Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Santo Domingo Gigs

by Chappie in


Below are the gigs that can be found at Santo Domingo in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Breaking News

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Arasaka Industrial Park fast travel point

Objective: Meet with Ted Fox

Enter the car with Teddy then speak with him to get the details. This is a sneaky mission so be good and remain undetected! Exit the car and follow the objective to the parking lot. Disable all the cameras then sneak your way to the building in the back. You can jump up onto the guard station from the billboard to the left then jump down into the hostile area on the left side. If you follow the wall to the back left side of the building there is a window you can open. Hop inside the window to find yourself in a bathroom. Be careful when you open the door because there will be an enemy in the next room. Distract them with the computer then take them out nonlethally. Head through the door on the left side to reach the garage. There is an enemy in here so again sneak up behind them and take them out nonlethally. Place the tracker on the van then leave undetected. Follow the objective to collect your reward then the gig will close.


Cuckoo’s Nest

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Rancho Coronado North fast travel point

Objective: Get inside the hospital

Once you head inside the hospital, you’ll need to reach the restricted section. Jasmine can be found on the second level of the hospital. In order to open her room, you’ll need to loot the access token off of a guard downstairs or use a Body Value of 15 to force open the door. Speak with her then escort her outside to the car awaiting across the street. You’ll need to speak with her once more before she gets in the car to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

This cyberpsycho is heavily armed and armored. If you enter via the knocked down gate and follow the path around, he can easily one shot you if he spots you rounding the corner. To make it a bit easier, you can jump over the fence to the right of the knocked down gate and land right next to him to get your hits in fast before he can move. There will also be one more normal enemy in this area. After the  cyberpsycho has been defeated, loot his body to receive the “Doesn’t look good” shard and read it. Also, loot the body of the other enemy in this area to find the “Send a crew” shard. Read it then head inside the open garage to read the files on the computer in there as well. Afterwards, message Regina to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Under the Bridge

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective just south of the Hargreaves St fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

Head into the search area then make your way to the objective to loot the corpse. Disable the 2 turrets above the corpse first. Tamara will then make her appearance. Defeat her nonlethally then message Regina to complete the gig.


Error 404

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location north of Mallagra & Manzanita fast travel point

Objective: Enter the garage area

Enter the storage unit then head to the center of it to find a turret. Enter the open storage unit where indicated by the objective to find a computer. Install the malware onto this computer then leave the area to complete the gig.


Family Matters

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location south of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Go to Juliet’s home

Follow the objective to Juliet’s house. To enter via the front door, you’ll need a Technical Ability of 5. Alternatively, you can force the back door open with a Body Value of 5. Once inside, look for safe on a shelf next to a neon pink flamingo. You’re going to need a key to open it, which can be found downstairs on a body behind the chair. Be careful when you go downstairs because Rose is waiting there. You’ll need to neutralizer her first. With the key in hand, head upstairs to open and loot the safe. Follow the objective to the Drop Point to deposit the item into it and complete the gig.


For My Son

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location south of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Get inside the Boxing Club at the Old Paint Factory

Approach the garage to be stopped by a bouncer. You’ll need to either pay $3,800 or if you have a Body Value of 11 you can tell him to get out of your way. Once you get inside the Animals’ club, look for Logan Garcia. When you head up to the second floor where Logan is, the enemies will become hostile. Neutralize Logan then leave the club to complete the job.


Going-Away Party

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective southwest of the Rancho Coronado North fast travel point

Objective: Go and get Flavio from the hideout

Enter the house and head up stairs to find a bunch of bodies. Scan the bodies to find Flavio on the ground in front of the body. Press the prompt to revive him when you’re given the option. Speak with him then escort Flavio downstairs to the garage. Hop in the vehicle and drive him to the objective. Exit the car and speak with the nomad to compete the gig.


Hacking the Hacker

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective at the Megabuilding H6 fast travel point

Objective: Enter the megabuilding

Enter the building and head up to 19: Apartments. Exit the elevator and follow the objective into a room across the way. Head up the stairs and kill Lucius then upload the virus onto a computer in the same room. Leave the building then collect the reward from the Drop Point to complete the gig.


Race to the Top

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective northwest of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Get into Kendachi factory area

Once you sneak inside, you’ll need to get inside Matheus’ office, which is located on the second level of the building. Steal the info from the computer in his office then leave the area for the gig to complete.


Serious Side Effects

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective south of MLK & Brandon fast travel point

Objective: Go to the Dewdrop Inn

Head into the inn and speak with the receptionist. She won’t be much help, but you can pay her $50 for a room to gain access to the door. Alternatively, you can head to the left of the inn (when facing the entrance from the outside) to find a fire escape. Climb it and force open the door with a Body Value of 8. If you’d like to find out where Booker Updike is staying, walk past the receptionist to find a room on the left side. Open the door and take out the guy sitting in the chair. Access the computer to find out that Booker is staying in room 103. Head to room 103. In order to open it, you’ll need a Technical Ability of 12. Alternatively, you can ask the techie working on the vending machine in the hall to open the room. He’ll do it if you bribe him $1,000 or if your Body Value is 20. Scan the body in the room and the ventilation shaft. Head upstairs and go through room 200 to the balcony. Jump across the balconies until you reach the last one then enter through the door to find the lab. Take out the 3 enemies inside the loot the container to retrieve the beta acid. Leave the motel then deposit the item in the Drop Point to complete the gig.


