New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Shiver Snowfields LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Shiver Snowfields in New Pokemon Snap.


A Safe Place to Sleep

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of what is living in the holes

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

After you slide down the hill into a cavern with stalagmites jutting up from the ground, focus your full attention on the right wall. When you come to a small hole in the wall, you’ll see a Vulpix sleeping inside. Snap a quick picture to complete the request.


A Sheer Face

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Avalugg’s wild side

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Take this path to go through an icy cave. When you emerge, speed up so you can get closer to the Avalugg that emerges from the water onto land. This occurs on the right side of the path. You will need to throw a fluffruit on the Avalugg’s back. When it reaches the Delibird, it will reer up. Snap a picture of this to complete the request.


Beyond the Wall of Snow

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Find the Pokemon during the blizzard

This image can be captured after an alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Abomasnow to bellow out. This will enable Froslass to emerge from the left behind a tree. Capture a picture of Froslass to complete the request.


Dig Here, Swinub!

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Find the hot spring using Swinub

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you emerge from the cave with the stalagmites jutting up from the ground, look to the left to find a Swinub near a Crystalbloom. Lure this Swinub close to the Crystalbloom with fluffruit then hit the Crystalbloom with an Illumina Orb. The Swinub will dig nearby to uncover a hot spring. Capture a picture of the Swinub in the air on the jet of water to complete the request.


Dining Dewgong

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Dewgong eating fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Continue on this path to reach an open area. Straight ahead after you emerge from the cave you’ll see a Dewgong on the ice jump into the water. It will resurface and climb onto an ice patch. When it does, throw a fluffruit near it. Capture a picture of the Dewgong eating the fluffruit to complete the request.


Duel on the Snowfields

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the battle near the ice floes

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Continue on this path to reach an open area. Straight ahead after you emerge from the cave you’ll see a Dewgong. A Beartic will run at it from the left side of the area. Rush forward towards the Beartic and throw a fluffruit at it. This will cause it to turn around and head left towards the Mamoswine near the end point. Capture a picture as Beartic roars at the Mamoswine to complete the request.


Fidgety Snorunt

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Find out what troubles Snorunt

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you reach the cave with the stalagmites jutting up from the ground, look for the cluster of Snorunt on the right side. Throw a fluffruit at the stalagmite hanging down above them to cause it to fall. Capture a picture of their shocked expressions to complete the request.


Find that Perfect Timing

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a better picture of Sandslash

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured on an alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. About in the middle of this area, scan the area and on the right side a Sandslash will jump out and do a spin into the ground. Capture a picture of this to complete the request.


Frolicking Furret

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Furret dancing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the start of the level, look for the Crystalbloom on the right side of the path with 2 holes on either side of it. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom to make a Furret leap out of the hole. Follow it across the path as the Furret jumps into another hole. Throw a fluffruit into this hole then play your music to make it dance. Capture a picture of it dancing for the request.


Gazing Down on the Snowfields

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon on top of the cliffs

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

In the area just past the group of Mamoswine but before the dip down, look up to left cliff to spot a Glaceon! Capture a picture of it to complete the request.


Howling at the Heavens

Requestor: Phil

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Mightyena howling at the sky

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you go up the hill near the beginning of the level, you’ll see a Furret staring at you straight ahead. Throw an Illumina Orb at it. The Mightyena will begin chasing it. Look to the left to see Furret run up the hill toward a Delibird. The Delibird and Furret will jump off but the Mightyena will stay for a howl. Capture a picture of the Mightyena howling at the sky for the request.


Icy Armor

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Glalie encased in icy armor

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you enter the icy cave with stalagmites coming up from the ground, look to the left of the path to find a Glalie. Hit it with an apple to wake it up then throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom to cause a Froslass to whip up a storm. You can then hit Glalie with a fluffruit again to cause its icy armor to appear. Snap a picture of this armor to complete the request.


