by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Charon Chapter 8 quest in Eastward.


Save Sam!

Head east and step on the floor pad to reach the next area. The way forward is pretty linear so keep following the path and you’ll end up on a platform that seals behind you forcing you to fight a jumping zombie. After defeating it, if you take the eastern path, you’ll end up in a room with a chest containing 150 salt and a stove. Return to the western path to keep pressing on. After you pass the section where you dodged all of the lasers, there will be a teleport pad before a set of stairs. Take it to find a chest with a Health Orb, then return to the stairs to keep heading forward where you’ll eventually trigger a dialog event with a Proto Breeder who will take your weapons minus the pan. Follow the path east to trigger multiple dialog events then head through some areas based on previous places you’ve been. Head east then north through the bramble field to find a Heart Orb. Head forward to start a section of you being chased by miasma through a building. When you reach the end, a dialog event triggers. Afterwards, head east to trigger another leading to a fight with Isabel. You’ll need to take out her mirages and counter her attacks. You’ll go through three cycles before finally defeating her. This will trigger a dialog event,


The Final Battle

Follow the path east and down a flight of stairs to reach the Final Johnny. Stock up on ammo and healing items then save. When you’re ready, head east and place the three keys on the pedestal to open a door. Head through the door then work your way to the final boss. You’ll need to take down the barriers protecting the boss then shoot it with Sam’s ability. When you take it down a dialog event triggers and you’ll have beaten the game!!! Congratulations!!!



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