Severance Package

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective northwest of Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Enter the factory area


Head inside the factory and make your way up to the second floor. Follow the objective to the server room then steal the data from the computer inside. Afterwards, leave the factory to complete the gig.


The Union Strikes Back

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective west of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Get inside C-Team’s building

Head into the building via the front entrance. Speak with the receptionist then distract her to grab the Access Card from her desk. Head inside the double door then make your way to the second level to find Vic in a corner office. If you neutralize him nonlethally, you’ll need to carry his body outside to the awaiting vehicle. Rogue will call you and the gig will complete.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Santo Domingo Side Jobs

by Chappie in


Below are the side jobs that can be found at Santo Domingo in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


A Day in the Life

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective east of the Stadium Parking fast travel point and order anything you’d like from the vendor

Objective: Talk to the thugs

Agree to help the vendor out then follow him to speak with the thugs on his behalf. Getting the thugs to leave the vendor along will lead to a fight, so defeat them nonlethally. Afterwards, speak with the vendor to complete the job.


Beat on the Brat: Arroyo

Obtained: Automatically after reaching Act 2

Objective: Defeat Buck

Head to the objective north of the Megabuilding H4 fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Arroyo. When you speak with Buck, you have 2 options:


1. You can agree to put up $2,900 to start the match. Defeat Buck then speak with him to complete the job.


2. You can tell him that he has a nice rifle if your Body Value is 11. You’ll then increase the stakes to $12,000 and he’ll toss in the sniper rifle. After you defeat Buck, speak with him and request the rifle. He won’t give it up and you’ll be attacked by 4 enemies that pack a punch. Defeat them using either lethal or nonlethal force (it does not matter) then retrieve the rifle from the top of a barrel to complete the job.


Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado

Obtained: Automatically after reaching Act 2

Objective: Defeat Buck

Head to the objective south of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado. Approach the garage to be stopped by a bouncer. You’ll need to either pay $3,800 or if you have a Body Value of 11 you can tell him to get out of your way. Once you get inside the Animals’ club, speak Rhino (lady sitting in a chair) near the ring. Afterwards, hop in to begin the fight. She packs quite the electrified punch so be sure to dodge her attacks. Defeat Rhino then speak with her to complete the job.


Ezekiel Saw the Wheel

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective at MLK & Brandon fast travel point

Objective: Kill or scare away the thugs

Enter the diner then approach the counter. Order what you’d like only to be interrupted by thugs. To scare them away, you’ll need to pay them $2,900 or use the option if your Body Value is 20. If you don’t do anything at all, they’ll attack you and you’ll need to kill them. After you’ve dealt with the thugs, the gig will close.


Gun Music

Obtained: After you complete Panam’s storyline, approach the objective southwest of the Megabuilding H6 and speak with Jeff.

Objective: See what’s going on

After you speak with Jeff at the gate, head inside to see what is taking so long. If you have a Body Value of 20, the scavs will leave peacefully. Afterwards, speak with Carol to complete the job.


Pyramid Song

Obtained: After completing Pisces side job and waiting awhile, Judy will call you.

Objective: Meet Judy in the early evening

Travel to the objective near Lake Farm fast travel point in The Badlands to speak with Judy. Follow her to the lake then take your wetsuit so you can go diving! Afterwards, interact with the laptop then dive on in and follow Judy. When it’s time to calibrate your gear, circle around her then speak with her when prompted. At the bottom, follow Judy through the town. When you reach Fio’s Diner, examine the diner’s sign, framed picture near the front door of Judy’s house, photo camera near the front door of Judy’s house and hokey stick near the couch. Once you’ve examined all the items, speak with Judy. After your conversation, continue to follow Judy to a gas station and examine the umbrella near the gas pump, car and doll in overturned trashcan. When your done, speak with Judy to continue the tour. At the church, head to the right side to find an opening in the wall and proceed through it. On the dock, agree to speak with Judy then head into the cottage and speak with her again. To start the generator, head outside and interact with it. Make your way back inside and speak with Judy in the bathroom. This is your chance to romance her if you’re V is a girl! In the morning, grab your clothes then head outside to find Judy on the dock and speak with her to complete the job.


Rebel! Rebel!

Obtained: Automatically the day after finishing the A Like Supreme side job in Act III

Objective: Go to the meeting point between 12:30 and 3:30 am

Travel to the food joint near the Mallagra & Manzanita fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado and wait for Kerry to show up. Hop into his car and he’ll drive you to the job location. Once there, hop out of the car and take the items out of the trunk. Follow Kerry down the road where you will lay your trap. With that done, follow Kerry to a hiding spot to wait for the targets to show up. Head to the van where you will then follow Kerry’s instructions. Speak to him afterwards then hop into the car to lose the cops. When that’s done, take Kerry to the location marked on the map then head inside to get a drink with him. The job will complete afterwards.


