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Dead Island 2 – Clickbait

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The #Clickbait side quest in Dead Island 2 can be found in Bel-Air by approaching the Goat Pen after completing the Room Service for Major Booker main quest.

After obtaining the quest, head up to the roof of the Goat Pen to investigate the explosions. Once there, speak with Amanda on the roof.

She’ll ask for your help in getting spectacular kills to upload to her followers. To get this party started, head on over to the DJ stand and crank on the tunes to slay to. The loud noise will of course draw a crowd. You’ll need to kill the zombies in the specific ways listed below:

  • Kick 6 off the roof
  • Maime 12
  • Kill 6 using fire

The kicking instructions are pretty straightforward. Use your Drop Kick or Flying Kick to knock the zombies off the roof. When it comes to maiming, aim at their limbs! For the burning, you can either kick them into the fires around the roof or use a weapon with a fire mod. Once you’ve completed her instructions, mop up any remaining zombies using whatever method you’d like.

Once all the zombies have been defeated, speak with Amanda to complete the quest.

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How to Obtain the Not Half Bad Trophy in MMBN2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on how to obtain the Not Half Bad trophy. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to do to make that Not Half Bad trophy (or achievement) pop!

How to Obtain the Not Half Bad Trophy

In order to obtain the Not Half Bad trophy (or achievement) in Mega Man Battle Network 2, you’ll need to defeat GateMan. This can be done by heading to Marine Harbor after surviving the camping trip. When you’re able, head inside the NetBattler HQ and speak with Mr. Famous. He can be found near the coffee server by the main entrance wearing a white lab coat. Select “Yes” when prompted to challenge him to a battle against his Navi, GateMan. The Not Half Bad trophy (or achievement) will trigger after you’ve successfully defeated him in battle!

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Where to find All 4 Detonators in Mega Man Battle Network 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on where to find all 4 detonators during the camping trip in Okuden Valley. In this guide, we’ll cover the locations of each detonator along with what you need to do to disarm it.

Where to find All 4 Detonators

Early on in Mega Man Battle Network 2, Lan drags the rest of the gang on a camping trip to Okuden Valley. What was supposed to be a relaxing trip turns into utter chaos as an explosion rocks the camp groups. In search of Chaud, Lan ends up at the Okuden Damn control building where Chaud informs him of a threat posted on the net forums the night prior. He then begrudgingly enlists Lan’s help to deal with bombs scattered around the Okuden Valley. There will be four detonators that Lan will have to jack into and disable. After Lan and MegaMan agree to help, make your way back to the camp.

At the camp, you’ll find the first detonator on a rock path crossing through the stream. Jack into the device and work your way to the round monitor inside to disable it.

Where to find All 4 Detonators in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Detonator 1

The second detonator can be found by interacting with a canteen on a yellow polka dot blanket also at the camp. Just like before, jack into the canteen and work your way to the round monitor to disable the detonator.

Where to find All 4 Detonators in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Detonator 2

Head to Camp Road 2 then travel to the bridge overlooking the waterfall. This detonator can be found behind the waterfall, which is reachable via a hidden path between a tree and the left side of the waterfall.

Where to find All 4 Detonators in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Detonator 3

After disabling the third detonator, Chaud will call Lan and tell him that the culprit probably has the last detonator on him. With that knowledge, make your way to Camp Road 1 and speak with the guy wearing the red hoodie. When prompted, choose “Ask Again” then “Get Suspicious”. This will result in Lan jacking into the red hoodie guy’s PET. Once inside, work your way to the circular monitor to disable the device…once you beat Quickman who is guarding the device that is!

Where to find All 4 Detonators in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Detonator 4

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Dead Island 2 – Life in Hell-A Journals

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore Hell-A in Dead Island 2, you’ll come across collectible journals. This guide covers where to find the Life in Hell-A journals. There are a total of 4 journals for Urban Blight, 9 for Surviving & Thriving and 12 for The New Normal.

Urban Blight

#1 Urban Blight

Location: Beverly Hills – On the wall in the water treatment facility where you get Phil’s key, which you’ll come to during the Justifiable Zombicide story quest

#2 Engineers on Edge

Location: Beverly Hills – At a dead end on the east side of the area

#3 Workplace Incident Report

Location: Brentwood Sewers – Northwestern corner of the Main Septic Tank. You’ll be tasked of running through this area during The Heart of Darkness story quest. Just before the end when you’re on the metal walkway, turn away from the main path leading to safety to find it.

