick up the trail again on the other side of the river. Follow the prints south until you cross the river again. Doing so will trigger a cutscene that leads to a fight with some Keves forces. Defeat them to trigger a cutscene, completing the quest.



  • 940 EXP
  • 1210 Gold
  • 10 SP
  • Odd Triangular Shard x1
  • Unlocks Full Metal Jaguar class for Eunie



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Fangmon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Fangmon’s questions! Please note that we found Fangmon in Part 3 at the Free Bat.


  • You sure like to puff our your chest around a weak monster like myself.
    • Oh. My bad.
    • Liar. You’re not weak.
    • How rude!
    • Strength’s irrelevant.
  • Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item!
    • Interesting proposal!
    • I don’t believe you.
    • I’ll just beat you up.
    • That sounds dodgy.
  • Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel.
    • You’ll say anything…
    • You attacked me!
    • I love peace, myself.
    • So let’s call it off.
  • I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you!
    • I’m not telling you.
    • You first…
    • I’ve nothing to hide.
    • Secrets? I wonder…
  • Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived?
    • I don’t like either.
    • The deceiver, duh!
    • Only dupes get duped!
    • It depends, I guess…
  • You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone?
    • Don’t mess with me!
    • That’s not true!
    • Do you have friends?
    • I wouldn’t mind.
  • What do you think decides what’s right or wrong?
    • Majority rule?
    • Your own beliefs.
    • Your preferences?
    • Reality itself.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Dokugumon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Dokugumon’s questions! Please note that we found Dokugumon in Part 3 at the Free Bat.


  • The monster thrashes about on the spot.
    • Stare coldly at him.
    • Calm him down.
    • Just wait.
    • Yell threatening.
  • The monster seems to be pleading hungrily.
    • Give him vegetables.
    • Give him candy.
    • Give him fruit.
    • Give him water.
  • Me…eat you…okay?
    • Don’t make me mad.
    • I’m afraid not.
    • Yes, you eat now!
    • Try it, if you dare.
  • The monster has taken a threatening stance!
    • Glare at him.
    • Take a stance.
    • Act harmless.
    • Take a step back.
  • The monster looks away, as if bored.
    • Pretend to cry.
    • Throw something.
    • Lure him with food.
    • Keep talking to him.
  • Human…no good!
    • Sorry to bother you.
    • Please listen to me.
    • You’re in my way.
    • I wanna be friends!
  • The monster seems perplexed by the sight of a human.
    • Strut around.
    • Taunt him.
    • Sigh at him.
    • Smile and wave.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Meramon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Meramon’s questions! Please note that we found Meramon in Part 3 at the Free Bat.

  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I bet you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • Stare in amazement.
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • Arrrgh! Grraaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You, too?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Deltamon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Deltamon’s questions! Please note that we found Deltamon in Part 3 at the Free Bat.


  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • Stare in amazement.
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • Arrrgh! Grraaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way.
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 3 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 3 in Digimon Survive.


Classroom – Decision

  • Separate rooms for boys and girls? Hmm… (choices don’t matter; we highlighted the one we chose)
    • Saki’s right.
    • Safety in numbers.
  • We should get our priorities straight… (choices don’t matter; we highlighted the one we chose)
    • Let’s ask the girls.
    • Let’s start with food.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • What should we do? (choices don’t matter; we highlighted the one we chose)
    • We should look around.
    • Let’s wait and see.


Free Action

  • For this Free Action, you’ll get 12 moves.


Corridor – Free Action

  • Agumon
  • Use camera to examine table on the far right side of the screen
    • Crisp Apple x1
  • Labramon
  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • Where should I start?
      • How do you feel? (Aoi affinity up)
      • What’s our next move?
      • What’s going on?
      • How’s our situation?
    • Was there anything else I wanted to ask?
      • Keep saying “There’s still more.” until you exhaust all the questions.


Classroom – Free Action

  • Kunemon
  • Agumon
  • Ryo (costs 1 move)
    • What should I do about Ryo?
      • Force him to engage! (Ryo affinity up)
      • Leave him alone.


