
Borderlands 3 – Fire in the Sky

by Chappie in


Location: Nekrotafeyo – Desolation’s Edge

Obtained: Talk to Sparrow after completing the story


  • Get Rocket Parts
  • Get Detonator
  • Go to Tazendeer Ruins
  • Clear Mailwan from Old Base
  • Recover Typhon Echo Logs
  • Shoot Echo Log
  • Kill Omega Mantakore
  • Assemble Rocket
  • Place Echo Logs in Rocket
  • Place Detonator
  • Launch Rocket
  • Talk to Sparrow


Get Rocket Parts

Collect the rocket parts from the platform that Grouse is on.


Get Detonator

Grab the detonator from the same area as the rockets.


Go to Tazendeer Ruins

Travel to the Tazendeer Ruins to update the objective.


Clear Mailwan from Old Base

Follow the objective northeast to arrive at the Maliwan occupied Old Base in the Last House area. Clear them out.


Recover Typhon Echo Logs

Pick up the log dropped from the last enemy. Find and collect the other two logs.


Shoot Echo Log

Shoot the echo log off of the metal scaffolding.


Kill Omega Mantakore

Eliminate the Mantakore to find the final log.


Assemble Rocket

Follow the objective to the target location and assemble the rocket.


Place Echo Logs in Rocket

Put the echo logs in the rocket.


Place Detonator

Put the detonator on the roof of the old house.


Launch Rocket

Send Typhon’s rocket into the sky.


Talk to Sparrow

Head back to Sparrow at the research center and talk with him to complete the mission.



Borderlands 3 – It’s Alive

by Chappie in


Location: Nekrotafeyo – Desolation’s Edge

Obtained: Talk to Sparrow in In the Wake of Doubt after completing the Footsteps of Giants main mission


  • Go to Maliwan’s Camp
  • Get Flash Trooper Backpacks
  • Obtain Acid Tank
  • Find AI Chip
  • Place Flash Trooper Backpack
  • Melee It Like You Mean It
  • Turn On Power
  • Install AI Chip
  • Kill The Abomanation


Go to Maliwan’s Camp

Head to the Maliwan camp in the Stain, located in the southwestern area of the map.


Get Flash Trooper Backpacks

Proceed to the objective area of the map and eliminate two Flash Troopers. Commandeer their backpacks.


Obtain Acid Tank

Head further into the Maliwan base to locate a Dark Contaminator Heavy. Take him out and grab his acid tank.


Find AI Chip

Exit the Maliwan base and head back to the tunnel leading to In the Wake of Doubt. You will come across an AI chip near a Maliwan crate. Pick it up to receive praise from Sparrow.


Return to Research Center

Head back to the research center.


Place Flash Trooper Backpack

Head over to Sparrow and set the backpack next to the robot on the ground near him.


Melee It In

Melee the backpack until it’s attached to the robot.


Place Acid Tank

Place the acid tank on the ground next to the robot.


Melee It Like You Mean It

Melee the acid tank until it is attached.


Turn On Power

Flip the lever on the platform behind the robot.


Install AI Chip

Install the AI chip in the robots chest plate.


Kill The Abomination

Kill the robot to complete the mission. He’s in pain!



Borderlands 3 – Baby Dancer

by Chappie in


Location: Sanctuary

Obtained: Talk to Claptrap on Sanctuary after the First Vault Hunter main mission


  • Meet Claptrap in Devil’s Razor
  • Follow Claptrap
  • See if Baby is Home
  • Rind Doorbell
  • Meet Baby
  • Dance!
  • Turn on Music
  • Talk to Claptrap


Meet Claptrap in Devil’s Razor

Travel to Roland’s Rest in Devil’s Razor and make your way east to meet up with Claptrap in Dusty Acres.


Follow Claptrap

Follow Claptrap to up to the house.


See if Baby is Home

Wait for Claptrap to do his thing.


Ring Doorbell

Ring the doorbell next to the door.


Meet Baby

Talk to Baby.



Do something.


Turn on Music

Turn on the radio to the right of Baby.


Talk to Claptrap

Speak with the master of dance to complete the mission.



Borderlands 3 – Bad Vibrations

by Chappie in


Location: Nekrotafeyo – Desolation’s Edge

Obtained: Talk with Grouse after completing the Cannonization side mission


  • Get Beacons
  • Get Explosives
  • Place Beacon
  • Place Beacons
  • Place Explosives
  • Blow Hole in Shaft
  • Find Epicenter
  • Place Explosives
  • Clear Steam Vent
  • Ride Steam Jet
  • Talk to Grouse


Get Beacons

Grab the beacons off of a nearby table.


