A Plague Tale Requiem Walkthrough
by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found during Chapter IV: Protector’s Duty in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Make sure to always pick up a knife if you see one so you can open the secret chests!


Hugo’s Collection – Gentian

When you reach the docks with all the boats, the path will fork. Head right to find the flower on the ground.


Souvenir: Silk Treasure

As you sneak through the docks, you’ll slip between 2 crates and climb up a ladder. Keep following the path until you reach a hatch in the floor near a lit scone. DO NOT go through this door. Instead, head right and through the opening between two barrels to reach a secret room.

Use the cart in this room to reach a higher ledge. Climb up to the ledge to find a souvenir on the ground.


Secret Chest / Tool

When you have to push the brazier on the cart, push it towards the ladder leading against a wall.

Climb up the ladder to reach a secret chest! Open it to receive a tool.



In the tar workshop, before exiting the building, head up the ladder where Lucas was at. Follow the path to the other side of the moving platform with the alcohol barrel. On the other side, loot the chest to receive the tool.


Souvenir: A Grain of Sand

After you exit the tar workshop, cross the wooden boards.

This will bring you to a doorway on the left with a brazier next to it. Look to the right to find a wooden board held up with a chain.

Hit the chain with your slingshot causing it to break. Follow the path along the dock to find the souvenir at the end.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 5 in A Plague Tale: Requiem.



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