Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Flummox the Flirts

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 6, speak with the Mirage in Illusory Dolhr on Altitude 232.


For this quest, you’ll need to obtain Forces from the Titan, Violet Dark Knight and Parasite (found on Altitude 428). Once you obtain them all, head back to the Mirage to hand them over and complete the request.


Reward: Treasure Key


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Looming Pillar Delivery

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 6, speak with the Masked Salesclerk standing near the entrance of Illusory Dolhr (Cosmic Egg).


This time we’re on the hunt for 4 Looming Pillars that can be dropped from Titans, which can be found on Altitude 232 (upper floor). When you’ve obtained all of them, head to the Masked Salesclerk in Shibuya at Hee Ho Mart to hand them over and complete the quest.


Reward: Melmark x3


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Concentration Misdirection

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 6 (after you’ve progressed far enough), speak with Tezuma who is across from Anzu.


He lost his suitcase and needs us to find it. The item is located behind the pillar of Cafe Seiren in Shibuya. Once you obtain the Trick Suitcase, head back to Tezuma to hand it over and complete the quest.


Reward: Clap Track x3


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Iori Can’t Stop Falling in Love

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 6, speak with Iori who is standing inside the Cosmic Egg.


After you speak with him, he’ll disappear. Head to Shibuya Station to find him near the statue. Speak with him again to learn the Mirage is in Illusory Dolhr. Head into the Idolasphere and teleport to Altitude: 54m. Once there, head southwest on the island to find the Mirage near a ladder leading down. Speak with her then head back to Iori in Shibuya. Speak with him to complete the quest.


Reward: Def Increase x2


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Mopey Model

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Speak with Ayaha in Fortuna Office in Chapter 6 after defeating the 3 trials and entering the Cosmic Egg.


Per Ayaha’s instruction, head to Daiba Studio and check on Erina Okii, who is hunched over near the map transition. After you speak with Okii, head back to Ayaha to report the news to her.


Since the energy is coming from Cosmic Egg’s Idolasphere, it’s time to head on over there to begin the search. Once inside the Idolasphere, the Mirage will be located on the island to the west. When you approach it, you’ll engage in battle with Fujin (level 60) and Raijin (level 60). Defeat them then head back to Okii in Daiba Studio to check up on her. Afterwards, return to Ayaha to tell her the good news and complete the quest.


Reward: Clap Track and Chakra Pot x3


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Lucky Spot 6

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: During Chapter 6 (after you enter the Cosmos Egg), speak with Urabe in Daiba Studio.


She’ll give you a hint that the item is in a watery channel within your memory. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’ll need to head on over to the Bloom Palace Idolasphere. The item is located straight ahead on the very far side of the room near the First Relief. The easiest way to get to it is to teleport to the First Relief then take a right down the stairs. Keep heading straight and the item will be on the ground. Pick up the Treasure Key then head back to Urabe in Daiba Studio to give her the good news.


Reward: Kiddie Candy


Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions – Final Act

by MrsChappie in

*NOTE: Recommended level is 57.


Obtained: After Yashiro reaches Stage Rank 12 and you progress far enough in Chapter 6 (after you enter the Cosmic Egg Idolasphere), a new side story will become available. Read the Topic then travel to Cafe Seiren in Shibuya and speak with Yashiro.


After the cutscene, head to the Area of Memories to trigger a brief cutscene then travel to the Third Relief to face off against Lon’qu (level 59). Lon’qu does frost and sword attacks. His weaknesses are Spear and Fire. Lon’qu resists Wind and is null to Frost, Axe and the Red Skull. Lastly, he is neutral to Sword, Bow and Electric. Defeat him to trigger a cutscene.


After the cutscene, head on over to Bloom Palace to unlock Yashiro’s new Radiant Skill called Door of Denouement.



Snack World – Chapter 10 Story Quests

by Chappie in


Chapter 10 of Snack World The Dungeon Crawl Gold contains 8 story quests with the ultimate goal of retrieving the Dragon’s Heart and defeating the Sultan Vinegar. Below you will find guides for all the quests so grab your Jaras and get ready for a snack attack! Let the dungeon crawl begin!



Change of Heart

Quest Giver: Chup

Grand Prize: PacLap Sanguine Shield

Objective: Track down Veloute!

For this quest, you’ll head to the Gorgonzola Ruins. Once there, head to the 3rd level to fight Vel and Roux. Defeat them both to complete the quest.


Dragon Custodian

Quest Giver: Falgon

Grand Prize: Flux Shield

Objective: Overpower the guardian of the ultimate gear!

You’ll head to the Black Forest and need to make your way to the 3rd floor as usual where the Rose Dragon will be awaiting your arrival. Head through the doors to begin the fight. This dragon breathes fire of course and can punch/swipe at you. Defeat it to complete the quest.