Icy Playground

Requestor: Phil

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Spheal in the area


In the Blizzard

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the Snom

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured in the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. In this area, take a picture of the Snom immediately on your left between the Abomosnow and the cliff then quickly look to the right of the path to take another picture of the Snom between the Christmas tree and the cliff. Next, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom then take a picture of the Snom in the Christmas tree to the left of the Crystalbloom.  With all 3 Snom’s pictures taken and the orb lit up, a Frosmoth will fly along the cliff. Follow it as it approaches 2 hills on the right side of the path just past the Christmas trees. When it reaches these 2 mounds, throw an Illumina Orb at it to cause all the Snoms to convene here. Take a picture to complete the request.


It Jumped Out at Me!

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of what jumped out

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured in the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. Focus on the left side of the path. Keep scanning this side after you pass the Abomasnow. Behind the jumping Sandslash, you’ll see ???. This is a Crabominable! Wait for it to jump then quickly capture a picture of it to complete the request.


Like Powder Snow

Requestor: Todd

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Frosmoth’s scales

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Just before the end of the level, look for a Frosmoth flying to the right of the end point. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to cause it to flap its wings. Capture a picture of this sparkly task to complete the request.


Message from a Friend

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Weavile with the scratched tree


Present for a Friend

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of befriending Delibird

When the path dips down into a cave that has stalagmites jutting up from the ground. Look straight ahead on the right wall to see a hole. Throw fluffruit near this hole to cause a Delibird to appear. When it collects some of the fluffruit, play your music. The Delibird will then offer you a fluffruit. Capture this action to complete the request.


Proud Warrior

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Braviary trusting you


Shades of Aurorus

Requestor: Todd

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Aurorus’ fins changing color

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. At the end of this area, you should see a Aurorus to the right of the end point. Throw a fluffruit towards it for it to eat. When it eats the fluffruit, its fins will change color. Capture a picture of this to complete the request.


Skarmory’s Flying Show

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Skarmory flying

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Again, you can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time during the day. Head to this last alternate route and look just before the end point to find a hole in the cliff. Throw fluffruit into this hole to cause Skarmory to fly out. Capture a picture of it doing a flip in the air to complete the request.


Snowfield Hide-and-Seek

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of what Beartic is looking for

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the beginning of the level, you’ll see Beartic searching for something. Scan the area on the left side near a hill to find a ???. Throw a fluffruit at the ??? to cause a Cubchoo to pop up from the snow. Capture a picture of it to complete the request.


The Wrath of Mamoswine

Requestor: Phil

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of the stare down with Mamoswine and 2 Weavile


Treasure-Hunting Troupe

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of what the Piplup are up to

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Again, you can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time during the day. Head to this last alternate route to find a trio of Piplup on the ice. Hit the Piplup by itself on the left with an Illumina Orb to cause it to jump into the water. Wait for it to reappear on the iceberg with the 2 other Piplup. It will be holding a shell. Capture a picture of this to complete the request.



Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the culprit behind the blizzard

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This image can be captured after an alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Abomasnow to bellow out. Capture a picture of Abomasnow doing this to complete the request.


Wish Upon a Shining Sky

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the special Pokemon in the sky

This image can be captured at the end of the alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Head down this path and exit the cave. Look immediately to your right to find a Jynx riding on an Avalugg. Throw an Illumina Orb at the Jynx to cause it to wave its hands in the air. Keep looking in that direction to find Suicune running out from behind the cliff towards you. Throw an Illumina Orb at it too then capture its reaction to Delibird when it gets on land.


With Their Powers Combined

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Jynx with more power to accomplish its wish

This image can be captured in an alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Head down this route to enter a cave. Wake the Jynx up by throwing a fluffruit at it. Once awake lure it to the other Jynx using fluffruit. When it gets close, throw an Illumina Orb at the Crystalbloom to cause the 2 Jynx to react. Capture a picture of their reaction to complete the request.


You Can Do It, Vanilluxe!