Music Room – Free Action

  • Agumon
  • Miyuki (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to those two?
      • Any thoughts, Miyuki? (moral)
      • Let me play, too. (wrathful)
      • Stop playing games! (harmony)
    • Big Bandage x5
  • Haru


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Floramon
  • Agumon
  • Use camera on wall behind Lopmon
    • The Tale of the Mural: Chapter 2
  • Shuuji (costs 1 move)
    • How should I try to approach them?
      • Comfort Saki. (Saki affinity up)
      • Cheer up both.
      • Encourage Shuuji. (Shuuji affinity up)


Gym – Exploration

  • Use camera on spot to the left of the wooden ladder
    • Earnest Banana x1


Woods by School – Free Action

  • Lopmon
  • Agumon
  • Use camera to check grass in front of tree to the left of Lopmon for an item
  • Shuuji (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond?
      • I’ll leave you to it, then. (Shuuji affinity up)
      • Let me help you, Shuuji.


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Use camera to check tree to the right of the Spider Lilies investigation point for an item
  • Use camera to check spot on the right side of the Spider Lilies investigation point
    • Spirited Away: Chapter 2


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera near center of the map to obtain an item


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on left side of stairs near statue to find a shadow
    • Fighting leads to a battle or you can run


Corridor – Free Action

  • Use camera on box to the right of Aoi to find an item
  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
  • Agumon (costs 1 move) (We chose not to do this one as it did not add anything. As such, we were able to speak with Lopmon later.)
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)


Classroom – Free Action

  • Ryo (costs 1 move)
    • Maybe if I ask the right questions, I can find out.
      • How do you feel?
      • What’s our next move?
      • What’s going on? (Ryo affinity up)
      • How’s our situation?
    • Was there anything else I wanted to ask?
      • Keep saying “There’s still more.” until you exhaust all the questions.
  • Use camera on floor to the left to receive an item.
  • Use camera on podium to the right to receive an item.


Cafeteria – Exploration

  • Use camera on table to receive an item


Corridor – Free Action

  • Use camera on box to find an item.
  • Use camera on table to find an item.
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • To cheer up Minoru, I think I’ll say…
      • We need to have faith.
      • I’ll keep an eye out. (Minoru affinity up)


Woods by School – Free Action

  • Kunemon (costs 1 move)
    • Okay, what should I ask him?
      • Why’d you leave Ryo?
      • Where are you going?
      • Why are you here?
      • Have you seen Agumon?
    • Was there anything else I wanted to ask?
      • Keep saying “There’s still more.” until you exhaust all the questions.


Spider Lily Forest – Free Action

  • Suspicious Thicket (costs 1 move)
    • During the cutscene, Gomamon will join your party.


Woods by Shrine – Free Action

  • Lopmon (costs 1 move)
    • I feel like Agumon and the others are…
      • …strange creatures. (moral)
      • …strong and cool! (wrathful)
      • …trusty partners. (harmony)


Old School – Exploration

  • A cutscene will trigger.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • Why was he so opposed to exploration again?
    • He has to get his way?
    • We might get lost?
    • We’ll run low on food?
    • We might be attacked? (The options don’t seem to matter but we went with this one!)


Mountain Pass – Exploration

  • Aoi
  • Shuuji
  • Dracmon
  • Ryo
  • Saki
  • Minoru
  • Haru
  • Kaito (progress story)
  • Unfamiliar Woman (progress story)
  • Shuuji (progress story)
  • Saki (progress story)
  • Kaito (progress story)
  • Unfamiliary Woman (progress story)
  • Minoru (progress story)
  • Aoi (progress story)
  • Kaito (progress story)
  • Who should I believe?
    • **Please note that this choice will determine the path you take to get to Part 3’s boss. The options for each are below.**
      • Kaito.
        • You’ll leave with Kaito, Haru and Miyuki to go to the woods. You’ll be able to retrieve some items. (We went with this option.)
          • Woods near Summit
            • Use camera to scan tree on right side of screen for an item.
            • Use camera to scan spot behind Kaito for an item.
            • Use camera to scan back left trees for an item.
            • Use camera to scan for left tree for an item.
            • Agumon
            • Dracmon
            • Progress story by selecting one of the 3 options below
              • Suspicious Thicket
                • Guard Break x1
              • Haru
                • Just some dialog
              • Kaito
                • Just some dialog
          • Scene about other group waiting for cable car.
          • Woods near Summit
            • Agumon
            • Dracmon
            • Use camera for the far left tree for an item.
            • Use camera on back left trees for an item.
            • Use camera behind Kaito for an item.
            • Use camera on far right tree for an item.
            • Progress story
              • Haru x2
                • Just some dialog
              • Kaito x2
                • Just some dialog
          • Scene about other group in the cable car learning of the truth about the woman.
          • The scene will switch to Kaito, Haru and Miyuki in the woods. They’ll see that the cable car trapped and will go to help.
      • The woman.
        • You’ll have a scene where the group is waiting for the cable car.
          • What do I think about this woman?
            • She seems nice. (moral)
            • I don’t trust her. (wrathful)
            • I wish she’d join us! (harmony)
        • In the cable car the group learns the truth about the woman.
        • The scene will switch to Kaito, Haru and Miyuki in the woods. They’ll see that the cable car trapped and will go to help.


