
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Goten’s Growth

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Goten at Goku’s House during the main story New Encounters

Objective: Catch 3 Blue Fish with Goten

Head to Goku’s House for a cutscene ending with Gohan and Goten going fishing. When you gain control of Gohan, head to the end of the deck and start fishing until you cat 3 Blue Fish.  After getting all 3, speak with Goten to have a quick sparring match. Defeat him to complete the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Uninvited Training Partner

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Videl near Goku’s House during the main story New Encounters

Objective: Lend Videl a hand training

Head to Goku’s House then follow the road northeast to spot Videl. Talk with her and agree to help her with training. When the training is disrupted, defeat the Super Pilaf Machine to complete the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Toughening Up

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Trunks outside Capsule Corp. in West City during the main story Good News

Objective: Defeat Trunks

Talk to Trunks outside of Capsule Corp. and agree to spend some time with him. Travel to Blake Bog in the Central Plains Area to find him along the eastern part of the map. Approach Trunks to trigger a cutscene leading to a sparring match. Defeat him to complete the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Chiaotzu the Champ

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Chiaotzu at Olive Village in the East Ravine Area during the main story Good News

Objective: Help Chiaotzu deal with the deer

Travel to Olive Village in the East Ravine Area to find Chiaotzu. Speak with him to trigger a cutscene and agree to help when it’s over. Make your way to the southern area of the map to locate the search area. Clear out 10 deer in the plains then return to Chiaotzu in the village. Speak with him to trigger another cutscene completing the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – The Great Ladiesman

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Erasa near Satan City in the Southeast Mountains Area during the main story Good News

Objective: Defend Erasa’s honor

Head to the highway north of Satan City to find Erasa being harassed by a persistent gentleman. Step in by defeating the trio of Skull Robos to impress the Eresa. After a brief cutscene, make your way to the sub story objective a short distance away and speak with her to begin time attack race. Finish the lap before the times runs out to move on to the next challenge, playing a little bit of baseball at the high school. Travel to the school and speak with Erasa to play the home run game. Hit one of the three pitches to complete the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – The Good Ol’ Days

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with the World Tournament Announcer near the World Tournament Arena in the Far Southern Islands during the main story The World Tournament Begins

Objective: Defeat all the enemies

Speak with the World Tournament Announcer behind the area to trigger a cutscene. When it ends, head west to find the Rampaging Robot. Defeat it to complete the story.



Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Anxious Android

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Android 18 at Kame House during the main story Good News

Objective: Help get Krillin out of his slump

Talk with Android 18 at Kame House and agree to help her cheer Krillin up. You will need to collect 3 Frozen Rabbit Meat, 3 High-Quality Onions and 12 River Shrimp. The Rabbit Meat can be found in the North Mountain Area in the frozen blocks of ice.  The River Shrimp and High-Quality Onions can be found Southeast Mountains Area. The shrimp will be long the river while the onions can be found in the farm north of Goku’s house or bought from a food shop. Collect all of the ingredients and hand them over to Android 18 to complete the story.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Read, Chat, Fall in Love

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: After Eleonora reaches Stage Rank 3, you will receive a Topic to meet her at Shibuya Station. Eleonora is standing under a tree so go on over there and speak to her.


After you accept the side story, head on over to the newly unlocked Classroom Film Set and talk to Eleonora again. After a Topic interruption from Maiko, you’ll find out that you two will be going on a date. Eleonora weirdly enough wants to do a bit of research in some magazines and will leave you behind. You can find her in Hee Ho Mart standing by the magazine rack. Go and speak with her there. She will then say she is thirsty and storm out expecting you to follow her again. This time she is standing in front of Cafe Seiren. Talk to her again to trigger a cutscene. She’ll run off again…no surprise there! She mentioned she wanted to check out the jewelry place so head on over to Jewelry Carabia and speak with her in front of the store. After a brief cutscene Eleonora will be able to unlock her Radiant Skill “Door of Affection” at Bloom Palace, so head on over there.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Shibuya Remedy

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Talk to the Cafe Staff lady wearing a maid outfit standing along the windows of Cafe Seiren in Shibuya.


For this one, wait until you enter the DTV Idolasphere in Chapter 3. You will be able to get the 3 Maca Leaves off of enemies as you progress through this area. Once you obtained all three items, return to Cafe Staff to hand over the leaves.


Reward: Melmark and new menu item at Cafe Seiren: Herban Legends Tea


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Opening Your Heart

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: After achieving Stage Rank 7, you will receive a Topic with a new side story from Tsubasa wanting you to meet her at the usual spot in front of the cafe. Head on over to Cafe Seiren in Shibuya and speak to her.


After accepting the story, it’s time to begin your search for the cat! First, head to Shibuya Station and speak to the guy in a school uniform (Stray-Cat Enthusiast) standing next to the map near two other students. Next, head slightly west of Hee Ho Mart to find the Cat Aficionado, who is wearing a black jacket with a white stripe on the sleeve. Speak to him to learn that the Little Devil stays in the alleys around here. Afterwards, head back a short way east towards Hee Ho Mart to find the alley between where the Cat Aficionado is standing and Hee Ho Mart. When you near the alley, it will trigger a prompt to call Tsubasa and a cutscene will ensue. Afterwards, head on over to Bloom Palace to learn Tsubasa’s Radiant Skill, Door of Allure.