by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in L’Academie de Notre Maitre des Medailles.


Objective: Read this Month’s Issue of Le Mini Monde for Purscilla



Start off by heading to the second floor of the academy just above the main entrance. You will ding Bashtienne in that area in front of a bulletin board. Talk with her to learn that this month’s issue blew out the window towards the Eerie Eyrie. Head over to the Eerie Eyrie and locate the campsite a little ways past the entrance. From there, head east through a little river with a waterfall flowing into it and up a small rock wall to reach an elevated piece of land. Follow that path forward until you reach the entrance to a cave with a sign in the front. Examine the back of the sign to read this month’s issue of Le Mini Monde. Head back to the dormitory at the academy and talk with Purscilla to complete the quest.


Reward: Uniforme de I’Academie


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