Sex on Wheels

Obtained: During Act II, you’ll receive a message from Jake Estevez.

Objective: Go to the garage near the cargo station

Head to the objective west of San Amaro St fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado to find the garage. Inside the garage, you’ll find a car. Enter it then leave the area to complete the job. This car will now be yours to keep!



Obtained: Wakako will call about a job

Objective: Take care of the hit

Travel to the objective near the MLK & Brandon fast travel point in Arroyo then sit on the bench to wait for Bill to show up. Head over to his truck and speak with him. Hop in the truck and wait for the NCPD Patrol Car to pass by. Follow it until they stop at the underpass then get out. Follow Bill towards the vehicle then stop once he’s killed. Slowly approach the vehicle to speak with Josh when prompted. Agree to go with him then hop in the vehicle. Speak with Josh as you’re being transported to an unknown location. Agree to stay with him all day. This will complete this job and trigger another called There is a Light that Never Goes Out.


Space Oddity

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective west of the Piez fast travel point

Objective: Talk to the bums

Approach the bums against the building and speak with them. In order to get the briefcase, you can either buy it off of them, physically take it from them after you beat them up or convince them to give it to you if you have a Body Value of 11. Once you obtain the briefcase, you’ll need an Intelligence Ability of 8 to open it. Alternatively, you can find the body of the suitcase’s owner, which is near a dumpster along the building and scan it. Loot the shard off of the body then use it to open the briefcase. After it’s open, access the files on the computer then follow the objective south towards the drop point. When you’re there, defeat all 7 enemies then open the package in the sand near a pipe. Speak with Johnny to complete the job.


Stadium Love

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective east of Rancho Coronado East fast travel point

Objective: See what’s going on

Approach the guy sitting on the couch at the party to trigger a dialog event with him. Tell him to chill. After some more dialog, tell him that you want in on the competition. For the competition, you’ll need to hit as many targets as possible to win! After you complete all 3 challenges, return to the leader. It doesn’t matter if you win first place or not. After the results are announced, the event will turn hostile and the job will close. Defeat the enemies as you make your escape.


There is a Light that Never Goes Out

Obtained: Complete the Sinnerman side job

Objective: Follow Joshua Stephenson

When the vehicle stops, exit and follow Josh into a house. Speak with Zuleikha while you wait for Gloria. When she arrives, you’ll need to leave so head to the vehicle and hop in. At the next stop, Rachel will want to speak with you so hang back a bit. You’ll eventually be given the choice to have her pay you to walk away or to tell her no way. Johnny won’t want you to take the money. If you do take the payout, the side job will end. If you tell her no, then it’ll continue. Head inside Piez and sit down at the table with Josh. After speaking with Rachel and Josh, they will leave. You’ll stay to talk to Johnny then head out yourself. When you do, the job will complete.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – The Badlands Side Jobs

by Chappie in


Below are the side jobs that can be found at The Badlands in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Following the River

Obtained: After completing The Hunt side job, River will eventually text you.

Objective: Head over to River

Head to the objective at the Trailer Park fast travel point in The Badlands. Approach River then agree to stir the pot while you talk to him. Keep stirring so it doesn’t burn. Once River takes over, head into the house and go to the kitchen to find the rice. Return to River and dump the rice in the pot. Sit on the front porch with River and talk to him. After your chat, follow River to the table and take the AR game gear. Play the game with River and the kids. Be a sport and let the kids win by allowing them to kill more enemies. When the game is interrupted by Joss, speak with River then join the family at the table. Follow River to the water tower and allow him to help you over the fence. Once on the other side, open the gate for River. Climb up the tower after River and sit down to speak with him. If you’d like to romance him, now is your chance! When you awake, head to the kitchen and speak with River to complete the gig.


Fortunate Son

Obtained: After completing Panam’s storyline, speak with Bob outside of a tent at the Nomad Camp fast travel point

Objective: Go to the meeting with the hospital employee

Follow the objective to Watson – Little China then speak with the hospital employee standing next to the van. Take the briefcase with the implant then defeat the police that arrive at the scene. Afterwards, confront the hospital employee. You can choose whether to spare him or not. If you chose to spare him, as you leave to return to the Aldecaldos camp he’ll tell you that the police put a virus on the implant. Take the shard from him then return to the nomad camp and speak with Bob. Afterwards, wait 8 hours for the results. When the time is up, you’ll receive a text from Bob asking you to return to camp. Head back then speak with Bob to complete the job.


Meetings Along the Edge

Obtained: After completing Poem of the Atoms side job, approach the side job location south of the Rancho Coronado East fast travel point in the southern part of the badlands

Objective: Approach the Zen master

Approach the Zen master, pick one of three questions and take a seat next to him. Speak with him to start the mediation. When it’s over speak to Johnny to complete the job.


Queen of the Highway

Obtained: After completing With a Little Help from my Friends side job, leave camp and wait a day to receive a call from Panam.