Get Explosives

Collect the explosives off of the table next to the beacons.


Place Beacon

Jump to the nearby ledge and place the beacon.


Place Beacons

The first beacon is located in the north part of the map near the Legendary Hunt.  The second beacon will need to be placed in the Engine of Decay on the eastern side of the map.


Place Explosives

Head to the Catch-A-Ride in Quietus Pike, which is north of the Conqueror.  Follow along the wall next to the station to locate a crack that you can pass through.  Head inside and then plant the explosives at the base of the structure.


Blow Hole in Shaft

Wait for the explosive to explode.


Find Epicenter

Jump into the new hole to arrive at the Chancellor’s Throat. Follow the path until you reach the fallen steaming rock.


Place Explosives

Place the two explosives around the fallen rock.


Clear Steam Vent

Wait for the explosives to explode.


Ride Steam Jet

Jump into the steam jet.


Talk to Grouse

Return to Grouse and talk with him to complete the mission.



Borderlands 3 – Homeopathological Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Homeopathological side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!

Homeopathological Walkthrough

How to Start Homeopathological

To begin the Homeopathological side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to talk to Sparrow who is at the In the Wake of Doubt in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo.

Homeopathological Objectives

Go to Tern’s Office

Follow the objective a short distance to reach Tern’s office.

Use Intercom

Press the green button next to the giant door.

Align your Energy

Just stand there.

Enter Sanctum

Walk through the newly opened door.

Lie on the Couch

Head on over to the couch.

Melee Paint Can

Head on over to the small bookshelf and interact with the paint can.

Melee Canvas

Head to the wall on your left and create a masterpiece using your fists.

Talk to Tern when Finished

When you’re done smacking the wall as many times as you’d like, head on over to Tern and speak with him.

Open Box of Tranquility

Open the chest to your left.

Kill Tern

We didn’t shoot him, but he still shot at us so we had no choice but to kill him (we think it was because of our shield).

Take Memory Core

Pick up the Memory Core that Tern drops.

Give Core to Sparrow

Head back to the cave and give Sparrow the core.

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Check out our Borderlands 3 Guides and Walkthroughs for more help!


Borderlands 3 – Cannonization Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Cannonization side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!

Cannonization Walkthrough

How to Start Cannonization

To begin the Cannonization side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to talk to Grouse who is at the In the Wake of Doubt in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafey.

Cannonization Objectives

Take Energy Trap

Grab the energy trap from the table next to Grouse.

Go to Temple

Head to the temple located in the south-central part of the map at the area called The Testament of Longing.

Place Energy Trap

Head into the temple and place the trap on the floor in the middle of it.

Fill Energy Trap with Spirits

Kill enemies until the trap fills up with energy.

Collect the Energy Trap

Pick the energy trap off the floor.

Destroy Cyclone

Head out to the Conqueror and destroy a cyclone.

Get Stabilizer

Grab the stabilizer from the destroyed cyclone.

Destroy Outrunner

Head out to the Conqueror. Find and destroy an outrunner.

Get Shock Absorber

Grab the shock absorber from the destroyed outrunner.

Return to Research Center

Return to Grouse.

Place Weapon Parts

Place the parts next to the weapon on the table.

Place Energy Trap

Hook up the trap to the machine next to Grouse.

Back Up!

Head back down the steps!

Pick Up Cannon

Collect the cannon from the table to complete the Cannonization mission.

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Check out our Borderlands 3 Guides and Walkthroughs for more help!


Borderlands 3 – Transaction-Packed Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Transaction-Packed side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!

Transaction-Packed Walkthrough

How to Start Transaction-Packed

To begin the Transaction-Packed side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to interact with the bounty board next to a crashed drop pod in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo.

Transaction-Packed Objectives

Pick Up Echo Cartridge

Head north up the middle of the Conqueror to come across the echo cartridge on the ground near some rock.

Talk to… the Hologram?

Talk to the pink hologram to get started.

Find First Portal Hotspot

Follow the objective to the west part of the map to arrive at the Engine of Decay. Head to the hotspot.

Talk to Mickey

Talk with the hologram to start the game.

Follow and Protect Lana

Follow Lana as she heads for the portal.

Buy Upgrade

Buy the upgrade for Lana.