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Vanilluxe eating a fluffruit

This image can be captured in an alternate route. To access this route, you’ll need to capture a picture of Sandslash, who can be found at the very beginning of the level on the left side with a Cubchoo. Take Sandslash’s picture then continue a short ways ahead to find Sandslash again on the left side of the path. Capture its picture to cause it to open the alternate path on the right behind some snow. Take this path to reach an area with dense snow, which makes it extremely hard to see. You can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time at night. Take the alternate path you previously opened. Hit Crabominable with an Illumina Orb to cause Froslass to appear. Snap a picture of her to open another alternate route on the right side of the path. Again, you can continue down this path or quit the research. Restart the level, but this time during the day. Head to this last alternate route to find a Glalie and Avalugg on the right side in the cave. Play your music then hit Glalie with an Illumina Orb to cause it to bite Avalugg. This will scare away the Vanilluxe. Exit the cave then look for the hole in the left cliff just before the exit point. Throw a fluffruit into this hole to cause the Vanilluxe to come out. Throw fluffruit at the ground near Vanilluxe so it eats one. Take a picture of Vanilluxe eating the fluffruit to complete the request.



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Research Camp LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Research Camp in New Pokemon Snap.


A Cheeky Pose

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Cutiefly making a cute pose

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Cutiefly can be found in the flower patch just before the fire pit. Hit it with an Illumina Orb then take a picture of its pose.


A Pup at Heart

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of an excited Stoutland

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

For this one, you’ll need to start by the NEO-ONE. Toss a fluffruit to the nearby Stoutland and make sure he eats it. Next, you want to hit the Trubbish on the table next to Eevee in the face with a fluffruit. This will cause it to spray Eevee making her jump off the table. After a couple of seconds, if you look in the center of the camp, both Stoutland and Eevee should both be there. Your goal now is to get the two close enough that they engage each other. When this happens, toss an Illumina Orb at Stoutland to make him start puppy hopping in a circle. Take a picture of this for the request.


At Home in the Dark

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon under the floor

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When starting on the side of the camp with the NEO-ONE, use fluffruit to wake up and lure Meowth under the building. It should run under the floorboards when it gets close enough. After a couple of seconds, Rattata emerges from under the deck with Meowth in pursuit. You’ll need to take a picture of Rattata as the focus with Meowth also included in the photo for it to count for the request.


Audino’s Favorite Pastime

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Audino dancing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Starting from the second start point near the entrance to the camp, follow the route until you reach the lab. In the flowers nearby, there will be a Cutiefly flying around. Feed it a fluffruit then turn your focus to Audino. As you get closer to it, Cutiefly will buzz over and start interacting with Audino. She will in turn start spinning, which is what you want to snap a picture of for the request.


Borrowing Bravery

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Sudowoodo

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Starting from the second start point in the camp, you’ll be heading towards the campfire. Near the bunkhouse, a Sudowoodo can be found walking around. When it gets close to the Crystalbloom, hit the crystal with an Illumina Orb. This will cause it to start dancing. Take a picture of it for the request.


Bunnelby Bursts Out

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Bunnelby jumping high

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

To get this picture, you will need to start next to the NEO-ONE. On the other side of the camp near the campfire, you’ll find three holes with Bunnelby moving between them. Hit its ears with an Illumina Orb then you’ll have to throw a fluffruit into the hole that the bunny is hiding in. This will cause him to jump out of the hole into the air. Snag a picture of it for the request.


In the Middle of the Camp

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Pokemon dancing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Starting from the second start point in the camp, you’ll be heading towards the campfire. Near the bunkhouse, a Sudowoodo can be found walking around. When it gets close to the Crystalbloom, hit the crystal with an Illumina Orb to make it move to the center of the camp. Keep hitting it with Illumina Orbs until it is joined in by Rattata and Trubbish. Now you want to play music to get them all three dancing for the shot you need. Make sure Trubbish is the focus, and you get all three of them dancing together.


Say Hello to Your Neighbors

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Starly waving

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Starting from the second start point in the camp, you’ll notice a pair of Starly hanging out by the bunks. What you want to do is feed one of them two fluffruit. After eating the second one, Starly will look at you and wave. Snap a picture of the wave for the request.



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Research Camp Pokemon

by Chappie in


Below is a list of the Pokemon that can be found at the Research Camp in New Pokemon Snap. This list is categorized by which Research Level a Pokemon shows up for the first time.