Objective: Meet with Panam

Head to the Mobile Camp fast travel point in The Badlands and speak with Panam and the group near the Basilisk. Afterwards, hop in and let Panam do her thing then speak with her. When prompted, jack in then drive the vehicle to the objectives Panam designates for you. Afterwards, you’ll have some target practice to do. Shoot the 5 targets then speak with Panam. When the time comes to defeat the 20 enemies do so then return to camp and exit the vehicle to meet with Saul. After the encounter, follow Panam to the bar and speak with her.


When you awake, speak with Panam. As you exit the tent, you’ll also talk to Saul and Mitch. Once you’re through, follow Panam to a secluded spot and speak with her again to complete the job.


Riders on the Storm

Obtained: During Act 2 Panam will call you

Objective: Meet with Panam

Follow the objective to the Mobile Camp fast travel point and speak with Panam then follow her. Lean on the car and assist with the planning. Scan every object you can while in scan mode then exit when your able. Afterwards, continue speaking with Panam and Mitch as they make their way to the vehicle. Grab the SuperJet from Mitch then hop in the driver’s seat and make your way to the Raffen Shiv camp. When you arrive at the Wraith Camp fast travel point, you’ll need to park the vehicle off the road then exit it. Approach the camp and sneak inside (or not…it’s your choice). If you’re going to sneak in the easiest way to do this is to force open the broken fence to the right of the main entrance using a Body Value of 9.


Either way your goal is to make it to the second level of the main building to use the computer in the room to access the security camera to find Saul who is being kept directly beneath this room in the basement. Make your way to this room then speak with Saul. Inject him with the SuperJet then follow the objective to Panam’s vehicle. Hop in so Panam can take off then defend against the enemies that are chasing you.


When you arrive at a safe place to ride out the storm, exit the vehicle and enter the building. Restore the power using the electrical box on the wall in the room next to the bathroom then head back to the living room. For Panam to start the fire, you’ll need to head outside behind the house to adjust the fuse then return inside. When prompted, sit on the couch to speak with Panam and Mitch. When you wake, stand up and head outside to speak with Panam on the porch. Panam will head on over to the bikes so follow her then retrieve the sniper rifle leaning against your bike when prompted. After the dialog, the job will complete!


With a Little Help from my Friends

Obtained: After completing Riders on the Storm side job, Panam will call you.

Objective: Talk to Panam, Mitch and Saul

Head to the Mobile Camp fast travel point in The Badlands then speak with the group. Follow Panam and Mitch to the group of veterans and discuss the plan with everyone. Agree to the plan then ride with them. Exit the vehicle then follow Panam to the building. You can talk to Cassidy by the vehicles and Carol by the big yellow train looking thing. You can talk to Mitch on the side of the building then scan the generator to help them out. To find the entrance to the control tower, you can open the door next to Panam if you have a Technical Ability of 3. Once inside head up the stairs. Take a left and head into the room with the computers. Take another left to find another room. This room contains the Punchcard, which can be found in a drawer on the ground. Put the Punchcard into the control panel to activate the locomotive. Head to Panam and speak with her. Afterwards, head back downstairs and join the group around the fire. When Panam talks about the stars, you’ll need to look up at the sky.


After some time passes, it’ll be time to start the job, so enter Panam’s vehicle. As you follow the train, you’ll have an optional objective to shoot at the train coupler. Shoot the one between the last 2 train cars. When Militech arrives, defeat all 12 enemies then hop back into Panam’s vehicle.


When the escort arrives at the camp, wait by the group for Saul to arrive. After the encounter, speak with Panam to complete the job.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – The Badlands Gigs

by Chappie in


Below are the gigs that can be found at The Badlands in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Big Pete’s Got Big Problems

Obtained: Badlands – Automatically by approaching the gig location near the Autowerks fast travel in the southern part of the Badlands

Objective: Get inside Big Pete’s garage

Head to Pete’s Garage and take out all of the enemies inside. You can find Pete in the basement of the large building. When you finish off Pete, exit the area to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: House on a Hill

Obtained: Approach the objective south of Rocky Ridge fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

This place is crawling with mines so be careful. If you enter through the front gate, make sure to disable the mines first otherwise it’ll be an instant kill! Russell Greene can be found in the little shed next to the house. Eliminate him then search the 2 bodies in front of the house to collect a shard. Read it then message Regina to complete the contract.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Second Chances

Obtained: Approach the objective southwest of I-9 East fast travel point

Objective: Scan the area for clues

Start by scanning the body on the ground next to the vehicle then the tire tracks underneath the tree. Next to the tire tracks, scan the footprints then the body. Keep scanning the objects in a linear path towards the smoking vehicle. Zion Wylde can be found on a high platform underneath the windmill just past the smoking car. Watch out for the mines on the ground around this windmill. To reach his level, you’ll need to climb up the stairs, however, be careful of the 2 mines at the top. Defeat him nonlethally then loot his body to receive a shard. Read “I Have Seen the Light” then message Regina to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho: The Wasteland

Obtained: Approach the location south of the Edgewood Farm fast travel point in the eastern Badlands

Objective: Find traces of the cyberpsycho

Scan the bloodstain next to the turned shipping container then follow the trail ending up at a small junk yard with black smoke. It is here that you will find the heavily armored cyberpsycho. Defeat him (nonlethally if possible) and loot the shard off him then text Regina to complete the gig.