Destroy the Portal

Destroy the first portal.

Continue Protecting Lana

Keep following Lana to the next portal.

Buy the Same Upgrade Again

Buy the upgrade for Lana again.

Destroy Portal

Destroy the second portal.

Protect Lana… Again

Keep following Lana to yet another portal.

Keep Forking Over Money

Buy another upgrade because REASONS!

Destroy Portal

Destroy the final portal.

Talk to Mickey

Talk with Mickey to continue playing the game.

Find Second Portal Hotspot

Head south to find the second hotspot in the Twilight Arcade.

Talk to Mickey

Talk to our pal Mickey.

Find ant Gather an Energy Source

Jump on top of the platform and grab the crystal to trigger a glitch.

Gather ALL Energy Sources

Start gathering the 100 needed crystals.

Purchase a Non- Predatory Upgrade

Buy the upgrade to obtain all of the crystals.

Give Energy Sources to Lana

Head over to Lana and give her the crystals.

Destroy Portal

Destroy the portal.

Talk to Mickey

Talk with Mickey to kick off one final mission.

Find Final Portal Hotspot

Head deeper into the Twilight Arcade to find Mickey.

Talk to Mickey

Talk with Mickey to kick off the final mission.

Defeat Rak’nagob, Destroyer of Worlds

Start killing the boss.

Give Us Money To Get This Over With

Pay for the final upgrade.

Destroy Rak’nagbo’s Portal

Destroy the final portal.

Talk to Mickey

Talk with Mickey to complete the Transaction-Packed mission.

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Check out our Borderlands 3 Guides and Walkthroughs for more help!


Borderlands 3 – Childhood’s End Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Childhood’s End side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!

Childhood’s End Walkthrough

How to Start Childhood’s End

To begin the Childhood’s End side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to interact with the switch by the door in Angel’s Light in Konrad’s Hold on Pandora.

Childhood’s End Objectives

Open Storage Room

Press the button to open the door.

Find the Portrait

Head straight ahead to find Handsome Jack’s portrait.

Move Portrait

Interact with the portrait to move it.

Open Back Door

Press the button that was behind the portrait to open the door.

Find a Toy Bear

The bear is located on the north side of the room on a couch.

Touch the Bear

Interact with the bear.

Find a Vending Machine

Flip the switch next to the barred gate to locate the vending machine.

Touch Vending Machine

Interact with the machine.

Find Hyperion RKT Sentry

Pick up the power fuse and plug it into the circuit box near where the toy bear was to open the gate. Head into the tunnels and follow the objective to arrive on the second level of the previous room. Turn on the generator then shoot two targets along the path that the cable follows. This will open an door, revealing the sentry.

Touch Hyperion RKT Sentry

Interact with the sentry to trigger another memory.

Destroy Hyperion RKT Sentry

Shoot or punch the sentry a lot.

Find a Satellite

Look up in the room the sentry was in to find some boards above the ladder. Shoot them and head up.

Touch Satellite

Interact with the satellite to trigger another memory.

Go to Roland’s Rest

Travel to Roland’s Rest.

Touch Water Purifier

Head to the water purifier near the southern part of town and touch it. You know you want to!

Talk to Vaughn

Talk to Vaughn to complete the Childhood’s End mission.

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Check out our Borderlands 3 Guides and Walkthroughs for more help!


Borderlands 3 – The Demon in the Dark Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on The Demon in the Dark side mission. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this mission!

The Demon in the Dark Walkthrough

How to Start The Demon in the Dark

To begin The Demon in the Dark side mission in Borderlands 3, you’ll need to inspect the robot head on the ground in the Last-Stand Yard in Konrad’s Hold on Pandora.

The Demon in the Dark Objectives

Find and Pull the Nearby Switch

The switch is located across from the door near a burn barrel.

Pick up Wren’s Head

Pick up the head on the ground.

Find Wren’s Body

Enter the mine to find Wren’s body in the center of the room.

Reattach Wren’s Head

Put Wren’s head back on her body.

Follow Wren

Follow Wren deeper into the mine.

Search for Alkonost

Keep heading deeper into the mine, killing Varkids as necessary.

Melee Varkid Poop

Hit the poop to reveal Lark.

Deactivate Lark’s Alarm

Interact with the robot.

Activate Eridian Runes

Line up one of the squares on the wall through three rings to shoot it.  Repeat this process two more times.

