by Chappie in


Favor Giver: Find the dragon to get the favor


Summary: Free the dragon, Fafnir.  He is located directly to the left of the Alfheim Realm Tower behind a pair of wooden doors.  The world serpent will need to have moved a second time in order to access this area.



  • Destroy shrines binding Fafnir
  • Return to the anchor


Shrine 1

When you enter the area with Fafnir, follow the path to the left and drop down from 2 ledges to reach the ground on the bottom. Head to the right and jump across a creek onto a climbable rock wall. Climb the wall to find the first shrine at the top. Defeat the enemies and then destroy the shrine. Turn right towards the west to open a closed gate taking you back to the entrance.


Shrine 2

Head back to the main courtyard by dropping down the two ledges again. This time take a left, handing on the left wall to reach the second shrine. Defeat the enemies and destroy the shrine.


Shrine 3

Turn left into the area with the dragon to find the third shrine to the northeast (left side) of the dragon.


Return to the Anchor

Head to the center of the area to find the anchor causing enemies to spawn as your reach it. Defeat the enemies while dodging the attacks from the dragon. Once there are no more enemies, the dragon will stop attacking. Have Atreus destroy the mask releasing the dragon.


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