Dancing on a Minefield

Obtained: Approach the location south of the I-9 fast travel point in the eastern Badlands.

Objective: Find the vehicle

Use your scanner to find the vehicle while dodging the mines. Might be a good idea to shoot the mines to clear a path to drive the vehicle out. As soon as you exit the minefield, you will be chased by some armed men. Lose them or take them out then deliver the vehicle to Dakota’s garage to complete the gig.


Flying Drugs

Obtained: Approach the objective northeast of the Sunset Motel fast travel point

Objective: Go to the signal source

Head to the roof of the tower to find an antenna. To destroy it, whack it, shoot it or simply turn it off if you have an Intelligence Value of 10. Afterwards, leave the area to complete the gig.


Goodbye, Night City

Obtained: Approach the gig location south of the Tango Tors Motel fast travel point in the southern part of the Badlands

Objective: Reach Militech’s compound

Head to the compound and make your way inside. You can open the front gate or sneak around the right side of the building to find another entry point. Just make sure you are mindful of the mines. Please note that there is an optional objective to not kill any of the personnel. This gig was a bit buggy in the fact that enemies seemed to have x-ray vision and could detect me through walls crouched. The easiest way around this was to equip a gun with a non-lethal mod and take of all the enemies first. If you start at the main entrance, there will be a guard station. The guard here will have an access shard you will want to grab. Also interact with the PC here and check out the message titled “List of Detainees” to learn where Bruce is. Enter the building in the middle of the compound then head up the stairs and jump down into the central area. If your Technical Ability is 6, you can open the door at the base of the stairs and end up in the same location. Speak with the guy in front of the camo tent then escort him out of the compound. Hop into your vehicle and take Bruce to the meetup location. Wait for Archie to show up then speak with him to complete the gig. If you didn’t kill any of the Militech personnel, you will be given an additional award you can pick up at a Drop Point.



Obtained: Approach the gig location southeast of the Protein Farm fast travel point in the southern part of the Badlands

Objective: Go to the abandoned farmhouse

Approach the farmhouse to start looking for Ben. Be wary of the enemies and sentry turret guarding it. Head into the garage then use the door there to enter the house. Go into the bedroom across from you to find an access shard on the computer desk then head down the stairs near the door leading to the garage and open the door at the bottom using the access shard. Enter the room to find Ben. Speak with him then escort him to the garage where you’ll hop into the vehicle. Drive him to the meeting point. When you get there, exit the car and wait for Dakota’s guy to show up. This will complete the gig.


No Fixers

Obtained: Approach the objective southwest of Edgewood Farm fast travel point

Objective: Infiltrate the Wraith’s territory

Watch out for the enemies and turrets as you head into the camp to find Iris Tanner who is located in the largest building. Speak with her then head next door to find her ride in the garage. Hop in the driver’s seat then follow the objective to park her van in the garage. Once you arrive, hop out and head through the door straight ahead. Speak with Dakota to complete the gig.


Radar Love

Obtained: Approach the objective at the Sunshine Motel fast travel point

Objective: Get inside the Militech base

Head inside the base, being mindful of the turrets and large amount of enemies. Once inside, you’ll need to search for the radar van P9D/2.161, which can be found on the back left side of the hotel (when facing the front of the hotel). Once you locate it, hop in and drive it to Dakota’s garage. When you’re there, exit the vehicle then leave the garage to complete the contract.


Sparring Partner

Obtained: Approach the gig location south of the Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point in the eastern Badlands

Objective: Go to the landfill

Enter the landfill and follow the path forward taking a left at the end. You should spot a van off in the distance. Go to the back of it to locate the bot. Take the shard from it then exit the landfill and make your way to the Drop Point. Deliver the shard to complete the gig.


Trevor’s Last Ride

Obtained: Approach the gig location at the Las Palapas Motel fast travel point in the southern part of the Badlands

Objective: Go to the Wraith’s territory

Approach the Wraith’s complex and take care of the Wraiths in the area. You can find Trevor’s body in an ice bath on the first floor of the motel complex. Grab the body and exit the outpost. Place it in the trunk of the car to complete the gig.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – The Beast in Me Questline

by Chappie in

Welcome to our Cyberpunk 2077 The Beast in Me questline walkthrough!

The Beast in Me

Obtained: Claire will call you sometime in Act II

Objective: Visit Claire’s garage during the day

During Act II, Claire (the bartender from Afterlife) will you call you up about a job offer involving racing. Travel to her garage in Santo Domingo – Arroyo during the day to speak with her. Agree to be her driver then she’ll give you a rundown on the races you’ll be partaking in. You’ll have to finish in the top 3 in 2 of the qualifying races to get your ticket clipped. Claire will text you the details on the first race. After you complete it, you’ll have to wait for some time to pass for Claire to message you again. You’ll have to respond to her a couple of times to get the details for the second race. After you finish the second race, you will again have to wait for more time to pass before Claire will message you again about details for the third race.

