by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for the Prologue in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth!

EDEN Entrance

When you gain control of your Sleuth, make your way around the area speaking to different avatars. Make sure to grab the Gummymon Megal on the ground at the top of the highest set of stairs. After some time passes a dialog event triggers where you’ll unlock the EDEN Community Area. Return to the entrance and use the pad to travel to the EDEN Community Area.

EDEN Community Area

A dialog event triggers once you load into the area. When it concludes, you’ll get the keyword to Galacta Park, Kowloon (the dialogue choice during the event doesn’t matter). Head down the stairs to find a Minomon Medal on the ground next to the spinning globe.  Afterward, speak with the Apathetic Businessman near the globe and select the Galacta Part, Kowloon keyword. Next head back up the stairs and take a left to find an Upamon Medal on the ground in the corner of some railing. You’ll then want to travel back to the EDEN Entrance area.

EDEN Entrance

Head over to the Creepy Hacker to the left of the first flight of stairs and speak with him using the keyword. He’ll then give you the URL to Kowloon Lv 1. Exit EDEN Entrance and travel to Kowloon Lv 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1 – Area 1

After a brief cutscene, select either dialogue option to begin conversing with Nokia (aka Akkino). You’ll also meet Arata (aka Blue Box) who just returned from ghost hunting. When you regain control of your sleuth, follow the path north to reach the next area.

Kowloon Lv. 1 – Area 2

Work your way towards the next area unit a cutscene triggers followed by a dialog event in which you’ll get to pick a Digimon. Pick whichever one you fancy, but if you’re playing hard mode Palmon can make the early game a little more difficult and Terriermon has access to a heal skill that could be in handy. After you gain control of your sleuth, follow the path west under the archway to find a chest with HP Capsule C x3 then head to the next area.

Kowloon Lv. 1 – Area 3

Another dialogue event triggers leading to a battle. Defeat the Kurisarimon with help from your new friend. When it concludes head back to the previous area to start another dialog event with Nokia. Following the event, she will join your party. You can then head back to the third area of Kowloon Lv. 1 with the firewall. From the entrance of the area, follow the path left where you’ll be able to open two chests containing an Escape Gate and HP Capsule C x2. Before you keep heading past the chests to reach the next area and continue on with the story, you may want to spend some time battling the Digimon in the area to get their scan percentage to 200. Doing this will ensure that these Digimon hatch with an ABI of 5 later, which can save you some time grinding in the long run as some of the stronger Digimon require a certain amount of ABI to digi-evolve into them. Make your way to the next area when you are ready.

Kowloon Lv. 1 Digimon

  • Coromon
  • Pabumon
  • Poyomo
  • Tsunomon

Kowloon Lv. 1 – Area 4

Yet another dialogue event kicks off as soon as you reach the next area leading to a cutscene and a battle against an eater. You won’t be able to damage the enemy so hold out for a couple of turns until another dialogue event triggers leading to the end of the prologue.

Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 1: Welcome to the Kuremi Detective Agency in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition!

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