Boss Fight

  • Work your way toward the cable car and defeat the spiders guarding it to free those trapped inside. They will then join the battle!
    • So, what do we do about this kid?
      • Depends on what we get. (moral)
      • Let’s leave him be. (wrathful)
      • We help, of course. (harmony)
  • After a few cutscenes, another battle will trigger. You can ignore the adds and go straight to Cyclomon to end the battle sooner.


Valley Floor

  • Ryo’s in trouble! Do we help?
    • Of course we’ll help! (moral)
    • Can we even make it? (wrathful)
    • It’s risky, but yeah. (harmony)


Old School

  • When Ryo was in trouble, if only we had…
    • I just don’t know. (moral)
    • Determination. (wrathful)
    • Cooperation. (harmony)
  • I just wish…
    • We’d talked more. (moral)
    • He’d faced his fears. (wrathful)
    • He’d talked with us. (harmony)


Click here for the next walkthrough for Part 4 in Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Biyomon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Biyomon’s questions! Please note that we found Biyomon in Part 2 at the Free Bat.

  • Why are leaves green?
    • Can’t say, really.
    • To make people calm.
    • It’s the chlorophyll.
    • Or yellow, or red…
  • I don’t care how tough you are, I’m not gonna lose!
    • I’ll crush you, punk!
    • I don’t want to fight.
    • Nice, so energetic!
    • I’m not gonna lose!
  • What do you do for fun?
    • Who has time for fun?
    • Climbing trees.
    • Tag!
    • Hide and seek.
  • When I meet a scary monster, I just start apologizing. Weird, right?
    • You’re a scaredy-cat.
    • You’re a nice ‘mon.
    • You don’t wanna fight.
    • I guess it’s instinct?
  • Have you ever told a lie?
    • I don’t want to say.
    • Once, for a friend.
    • Countless times.
    • Never ever.
  • Someday I’m gonna run this joint!
    • Not a chance!
    • Good to have goals.
    • Not if I can help it.
    • Let me work for you!
  • What’s the most important thing to you?
    • Myself.
    • My friends.
    • Health.
    • Food!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Numemon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Numemon’s questions! Please note that we found Numemon in Part 2 at the Dam – Underground Free Bat.

  • The monster bends forward, scowling at you.
    • Look apologetic.
    • Jump aside.
    • Clap vigorously.
    • Mimic his posture.
  • The monster is staring in fascinated confusion.
    • Grin and wave.
    • Take a step forward.
    • Look away.
    • Stare right back.
  • The monster is trying to say something.
    • Go Nyooww back.
    • Show your confusion.
    • Give it some food.
    • Cock your head.
  • The monster looks warily in this direction.
    • Smile back.
    • Try to soothe him.
    • Chicken out.
    • Prepare to fight.
  • The monster just stands there.
    • Stand Silently
    • Make a lot of noise
    • Gesture
    • Sing a song
  • The monster seems interested in what the humans are saying.
    • Stay quiet.
    • Talk to him slowly.
    • Howl like a beast.
    • Rattle on and on.
  • The monster shakes his head as he starts to leave.
    • Nod your head.
    • Shake your fist.
    • Shake your head.
    • Speak kindly to him.