The Beast in Me: City Center

Obtained: Automatically after agreeing to be Claire’s driver

Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Use your phone to call Claire then sit on the nearby bench and wait for her to arrive. When she does, speak with her on the other side of the street. Get in the ride then wait for the race to start. When it does, drive! Finish the race and try to win. After the race, speak with Claire to complete the job.

The Beast in Me: Badlands

Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes

Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Travel to the Dam fast travel point in the southern Badlands then give Claire a call. Speak with her then hop in the driver’s seat to kick things off. This race is a little bit of a pain as you’ll be off road a majority of the time. The terrain makes it harder to steer with the first half of the race being very bumpy. Finish the race and speak to Claire afterwards to complete the job.

The Beast in Me: Santo Domingo

Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes

Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Beast in Me Santo Domingo

Travel to the location marked on your map northwest of the Megabuilding H4 fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Arroyo, then call Claire. Speak with Claire then hop into the driver’s seat to kick off the race. The first part of this race takes place in the city so expect a lot of sharp turns until you about at the final stretch. After the race pull over to have a heart to heart with Claire. This will complete the job.

The Beast in Me: The Big Race

Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes

Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Travel to the Luxury Apartments fast travel point in Westbrook – Charter Hill then give Claire a call. Speak with Claire then hop into the driver’s seat to kick off the race. The goal for this race will be to stick as close to Sampson as you can. Towards the end of the race Sampson will veer off the track. Follow him until his car wrecks. Confront Sampson with Claire then hear him out. You can tell her to either let him go or not since the end result will be the same. After she kills him, hop in her vehicle and talk to her as you ride back to the garage. She’ll give you the Beast then the job will complete.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – River Ward Storyline

by Chappie in

In order to receive the Protect and Serve trophy in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll need to complete the storyline for River Ward, which unlocks after completing Act 1.

River Ward Storyline

I Fought the Law

Obtained: During Act 2, Elizabeth will call you.

Objective: Meet with Elizabeth Peralez

Meeting with Elizabeth Peralez

Head to the objective northwest of the Reconciliation Park fast travel point in City Center – Corpo Plaza then enter the vehicle. Speak with the couple then agree to take the shard. Watch the braindance and scan for clues. After you’ve found everything, exit the braindance. Get out of the vehicle then speak with Jefferson. Agree that they might be on to something then continue the conversation.

Afterwards, call Detective Ward and arrange a meeting with him. Head towards the objective at Chubby Buffalo’s Bar-B-Q on the east side of Heywood just north of the Hanford Overpass fast travel point. In the restaurant, approach the booth to begin speaking with the pair. When the detective leaves, sit in his place to continue speaking with River Ward. To continue your conversation further, follow River to his vehicle and hop in. You’ll need to make a choice to see his boss or the CI first.

When you head off to see the CI, exit the vehicle then head inside Max-imum Pleasure. Approach the counter and speak with the CI. When you tell him that Igor sent you, he’ll run away. To open the door he runs through, you’ll need a Body Value of 6. Chase after him to the alley outside to interrogate the CI with River. Afterwards, speak with River again.

When you see the boss, exit the vehicle and follow River into the Cherry Blossom Market. He’ll then have you ask the vendors about Christine Markov. Ask around then River will text you saying that he found her. Follow the objective to meet with River at a vendor’s stall and speak with her. Afterwards, talk to River again as you head back to his vehicle. When you arrive at the vehicle, you’ll see 2 Tyger Claw. You can either let River deal with them or get a few words in as well. When the encounter finishes, speak with River.

Now that your off to the club, exit the vehicle and speak with River. Head to the warehouse and enter the area via a downed fence in the back. Once your in, head through another broken part of the fence directly in front of you. Turn right and jump over the fence. Climb up on the containers against the building to reach a ladder and take that up to the top. Once at the top turn left to find another ladder. Climb up this ladder to reach the roof then proceed through an opening in the roof immediately on your left. After you drop down, take a right and follow the stairs down. Head straight towards the predominate lights underneath a shipping container that says “Caution Wear Protective Equipment”. Take out the enemy that walks around this area then open the doors under these lights to find the entrance to the club.

Call the elevator then take it down to the club. There is an optional objective to take out the Animal boss so go ahead and proceed without caution in this area if you’d like. Make your way up to the second level then head into the second door underneath the lips on the left to find a headset that you can connect to. Do so then continue your search for the office, which can be found in the next room on the left. Check the computer’s files in this room to watch a recording. Afterwards, speak with River and agree to leave with him.

Once you arrive at the new location, speak with the detective then River. You can either advise him to go ahead or not to do it. Your choice does not matter, since nothing will stop him from reopening the case. Next, call Elizabeth Peralez then head on over to her apartment at the Luxury Apartments fast travel point in Westbrook – Charter Hill. Use the intercom next to the entrance to gain access to the building then take the elevator to the penthouse. It’s your choice whether or not to tell them the information. It doesn’t seem to matter either way. Once your done speaking with them, leave the building to complete the job.