Research Camp

New Pokemon Snap Map


Research Level 1

  • Bunnelby
  • Cutiefly
  • Eevee
  • Meowth
  • Pikachu
  • Starly
  • Stoutland
  • Sudowoodo
  • Trubbish


Research Camp Path 2

Research Level 1

  • Audino
  • Bunnelby
  • Dedenne
  • Pikachu
  • Rattata
  • Starly
  • Sudowoodo
  • Trubbish


New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Fireflow Volcano Pokemon

by Chappie in


Below is a list of the Pokemon that can be found at the Fireflow Volcano in New Pokemon Snap. This list is categorized by which Research Level a Pokemon shows up for the first time.


Volcano (Day)

New Pokemon Snap Map


Research Level 1

  • Aerodactyl
  • Altaria
  • Archeops
  • Charmander
  • Graveler
  • Luxray
  • Monferno
  • Slugma
  • Tyrantrum


Research Level 2

  • Shinx
  • Talonflame
  • Torkoal
  • Typhlosion


Research Level 3

  • Charizard
  • Flareon


Illumina Spot

New Pokemon Snap Map


Research Level 1

  • Volcarona



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Fireflow Volcano LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Fireflow Volcano in New Pokemon Snap.


3,000-Degree Flames

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Flareon’s flames


A Goofy Pose

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Monferno sticking out its rear at Tyrantrum

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the beginning of the route, you’ll come across a Tyrantrum chasing a pair of Monferno’s from a cave. Look up to the right side of the route to find one of the Monferno standing on a high-up rock. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to trigger an event where the Monferno taunts Tyrantrum by smacking its booty. Take a picture of this event for the request.


A Quaking Volcano

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Tyrantrum

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Following the normal route, until you enter the cave and see a Tyrantrum sleeping with two Monferno standing nearby. Throw the Illumina Orb at the one on the left causing him to jump on the sleeping dino. This will cause Tyrantrum to get angry and go on a rampage. You want to take a shot of it slamming into the wall for the request.


A Skilled Hunter

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Talonflame grabbing a fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Near the beginning of the route, you’ll reach an area with a hardened lava path in the middle and pointy rocks on the sides of it. On the far side, there will be a Talonflame perched on one of the rocks. Before you enter the cave turn around and throw a fluffruit on the ground across from where the Talonflame is. As it leaves the perch, the Pokemon will fly down and scoop up the fruit. Snap a picture of this for the request.


A Slice of Rainbow

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of the legendary Pokemon


Archeops at Ease

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Archeops eating a fluffruit

After the Tyrantrum chases off a group of Archeops, wait for them to return then toss a fluffruit near one. Snap the picture while it’s eating!


Climbing the Lavafall

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day -Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Slugma going up a lavafall

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This shot can be taken in the giant open lava room at the end of the route. When you enter the room, a Slugma on the right will jump into the lava below. Look down to the left to see another Slugma swimming towards a lavafall. You need to hit it with an Illumina Orb to cause it to climb the lavafall. Snap the picture while it’s doing this for the request.


Little Lost Shinx

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Shinx reuniting with Luxray

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the start of the route, there is a Shinx that can found off to the left and a Luxray that will come running up the path. Use fluffruit to lure the Shinx to Luxray causing the pair to reunite. Snap a picture of Shinx on its back legs for the request.


Luxray Vision

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Luxray looking for stuff

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you follow the route, you’ll enter a cave with a sleeping Tyrantrum on the left. Look to the right to find a Luxray on a ledge. Throw an Illumina Orb at it causing its eyes to glow. Capture a picture of this for the request.



Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the unusual reaction

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

On the rock walkway before the room with blue lava, look right and down from the path to see two Charmanders standing around some hardened lava. Hit them both with an Illumina Orb then directly look up to find a Graveler handing from the ceiling. Hit the Graveler with an apple to knock him down. This will result in the arrival of a Charizard from within the molten lava.


Rest Your Wings

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Aerodactyl on the ground

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you get to the last area with the two Typhlosion, keep throwing fluffruit at the Typhlosion that came from the ruins. This will cause them both to leave allowing Aerodactyl to land. Toss some more fruit near it and take the picture when he starts chowing down for the request.


So Excited!

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Torkoal standing on its hind legs

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Follow the default route until you reach the room at the end with all the red lava. Locate the Torkoal and Monferno near the middle of the area. Once Monferno is in front of Torkoal, hit Torkoal with an Illumina Orb. After Monferno teases him a little bit, hit Torkoal again. It should now stand on its hind legs so you can snap the picture for the request.