Borderlands 3 The Demon in the Dark
The Demon in the Dark
The Demon in the Dark

Continue Searching for Alkonost

Head through the newly opened door and begin the hunt anew.  When you come to a chamber, pick up the log on the ground.

Find and Retrieve the Second Signal

Pick up the log on the well.

Investigate Disturbance

Head back into the previous chamber and go towards the previously locked door for it to open unleashing a swarm of Varkid.

Find Final Bot

Head into the newly opened door.

Defeat Lagromar

Kill the guy.

Pick up Alkonost’s Head

Pick up the head dropped by Lagromar.

Find Way Out

Follow the objective to the closed door on the east side of the room.

Return Head and Arm to Wren

Return to Wren to hand over the head and arm to complete The Demon in the Dark mission.

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Check out our Borderlands 3 Guides and Walkthroughs for more help!


Borderlands 3 – Locations of Eridian Writings

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 walkthrough on the Eridian Writings. Here you’ll find the locations of all the writings!

Eridian Writings Locations

*NOTE: If you did not receive The Tales From The Eridian Slab trophy, head back to the infirmary at Sanctuary and keep translating the Eridian writing until the trophy triggers.  (We inspected it approximately six times.)


The Droughts

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on the east side of Varkid Valley in a cave near the Lavender Crawly Legendary Hunt.

The Droughts

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the back of the Eridian Dig Site in a cave next to some scaffolding.

Ascension Bluff

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the most northern part of the map, north of the most northern Catch-A-Ride.  We previously came here during the Golden Calves side mission.

Devil’s Razor

 Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in a small cave south of Roland’s Rest. You will need to shoot the boards off to enter the cave.

Devil’s Razor

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on a rock face overlooking a canyon north of Roland’s Rest.

The Splinterlands

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in a small cave northwest of the Chop Shop, past The Homestead.


Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on a rock face next to the Azlan’s Stash Typhon Log in the north-central area.

Guts of Carnivora

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the back of Mack’s Head Room near some computer monitors.

Konrad’s Hold

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the These are No Mines area in the northern part of the map. You will need to start The Demon in the Dark side mission reach it.

Cathedral of the Twin Gods

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located under the giant skull with a bridge coming out of its mouth. You will have to crouch walk under the partially opened gate then locate the hole in the back of the room and pass through. Follow the tunnel to the end where the writing can be found in the back wall.

Destroyer’s Rift

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the Treacherous Path.  Take the path left of the fast travel station before boss fight to find it.


Meridian Outskirts

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is can be found in Mt. Schuler Recovery Center located in the northwestern part of the Spillways on a rock behind the gurneys and privacy curtains.

Meridian Metroplex

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in Watershed Base on a post across from the fast travel station.

Lectra City

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the tunnel that runs underneath Downtown Square.


Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on a wall a little southwest of the dead claptrap with an antenna just before the Tritanium Refinery area.

Atlas HQ

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on the wall in the CEO’s office near a door on the left side.

Neon Arterial

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located just north of the Restricted Catacombs Typhon Log.


Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in Anchorhold in the room just after the boss fight with Captain Traunt.


Floodmoor Basin

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the Primeval Grotto in the northwest section of the map near the Primeval Preserve Typhon Log.

Floodmoor Basin

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located on a rock face at the base of a tree next to a lantern southeast of Knotty Peak.

The Anvil

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in a sewer tunnel just past the Hector’s Lament Typhon Log on the left.

Jakobs Estate

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the Leery Hamlet at the base of a tree.

Voracious Canopy

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located behind a waterfall in the Green Labyrinth on the path to the Family Jewel.


Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located near the Soggybog Rigs on the northwestern side of the map next to a crate with a light.


Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located at the base of a tree near the Tig’s Big Rig Typhon Log.

Blackbarrel Cellars

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located next to a Typhon cache on a rock wall in a cave behind a waterfall in the Estate Gardens.


Desolation’s Edge

Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the Twilight Arcade in the southwest. See the map below for the exact location.

Eridian Writings

Desolation’s Edge

Eridian Writings

This writing is located in the Chancellor’s Throat where the Bad Vibrations side mission took place. See the map below for the exact location.

Eridian Writings

Tazendeer Ruins

Eridian Writings

This writing is located in Pertinence and Light near the elevator in the vault. See the map below for the exact location.

Eridian Writings

The Pyre of Stars

Eridian Writings
Eridian Writings

This writing is located in Hallowed Shame near the steam to Eden-6 Pedestal.

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