by Chappie in


Red Wrath Will Seed

From the Corridor Bottom Safe House, work your way forward until you reach the mural with Futaba and the three birds. The Will Seed can be found just before this room in a side room with a treasure chest on block. You will have to climb up the top of a sarcophagus to the right of the chest to reach the seed.


Green Wrath Will Seed

This seed can be found just past the big open room with all the sarcophagus in the middle of it (across from the Corridor Middle the Safe House). To start the puzzle, you will need to follow the trail of giant balls east to reach a ledge with a stone slab on it. Interact with the slab to start the puzzle (B10011 and R01100). To solve this puzzle, turn on the sarcophagus that are in the 0 position starting from the blue and red orbs. Once they match the codes, press the button near the slab in the room to open the red sealed door in the corner. Follow the path in this room left to reach the seed.


Blue Wrath Will Seed

The last seed can be found in the Chamber of Sanctuary 2F just before the last mural in the palace. You will need to look for the giant room with the two giant Egyptian statues and the floating gems shooting out light. You will need to climb onto the head of the right statue to grapple to the platform leading to the Will Seed. It’s guarded by an enemy weak to fire.


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