by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Aftermath Chapter 5 quest in Eastward.


Another Weird Dream

Speak to the guys then go to the breakroom on the southeastern side of the room to find a chest with 3 tokens. Head deeper into the mine via the southwestern path and speak with Digguh. Next, take the southcentral path and speak to Yohn. Go through the central path heading south in the next area then keep heading forward. When you reach the raft, push the raft into the water and use it to reach the other side. Now just keep following the path until you trigger a dialog event.


Head to Lowtown

Exit Rocket Mansion and head for Dragon Market for a dialog event. When it concludes, take care of the zombies in the area. After defeating one zombie, the rest sprout tentacles. When they have all been defeated, another dialog event triggers.


Find John

Head to the Dragon Market with Sam to trigger a dialog event.


Save the Two Brothers…Again!

Enter Lowtown and follow the path north through the next area then head east for a dialog event. Follow the path deeper into Lowtown until you reach a room that locks after you enter the room. Defeat the enemies then head to the next area. Sperate John and Sam, taking Sam through the tunnel. Switch to John and hit a floating bomb along the left side of the room over the water to explode the barrels on the other side. Change back to Sam then step on the platform allowing John to head through.

Proceed to the next area then split up John and Sam again. Send Sam through the tunnel the switch to John and use the floaty bomb to clear the way for Sam. Keep doing this as you move Sam to the end of the room and flip the switch at the back of the room to unlock the doors and head to the next area. Keep moving forward until you reach an area full of miasma creatures. Head to the northwestern part of the area and move the bookshelf there to find a chest with a Heart Orb. Head to the next area and take the north path before the eastern exit to the next area to find a chest with 50 salt. Move to the next area and grab the chest with 3 eggs then head to the north side of the area to find another chest with an advanced gear part then proceed to the next area.

Stock up on headline items at the vending machine if you want then blow the barrels up and head through the crack in the wall. When you pass through the next doorway, you’ll be locked in a room full of crates and explosive barrels. Defeat the enemies to unlock the door (you can use Sam to stun them and John to finish them off) then head through. You should now be in a room with a stove and fridge. Save the game and cook something if you’re getting hungry. Move to the next area for a dialog event leading to a boss fight. Shoot the boss with Sam’s ability and dodge the attacks. After some time passes another dialog event occurs leading to another fight. You’ll want to dodge the boss and shooting it with Sam’s fully charged ability when able.  After you deal some good damage to the beast, it will spawn miasma that you’ll also have to dodge. It will take 5 fully charged attacks to defeat the boss. When it finally goes down a dialog event triggers.


Click here for the Eastward Bound quest guide!



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