The Singing Dragon

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon making the happy humming sounds

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the start of the route toward the end of the narrow path, you’ll hear almost a chirping sound. When this happens, start playing the music. If you scan, there will be a point of interest mentioning singing. As soon as the song stops, a flock of Altaria will be coming from the spring. Take a picture of them for the request.


Typhlosion Explosion

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Typholsion being territorial

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the beginning of the route in the hot spring, look up to the top left of the narrow path. A Typhlosion will be there terrorizing everything. Hit it with a fluffruit the proceed down the route. As you exit the narrow path, look up and to the left to see Typholsion batting an Aerodactyl. Throw an Illumina Orb at it then get ready to take some pictures. This will cause Typhlosion to use eruption which is what you need to capture for the request.


Vocal Volcarona

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of the two Volcarona’s communicating with each other


Volcanic Hide-and-Seek

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of a group of Charmander

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Follow the default path to reach the big open room at the end with the red lava. The first thing you’ll need to do is hit the Crystalbloom on the rock platform behind Graveler with an Illumina Orb. Directly across from that with be an area with three Charmanders. Toss some fluffruit near the cave in the back to lure four other Charmanders out bringing the total to seven. Now play some music to get the Charmanders’ attention then turn it off so they move into position. They should shortly be joined by Charizard. Make sure to grab a photo focused on Charmander with all seven of them and Charizard in the shot.


When Graveler Shows Its Hand

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Graveler using its inner set of arms



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Elsewhere Forest LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Elsewhere Forest in New Pokemon Snap.


Danger Warning

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Bewear waving its arms


Egg Patrol

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Unfezant nesting with eggs


Milotic’s Mighty Leap

Requestor: Phil

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Milotic doing a leap


Weird Crossing

Requestor: Phil

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Bulbasaur coasting across the surface of the water



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Elsewhere Forest Pokemon

by Chappie in


Below is a list of the Pokemon that can be found at the Elsewhere Forest in New Pokemon Snap. This list is categorized by which Research Level a Pokemon shows up for the first time.


Forest (Day)

Research Level 1

  • Bewear
  • Bulbasaur
  • Crystabloom
  • Deerling
  • Drampa
  • Espurr
  • Kecleon
  • Pancham
  • Sawsbuck
  • Shiftry
  • Trevenant
  • Unfezant


Illumina Spot

Research Level 1

  • Milotic



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Sweltering Sands LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Sweltering Sands in New Pokemon Snap.


A Finicky Flame

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 1/2

Objective: Capture a picture of Torchic burning a fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you pass the second sand tornado and approach the oasis, you’ll see a Torchic wandering around. Hit it with an Illumina Orb then throw a fluffruit near it. This will cause it to burn the fruit using flamethrower. Get a picture of the flamethrower for the request.


Hide-and-Seek in the Desert

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of a hiding Trapinch

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Once you reach the oasis, you’ll be passing along the right side of it. Look to the left to spot a rock. Trapinch can be found with its head sticking out of the sand on the other side (you may want to use your scan to locate it). Hit the Pokemon with an Illumina Orb then take a picture of it for the request.


Kangaskhan’s Parenting

Requestor: Todd

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Kangaskhan feeding its young

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

The easiest way to get this picture is with the Kangaskhan at the beginning of the route. You’ll need to hit it with a fluffruit to get its attention then place a couple more fruit around it. The trick with this one is that Kangaskhan will eat a fruit first before she gives one to the baby, and you have to be far enough away from her in order for her to give it to the baby. Also note that if you hit Kangaskhan with fruit, it will stop what it’s doing and roar at you. When she does hand the fluffruit to the baby, be sure to snap the moment for the request.


Lycanroc’s Reply

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Lycanroc reacting to the sound of the scan

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

After you pass the second sand tornado, you’ll head up a tall sand mound with the oasis on the other side. At the top of the mound, look to the right to find a Lycanroc on a ledge overlooking the oasis. Use your scan to stop it from jumping down then take the alternate route to head right along the oasis. Look up to spot Lycanroc standing next to a Crystalbloom. When you get close, use your scan to make him move on. Keep following him to see him run out to a section of rock sticking out. When it gets to the end, it’ll let out a howl. This is what you want to snap a picture of for the request.