#4 Do Not Enter

Location: Ocean Avenue – In the basement of the Lotusville on a sticky note next to the door that needs a fuse to open

Surviving & Thriving

#1 Guided Mindlessness

Location: Beverly Hills – On nightstand in the second level bedroom of the white house in the northern part of town

#2 Death Spiral

Location: Halperin Hotel – On the phone behind the counter in the lobby

#3 So Dumb

Location: Ocean Avenue – On the 3rd floor of the apartment building on Venture Walk next to Beancup Coffee.

#4 Gratitude Journal

Location: Ocean Avenue – In a storage room accessible via the outside of the Louisville building on the western side of the map

#5 Prized Fighter

Location: Ocean Avenue – On a cement seat near the Venice Beach map transition

#6 Everything Must Go!

Location: Ocean Avenue – In Epaules et Pieds in the Serling Hotel

#7 Trash Poetry

Location: Ocean Avenue – In the Serling Hotel’s trash room in the basement. This area is accessible during the Lending a Hand side quest.

#8 Zombie Outbreak Society Rules

Location: Santa Monica – Between the stairs leading up the the pier there will be an open door. Head inside underneath the pier to find a room filled with storage boxes. Follow the path to find this collectible.

#9 Family Ties

Location: Santa Monica – In the Hot Dog Shack on the far northeastern side of the area

The New Normal

#1 To My Followers

Location: Bel-Air – In the Goat Pen house on the desk in the bedroom with the double beds

#2 I’ll Be Waiting

Location: Halperin Hotel – Between the elevators on the second floor

#3 End-of-the-World Bucket List

Location: Halperin Hotel – In Room 306

#4 Diary Entry: Thursday

Location: Brentwood Sewers – In the Automated Hydrostatics Monitoring room, which is accessible during The Heart of Darkness during the objective to wade through the filth to reach the storm tank

#5 Out of Time

Location: Venice Beach – On a spinner at the park just south of the police station on the beach in the southern part of the area

#6 People-Watching

Location: Venice Beach – On the roof of a building overlooking the muscle competition in the southern part of the map

#7 Feeding Frenzy

Location: Venice Beach – On a shipping container in the water accessible during the Cremains of the Day side quest

#8 Reed’s Doubters

Location: Ocean Avenue – In the hotel room you wake up in during the Plumbing the Depths story quest.

#9 Chore Rota

Location: Ocean Avenue – In the Lotusville in the sitting area near the piano

#12 The Case of Lacey Dubois

Location: Metro – In the northeastern part of the area in the flooded room where you had to carry a circuit breaker through without getting electrocuted. After installing the circuit breaker, you’ll be able to traverse the flooded room.

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How to Get Past the Bear in Mega Man Battle Network 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide for how to get past the bear in Okuden Valley during the camping trip. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to do to scare off the big scary bear so that the group can reach their camp!

How to Get Past the Bear

Early on in Mega Man Battle Network 2, Lan drags the rest of the gang on a camping trip to Okuden Valley. While en route to their campsite, they come across a bear blocking their path on Camp Road 2.

How to Get Past the Bear in Mega Man Battle Network Bear Location

To get around this majestic creature, head to the waterfall near the bridge then take the opening between the waterfall and the tree to find a hidden path.

How to Get Past the Bear in Mega Man Battle Network Gap Behind Waterfall

Once behind the waterfall, press the interact button to find a pair of binoculars. Approach the bear to trigger an event. Afterward, approach the bear and jack into it.

In the Net, make sure to head to the southern corner to find a PowerUp: RegUP1. Next, make your way to the center of the area and speak with the program there. This will lead to a fight with 3 Spiky viruses with 90 HP each you’ll need to defeat. Once you emerge victorious, you’ll clear the bear from the path and can proceed forward!

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How to Shoo Away the Bees in Mega Man Battle Network 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on how to shoo away the bees during the Okuden Valley camping trip. In this guide, we’ll cover the steps that you need to take to clear the bees that are blocking Lan’s way forward to the campsite.

How to Shoo Away the Bees

Early on in Mega Man Battle Network 2, Lan drags the rest of the gang on a camping trip to Okuden Valley. While trekking to their campsite, they come across a horde of angry bees preventing them from reaching their destination. Dex, being the great camp leader that he is, assigns Lan the task of shooing those pesky insects away so they can reach their campsite and make camp.

