A Plague Tale Requiem Walkthrough
by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found during Chapter V: In Our Wake in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Make sure to always pick up a knife if you see one so you can open the secret chests!


Souvenir: The Stag’s Roar

After pushing the boat free from the debris, follow the path into the forest. When you come to the fork in the path, head right.

Follow the path until you find a red ribbon in the tree.

Plague Tale Requiem souvenir

After the event, you’ll automatically receive the souvenir.



As you try to make your way to the ship, you’ll come to an area surrounded by rats where you’ll have to use multiple cranes to maneuver. The tool can be found in a chest under the central platform with the crane that spins all the way around it.


Souvenir: Huuugooo!

After working your way through the crane puzzle, you’ll come to a workbench just before the path leading to the dock. Look up to find a ladder behind held by a chain.

Hit the chain with your slingshot, causing it to fall. Climb on up and interact with Lucas to automatically receive the souvenir.


Secret Chest / Tool

After you cross the water using a wooden raft and destroy the counterweight in the building, the chain will snap and you’ll have to look for another way to return to the ship. Exit this building then swing around the back to find a fence you can squeeze between.

Do so then climb up the ladder to find this secret chest! Open it to find a tool!


Hugo’s Collection: Anemone

After finding the above chest, continue forward a short way to reach a bridge. Under it you’ll find a cart. Move the cart under the ledge behind the cart then use the cart to climb up.

Use your slingshot to knock down a board held by a chain.

Follow the path climbing up the slide of a cliff to find the flower.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 6 in A Plague Tale: Requiem!



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