Munching Mandibuzz

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of where Mandibuzz eats

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach the Oasis, take the alternate route heading to the right of it. To the left of Tyranitar, you’ll see a Mandibuzz kind of hidden behind a rock. You’ll need to boost up to it and throw the fluffruit near it before it flies away. If you’re quick enough, you should be able snag the picture of it eating the apple for the request.


Oasis Buddies

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Torchic standing on Hippowdon’s head

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you approach the Oasis, you’ll notice a Hippowdon and Torchic within close proximity of each other. Toss an Illumina Orb at Hippowdon to get it to lower its head. Next, you need to hit Torchic with an orb as well. Make sure they are both illuminated and Torchic should hop on Hippowdon’s head. Take a picture with Hippowdon being the focus for the request.


Onix’s Mighty Leap

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Onix leaping into the air

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

To snap this picture, you will need to take the alternate path at the oasis heading right around it. Once you pass Tyranitar, you’ll head down a sand mound into an area with lots of Onix. Look for a ledge to immediately to the right (facing the exit) of the sand mound to find two Mandibuzz resting there. Hit them both with a fluffruit causing them to fly off. Next, you want to spin around looking for a rock on the left (facing the exit) to see another Mandibuzz sitting at the top. Throw a fluffruit at it as well. Now that you’re set up, look towards the exit keeping an eye out for jumping Onix. After two jump out of the sand, turn around to see the three Mandibuzz flying in a V formation. Follow them for one last chance to catch a picture of a leaping Onix for the request.


Rainbow Meteor Shower

Requestor: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of 7 different colored Minior at once


Revenge of Silicobra

Requestor: Phil

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of why Lycanroc is running away from Silicobra

New Pokemon LenTalk Request

Near the start of the route, you’ll come around a curve and there will be a Silicobra laying on the sand to the right. Hit it with a fluffruit then immediately look to the left of the path. Silicobra’s face and tongue will show up somewhere in the sand. You’ll need to hit it again with another fluffruit. Both of these steps should happen before you reach the three Crystalblooms. When you get to the oasis, take the alternate path leading to the left. You should see Silicobra’s face and tongue sticking out of the sand. Hit it with a fluffruit to cause the snake to pop out of the sand. The nearby Lycanroc should run over starting a confrontation between the two. You’ll want to capture a picture of Silicobra spitting sand at the Lycanroc for the request. If the fight doesn’t start, you might have to lure the Lycanroc closer using fluffruit.


Roll and Stop

Requestor: Phil

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of a stopped Sandsrew in a ball

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

To snag this photo, you will need to hit a Sandsrew that is rolling around like a ball with a fluffruit. The easiest place to do this is at the beginning of the route where one will roll right past you. This also allows for an easy retry if you miss it. You’ll want to capture the image of Sandsrew right after it collides with the apple for the request.


Sprinting in Surprise

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Heliolisk running on water

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you go over the large mountain of sand, you’ll see an oasis with a Heliolisk resting on a rock in the middle. Spam fluffruit at it in order to startle it awake (you may need to throw a fluffruit in the water behind it to cause Magikarp to jump up). It will then make a mad dash across the water towards you. Snag a picture of it running to complete the request!


Striking a Pose with Its Tail

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Skorupi striking a pose with its tail

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Follow the route until you come to the second sand tornado. Hit the three Crystalblooms with an Illumina Orb to cause the sand tornado to stop. This will trigger two Skorupis to appear. When they are about to face each other, hit them with an Illumina Orb to cause them to stand on their tails. Snap a picture of the for the request.


The Flying Cacnea

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of a flying Cacnea

Wait for a Cacnea to get sucked up by the sand tornado then capture it spinning around in the air for the request.


Totally Cool Tyranitar

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Tyranitar bashing a rock

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach the oasis, you’ll want to take the alternate path that takes you around the right of the oasis. After doing that, a Lycanroc will jump down from a rock ledge above. Use fluffruit to lure it next to the close by Tyranitar. After Lycanroc runs off, hit Tyranitar with an Illumina Orb to power it up. It will then break the rock next to it using its tail. This is what you want to take a picture of for the request.