You’ll want to start out by speaking with the lady near the beginning of the area (whose daughter is running around her) to learn that bees are weak to fire. To craft this mighty flame, you’ll need to collect a few items around Camp Road 1 which are a stick, lighter and newspaper.

Let’s start out by locating the stick. To find it, head down by the creek then follow that path southeast to find two stones next to each other resting on the creek bed. Walk over the stones and interact with the area off-screen to find the stick we seek.

How to Shoo Away the Bees in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Stick Location

Next up is the lighter. Make your way to the opposite end of the creek on the northwest side past the pair of adults. Facing northwest, interact with the area off-screen to find the lighter among various rocks.

How to Shoo Away the Bees in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Lighter Location

Finally, the paper can be found next to the guy wearing a red hoodie near the bees. Interact with the tree on his right to obtain a newspaper stuck amongst the tree branches.

How to Shoo Away the Bees in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Paper Location

With all three items in your possession, approach the bees then select “Lighter+stick+paper” when prompted. This will trigger a delightful event leading to the retreat of the bees allowing the group to finally reach their camp.

How to Shoo Away the Bees in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Good Bye Bees!

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Where to find Airman in Mega Man Battle Network 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on where to find Airman. In this guide, we’ll show you where you need to go to find the Airman Navi. Defeating him with a high busting level will reward you with his battle chip allowing you to summon him in battle.

Where to find AirMan

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, there are plenty of powerful NetNavis for you to face to test your Net Battling skills against. One such NetNavi is AirMan. You can find him in Den Area 1. Make your way to the entrance of Lan’s PC in Den Area 1. From there, cross the bridge and follow the path right until you reach the green square where the path splits. Continue heading northeast to reach another green square at a dead end. Save then head onto the square to start a fight with AirMan v2. Reduce his 500 HP to 0 to win the fight. If you have a high enough busting level, you’ll also receive an AirMan battle chip.

Where to Find Airman in Mega Man Battle Network 2 Tile he is on

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How to Complete the Need Help Request in MMBN2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on the Need Help request. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this request like where to start it and how to complete it.

How to Start the Need Help Request

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, the Need Help request can be accepted at the request board in Marine Harbor after obtaining the BLicense.

How to Complete the Need Help Request

For this request, someone is searching for a lost girl. Meet them at the school in ACDC Town to discuss their request in more detail. Speak with the girl wearing a teal shirt and orange shorts at the front of the classroom.

Next, take the Metroline to Marine Harbor. Once there, head north past the news crew to find a girl wearing a blue dress on the pier. Speak with her then return to the girl in the classroom at ACDC Town. As a reward, you’ll receive a RegUP1.

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Complete List of MMBN 2 Requests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Complete List of MMBN 2 Requests guide! In Mega Man Battle Network 2, requests become available after obtaining the BLicense. Once you get this license, check out the request board at the NetBattler HQ in Marine Harbor to see what requests are available. Please note that you can only accept one request at a time! Below is a master list of all the requests you can find.

This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress in the game!

MMBN 2 Requests List

At the CafeAfter getting BLicense
For Male PrideAfter getting ALicense
Need HelpAfter getting BLicense
Mission1As part of the story when going for your ALicense
Mission2As part of the story when going for your ALicense
Mission3As part of the story when going for your ALicense
Chip Please! RequestAfter getting ALicense
Paying in Advance RequestAfter getting ALicense
Need a Cupid RequestAfter getting ALicense

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How to Complete the At the Cafe Request in MMBN2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on the At the Cafe request. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this request like where to start it and how to complete it.

Where to Start the At the Cafe Request

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, the At the Cafe request becomes available from the request board in Marine Harbor after obtaining the BLicense. After obtaining the BLicense, check out the request board and accept this request.

How to Complete the At the Cafe Request

For this request, someone is waiting in the cafe with an ocean view. Make your way to the cafe in Marine Harbor next to the Metroline then speak with the man wearing an orange shirt. He’ll ask you to defeat a strong enemy.

At the Cafe MMBN 2 Requestor

Next, make your way to the Net’s DenCity by jacking into the net. Head to Den Area 2 then make your way to the portal leading to the Square Entrance. There will be a purple Navi here. Speak with it to engage in a battle against 3 enemies. After you virus bust them, return to the orange dude in Marine Harbor to complete the request. You’ll receive an HPMemory as a reward.

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