The Hunt

Obtained: After completing I Fought the Law side job, River Ward will eventually text you.

Objective: Meet with River Ward in the evening

Where to meet River Ward during The Hunt

Follow the objective east of Metro: Glen North fast travel point to Heywood – The Glen then sit and wait for River on the planter. After some time passes, hop in River’s vehicle and speak with him. Once your conversation has ended, exit the vehicle and follow River until he stops in front of the lab. To get inside the lab, you can open the back door if you have a Technical Ability of 12. Alternatively, keep heading along the back of the building until you spot a long green container with mattresses inside and a plastic sheet hanging down. Jump on top of this container then use the tire stack to reach the roof. Drop down into the area below then look to the right to find a garage door with a ladder next to it. Climb up this ladder then open the second shutter to reveal a way in. Hop inside then follow River as he explores the rooms. Alternatively, you can just run to the cabinet yourself. From the window you jumped through, take the first available left and head down the hall. Swing left around the large room and enter it via the door. Turn immediately right to find a smaller room with evidence that a child was in it. Scan the cabinets to call River over. Once he starts rifling through one, head to the left of him to help. A lady will bust in surprising the both of you. Speak with her then follow her to the next room as she continues to talk. Once you are through, exit the building via the front door and listen to Johnny outside the entrance. You’ll then need to head across the street and enter River’s vehicle.

As you drive to the next location, speak with River. When you arrive at your destination, exit the vehicle and follow River into a house. Once inside, speak with Joss (we told her the truth…that Randy has been taken). She was upset that River threw a blanket over the truth but River didn’t mention anything negatively towards us. She agrees to allow us to look through Randy’s things and asks River to call the kids in for dinner. Follow River outside to a nearby trailer. Inside you’ll need to search for clues. Head to Randy’s bedroom and search the end table to find that it’s locked and needs a key. Randy’s Antique Key can be found in the kitchen on a shelf next to some bottles. Also scan the computer underneath Randy’s bed. River will take the computer and ask you about the password. You can either hack it if your Intelligence Value is 9 or tell him that you don’t know how. If you don’t know how, you’ll need to guess the password. Head into the hallway and play the record player then return to River and tell him to punch the track title. This will open up the computer. Have a seat then search the net on the computer to find the Drugs are Bad page. Click the image on the page to be brought to Tony’s Shelter page. Select the files tab to find an error file. Next, check under the computer files to find the ATT_CART_VIDEO. If you have an Intelligence Value of 12, you’ll be able to get Harris’s IP address. If not, just exit the computer. Now that you’ve got the info you were looking for, follow River back to the main house and sit down at the table to speak with Joss. When your done, select that it’s time for bed.

River will wake you and have you watch the recording. Scan the teacher, the bulletin boards and the trophy when prompted as the braindance progresses. To move to the next scene, press O. Scan the cow, console, person, injection system and dietary supplements. Press O to begin the next braindance with the cartoon. Scan the solar panel, clock, electrical parts and fuel barrels. Next, you’ll need to switch to audio and listen where the green circles are then scan the person lying down in the first bed on the left. Head up a little then scan the next person in bed and the infusion pump. Continue a short distance then scan the computer, FDNC Certificate and person on bed. Proceed with the braindance and scan the number next to the door, the escaping victim and the Towers of Light outside. Exit the braindance then listen to River. Once he’s through, follow him to the vehicle and hop in.

When you arrive at the Edgewood Farm, exit the vehicle. You don’t have to worry about being sneaky in this whole area as no one is here but there are turrets and a lot of mines. You’ll have the optional objective to find the farm’s security control system. If you wish to do this, head towards the house and swing around to the left of the front door. Enter through the blue door then proceed up the stairs on your left. Enter the bedroom and scan the wall to the right of the computer desk. Follow the cords underneath the computer desk to find a button. Crouch down and turn it off to reveal the hidden room where the wall was on the right. Head into the hidden room then use the computer to access the Local Network. Turn off the generator.

Next, proceed to the barn. When facing the barn’s main entrance, take a left to head up a ladder on the side of the barn giving you access to the roof. You’ll be able to drop down through a window in the roof onto a walkway. River will rush ahead to located Randy so follow behind him. To find a way to turn off the braindance machine, head through the nearby doorway and open the first door on the right. Head to the back wall to turn off the computer. Return to the room with River then remove the tubes on the 3 others. Afterwards, return to River and help him release the restraint.

After some time passes, you’ll speak to River. You can convince him not to kill Anthony Harris. Alternatively, you can tell him that you’ll help him kill Harris, but River says he wants to do it him himself. You’ll be able to tell him that he can always count on you. Either way, the job will complete. If you wait 24 hours in game, he’ll text you the same dialog for either option you chose.

Following the River

Obtained: After completing The Hunt side job, River Ward will eventually text you.