Where Did the Fluffruit Go?

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon in the tornado eating fluffruit

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach the second sand tornado near the start of the route, hit all three Crystalblooms with Illumina Orbs. This will cause the tornado to stop and Flygon to appear. Next, you want to throw some fluffruit under it so that it flies down to pick one up before it flies off. As you head over the sand mound leading to the oasis, you will see the Flygon flying to the left of the oasis with the fruit in its hand. Keep heading along the normal route while keeping an eye on Flygon. As you approach the end of the route, you’ll see Flygon dive down into one of the giant sand holes. This is where you want to start taking pictures. The picture you are trying to capture is Flygon giving the fruit to the Trapinch in that hole. Capture the moment for the request.



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Sweltering Sands Pokemon

by Chappie in


Below is a list of the Pokemon that can be found at the Sweltering Sands in New Pokemon Snap. This list is categorized by which Research Level a Pokemon shows up for the first time.


Sands (Day)

New Pokemon Snap Map


Research Level 1

  • Cacnea
  • Heliolisk
  • Hippowdon
  • Lycanroc
  • Mandibuzz
  • Pinsir
  • Skorupi
  • Torchic
  • Trapinch
  • Vivillon


Research Level 2

  • Flygon (activate all 3 Crystalblooms clustered together to deactivate the tornado)
  • Onix
  • Scorbunny
  • Tyranitar


Research Level 3

  • Silicobra


Sands (Night)

New Pokemon Snap Map


Research Level 1

  • Cacnea
  • Hippowdon
  • Kangaskhan
  • Lycanroc
  • Magikarp (throw fluffruit into the lake)
  • Mandibuzz
  • Minior
  • Onix
  • Sandshrew
  • Skorupi
  • Trapinch


Research Level 2

  • Flygon
  • Silicobra



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Lental Seafloor LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Lental Seafloor in New Pokemon Snap.


A Light in the Depths

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the encounter between Lanturn and Frillish

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

To capture this picture, you’ll need to take the alternate path through the tunnel that Clawitzer comes from that leads to the seafloor. When you reach the open area with the Wailmer and Mantines, look down to the left to find a Lumineon and some Finneon on a ledge. As you continue to drift downward, keep an eye out for a Lanturn that will appear somewhere below that ledge. Hit it with an Illumina Orb before the horde of fish starts swimming up. This will trigger a Sharpedo to chase it down. Once the Wailord swims up, look across the chasm to see 2 Frillish holding the Lanturn. Hit the Lanturn with an Illumina Orb causing it to swim further down below. Follow it to the seafloor to see it swing its light back and forth. Take a picture of this for the request.


A New Way to Dance

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Cradily dancing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

You can do this with any Cradily that isn’t looking straight up. Hit them with an Illumina Orb to cause them to stick their head up and swing it back and forth. Take a picture of it for the request.


A Ring of Bubbles

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Pokemon playing in a ring of bubbles

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the start of the route, look to the left to find an Alomomola and Finneon. Wait until they get close together then hit them both with an Illumina Orb. This will cause Alomomola to blow a water ring and the two will laugh. Take of picture of them having fun for the request. It should be a 4-star photo.


A Seven-Colored Glow

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of something flowing all 7 colors of the rainbow

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Take the alternate route near the starting point through the cavern. Once you reach the seafloor with the Lumineon moving around in the sand, use your scan to locate a buried Starmie. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to cause it to rise up out of the sand. A little way ahead, you’ll pass a giant broke pillar. On the other side or the pillar is a crystalbloom on a raised area. You will need to hit it with an Illumina Orb. This will attract the Starmie you freed earlier. You now need to hit the crystal one more time with an Illumina Orb. This will power up Starmie causing her gem to shine multiple colors. Take of picture of this even for the request.


A Sunlit Cave

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the special area

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the start of the route, you should see a Clawitzer straight ahead. Follow it until it stops just outside of a small cavern. You will need to hit it with an Illumina Orb to power up its attack. This will allow it to break the rocks in the cavern which allows you to take an alternate route. As you pass through the cavern, you need to locate the most southern left Chinchou. Hit it with an Illumina Orb. This will cause it to take a left instead of swimming ahead ending up at the Crystalbloom. Once there, the other Chinchou will gather at the Crystalbloom and they will all start glowing. This is what you will want to snap a picture of for the request. Also, make sure the focus of the picture is Chinchou and not the Crystalbloom.