Distillery Doors Open!

Quest Giver: Sultan Vinegar

Grand Prize: Pix-e Purity Sword

Objective: Defeat Sultan Vinegar!

To the final [actual] story quest!!! For this quest, you’ll head to the Distillery and will need to work your way through the dungeon to arrive at the 3rd level. When you’re ready, head through the doors for a quick cutscene after which you’ll fight Sultan Vinegar. He mainly uses his spear to swipe at you but also summons adds and likes to jump around the arena. He’ll summon orbs around him to do damage. When you defeat him, he’ll transform into Maltant Vinegar. This version swipes at you, summons orbs, conjures adds and jumps up causing a blast radius when he lands. He also does a move where the things in his back will spear out in all directions doing damage to those standing nearby. When he reaches a little more than half health, his attack will become faster and more sporadic. When you defeat Maltant Vinegar, the quest will complete.



Savior! Save Us!

Quest Giver: Engineer of Enigma (Speak with him in Metrufflis near the hotel)

Grand Prize: Pendant of the Elders

Objective: Shine against the Silver Sargent!

This quest takes you to Chicken Itza where you will need to head to the 3rd floor to face off against Silver Sargent. Just like his previous version, he’ll do a move where he slams down his fists, spin in circles and uses his whole body to slam down. Defeat him to complete the quest.


Bravest Brother

Quest Giver: Kind-Hearted Sis (Speak with her in Metrufflis near the hotel)

Grand Prize: Pix-e Pendant

Objective: Find the girl’s brother!

You’ll head to Minestrone Mines for this quest and will need to make your way all the way to the 3rd floor. Once there, enter through the door to begin the fight with an overpowered version of Dullardhan. He’ll do the same attacks as before but they will be more powerful and faster. Defeat him to complete the quest.


Bun in the Oven?

Quest Giver: Gobson (Speak with him in the hotel in Metrufflis after completing the Change of Heart story quest)

Grand Prize: CLN Tonic

Objective: Jostle with Jokula (to defeat him)!

*NOTE: The dress code is Formal for this quest.

For this quest, you’ll need to make your way to the 3rd level to fight Jokula again. This fight will be the same as before, however, Jokula will be a lot stronger and faster. Defeat him to complete the quest.


Recharge Rescue

Quest Giver: Pluglet (Speak with him on the northeast side of Metrufflis after completing the Dragon Custodian story quest)

Grand Prize: Amber Scepter

Objective: Save the pluglet’s pals!

This quest will take you to the Distillery where you will need to make your way to the 3rd level to face off against a group of Pluglets. Once you defeat all of them, you’ll be attacked by Artillery Battery. Defeat it to complete the quest.


Student Salvation

Quest Giver: Grandmaster (Speak with him in the Chowlin Temple after completing the Dragon Custodian story quest)

Grand Prize: Flux Knife

Objective: Let the livid dragons have it! (Defeat them!)

You’ll head to the Distillery and will of course need to make your way all the way to the 3rd level. Once you’re there, you’ll be attacked by a group of Livid Dragons. To complete this quest, you’ll need to defeat 20 of them.



Snack World – Chapter 10 Side Quests

by Chappie in


Below are the side quests in Chapter 10 of Snack World Dungeon Crawl Gold. Side quests are quests that you can do online with other people. Be sure to make a cool online profile for yourself in PIX-e PALS before you dabble in the side quests.


Friendly Falgon Fixture

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Clan Alloy Bow

Objective: Best the boss!

*NOTE: Before you can embark, you must equip all white Style Gear.


Schnozzle Showdown

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Clear Shark Lance

Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!


GoDIVA Besieger

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Fairytale Sable Pendant

Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!


Stone Sentinhell Shutdown

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Clan Alloy Lance

Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!


Royal Rescue Recollections

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Dettonic Bow

Objective: Best all the bosses!



Snack World – Chapter 9 Side Quests

by Chappie in


Below are the side quests in Chapter 9 of Snack World Dungeon Crawl Gold. Side quests are quests that you can do online with other people. Be sure to make a cool online profile for yourself in PIX-e PALS before you dabble in the side quests.


Pro Dragon Bro Training

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Flux Shield

Objective: Best all the bosses!

*NOTE: You will need to have all of your Style Gear Sporty in order to embark on this quest.


Wanton Whack-Fest

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Pix-e Crystal Lance

Objective: Take out as many monsters as possible!


Go for the Jokula

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Clear Dark Knife

Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!


Fooyung Fist Challenge

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: PacLap Ti Axe

Objective: Take out as many monsters as possible!


Cockiness can Kill

Quest Level: Advanced

Grand Prize: Hellblade

Objective: Defeat all the bosses in the deepest depths!