Objective: Head over to River

Following the River

Head to the objective at the Trailer Park fast travel point in The Badlands. Approach River then agree to stir the pot while you talk to him. Keep stirring so it doesn’t burn. Once River takes over, head into the house and go to the kitchen to find the rice. Return to River and dump the rice in the pot. Sit on the front porch with River and talk to him. After your chat, follow River to the table and take the AR game gear. Play the game with River and the kids. Be a sport and let the kids win by allowing them to kill more enemies. When the game is interrupted by Joss, speak with River then join the family at the table. Follow River to the water tower and allow him to help you over the fence. Once on the other side, open the gate for River. Climb up the tower after River and sit down to speak with him. If your V is a girl, this is your chance to romance him if you’d like! When you awake, head to the kitchen and speak with River to complete the gig.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Pacifica Side Jobs

by Chappie in


Below are the side jobs that can be found at Pacifica in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the gigs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Beat on the Brat: Pacifica

Obtained: Coach Fred will call you after defeating the other four fighters saying he set you up with another fight (you’ll need to finish the other 4 Beat on the Brat side jobs as well as the Send in the Clowns side job first)

Objective: Defeat Ozob

Travel to the objective in Pacifica northeast of the Grand Imperial Mall fast travel point to locate Ozob. Speak with him to bet either $16,000 or $32,000 eddies on the fight then head to the ring to start the fight. Defeat him to complete the job.


Epistrophy: Coastview

Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain

Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Approach the cab circling Pacifica – Coastview to receive a call from it. Continue following the cab at a close distance until it stops under a building. Shortly after, the cab will tell you that it has a surprise for you and you’ll be attacked by enemies. Eliminate them then approach the cab and speak with it. Afterwards, you’ll receive a call from Delamain and the job will complete.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Santo Domingo Ride Locations

by Chappie in


Once you reach Act 2, fixers will start messaging you about vehicles for sale as you raise your street cred. You’ll have to make contact with the fixer in a region to be able to start buying cars from them. This should happen automatically when you travel to a new place. Purchasing them all is required to unlock the Autojock trophy. Please note that some vehicles can be obtained through side jobs, but those don’t count towards the trophy. Below are the vehicles located in Santo Domingo!


Mackinaw MTL1 (Thorton Mackinaw)

This vehicle can be found south of MLK & Brandon fast travel point in Arroyo. Purchase it for $128,000.


Supron FS3 (Mahir Supron)

This vehicle can be found east of the Hargreaves St fast travel point in Arroyo. Purchase the vehicle for $16,000.


Thorton Colby CX410 Butte 

This vehicle can be found near the Piez fast travel point in Rancho Coronado. Purchase the vehicle for $43,000.


Type-66 640 TS (Quadra Type-66)

This vehicle can be found northeast of the Almunecar & Jerez fast travel point in Rancho Coronado. Purchase the vehicle for $58,000.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Heywood Ride Locations

by Chappie in


Once you reach Act 2, fixers will start messaging you about vehicles for sale as you raise your street cred. You’ll have to make contact with the fixer in a region to be able to start buying cars from them. This should happen automatically when you travel to a new place. Purchasing them all is required to unlock the Autojock trophy. Please note that some vehicles can be obtained through side jobs, but those don’t count towards the trophy. Below are the vehicles located in Heywood!


Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate (Villefort Alvarado)

This vehicle can be found west of the Palms View Way fast travel point in The Glen. Purchase it for $62,000.


Apollo (Brennan Apollo)

This vehicle can be found south of the Delamain HQ in Vista Del Rey. Purchase it for $94,000.


Cortes V5000 Valor (Villefort Cortes)

This vehicle can be found south of the Corporation St fast travel point in Wellsprings. Purchase it for $37,000.


Thrax 388 Jefferson (Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson)

This vehicle can be found in a parking lot next to the Pumping Station fast travel point in Wellsprings. Purchase it for $17,000.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – City Center Ride Locations

by Chappie in


Once you reach Act 2, fixers will start messaging you about vehicles for sale as you raise your street cred. You’ll have to make contact with the fixer in a region to be able to start buying cars from them. This should happen automatically when you travel to a new place. Purchasing them all is required to unlock the Autojock trophy. Please note that some vehicles can be obtained through side jobs, but those don’t count towards the trophy. Below are the vehicles located in City Center!


Columbus V340-F Freight (Villefort Columbus)

This vehicle can be found in a parking garage south of the the Downtown Central fast travel point in Downtown. Purchase it for $19,000.


Emperor 620 Ragnar (Chevillon Emperor)

This vehicle can be found west of Arasaka Tower fast travel point in Corpo Plaza. Purchase it for $32,000.


Outlaw GTS (Herrera Outlaw)

This vehicle can be found northeast of Arasaka Tower fast travel point in Corpo Plaza. Purchase it for $62,000.


Quadra Type-66 Avenger

This vehicle can be found northwest of the Arasaka Tower fast travel point in Corpo Plaza. Purchase it for $55,000.


Rayfield Caliburn 

This vehicle can be found near the Corporation St in. Purchase it for $157,000.