Favorite Hangout Spot

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Luvdisc and Corsola together

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

This photo spot is located on the other side of the coral reef just before the entrance to the alternate route in the cavern. You want to be looking to the right as you come around the corner. You will see a Corsola with two Luvdisc sleeping in her coral. Take a picture of Corsola for the request.


Golisopod Training

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the relationship between Golispod and the seafloor

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Head to the seafloor and work your way along the route to reach the ruins near the end. You should spot a Golispod kneeling before a broken pillar. A Clawitzer will swim up to it and stop a little ways away. You will need to hit it with an Illumina Orb before it leaves. This will cause it to hit the Golispod with a charged-up attack. Golispod will then get up and start walking away. Keep an eye on it to see it challenge another Golispod. Take a picture of the fight for the request. Please note that you will need the boost to reach the Clawitzer before it swims away.


Lucky Four-Leaf Clover

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Luvdisc that is really great

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

The photo can be taken towards the end of the default route when you are rising through the circular cavern with Tentacruel. You want to throw an Illumina Orb on the Crystalbloom that is on the rock ledge directly above where you enter the cavern. Doing this will cause 4 Luvdisc to appear. Start playing the music to cause them to flatten out making the shape of a four-leaf clover. Take the picture for the request.


Ready, Aim, Fire!

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of two Clawitzer’s having a shootout

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

About halfway through the route, you’ll enter an underwater cavern with a Clawitzer resting there. Hit it with an Illumina Orb before it takes off to snag a picture of it firing a charged-up shot at the other Clawitzer for the request. Also note that you need both of them to be in the shot. You might have to wait until later in the game when you unlock the boost to finish this request.


See Ya Inf-later!

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2/3

Objective: Capture a picture of Qwilfish deflating

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach a Qwilfish, play the music to cause it to puff up then hit it with a fluffruit to cause him to deflate. Snag a picture of it deflating for the request.


Stirring Up Starmie

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of what Lumineon digs up

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Take the alternate route to reach the seafloor. When you’re in the open area with Lumineon moving around in the sand, look for a jewel in the sand. Use fluffruit to lure the Lumineon over to trigger them to dig up the jewel that turns out to be Starmie. You want to get a picture of Lumineon digging up Starmie for the request.


Swimming Clamperl

Requestor: Todd

Location: Day – Research Level 2/3

Objective: Capture a picture of a swimming Clamperl

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Take the alternate route to reach the seafloor. When you’re in the open area with Lumineon moving around in the sand, look for a buried shell. Use fluffruit to lure the Lumineon over to it to trigger it to dig up the shell. This will cause the Clamperl to take off. Snag a picture of it swimming for the request.


Swirling Energy

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of the Wishiwashi infused with Illumina energy


To the Bottom of the Sea

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the incident between Frillish and Alomomola

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Follow the default route coming to the area with seaweed and a few Cradily and Lumineon. You’ll then pass a Wailmer and descend into a cavern. In this cavern, there will be two Alomomolas swimming around.  You need to hit both of them with fluffruit as soon as possible. Keep an on the Alomomola until one head into a nearby cave then stops. You will need to hit it with a few fluffruit to prevent it from leaving. This will allow the Frillish in the cave to give it a hug. You’ll want to take a picture focused on the Frillish for the request.


Undersea Ballroom Dancing

Requestor: Phil

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Tentacruel and Frillish dancing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Take the alternate route through the tunnel that Clawitzer clears (after you hit it with an Illumina Orb) to head towards the seafloor. When you reach the big open cavern with the pair of Wailmer, there will also be three Tentacruel. One to your left, in front of you and the last directly under where you came in on the right. You need to hit the one on the right with an Illumina Orb. Keep following the route until you come to the ruined area towards the end. Locate the large broken column to find the Tentacruel from earlier with a Frillish behind it. Turn on your music to get them dancing then take the picture for the request.