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Fallout 76 – The Best Defense

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for The Best Defense quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

The Best Defense

You’ll automatically obtain The Best Defense quest after completing the Over and Out quest!

The Best Defense Objectives

Speak to Scribe Valdez

At the start of The Best Defense, head back to Fort Atlas and speak with Scribe Valdez.

Reinforce the Brotherhood barricade

Follow the party through the red door and down into the lower level of the fort.

Speak to Scribe Valdez

Talk with her.

Reach the Super Mutants’ entry point

Head through the hole and work your way to the objective.

Place bombs on Super Mutants entry points

Follow the objective to the 4 entry points and place the bombs there. Please note that the enemies will keep spawning until you place all the bombs.

Retreat to a safe distance

Head back to the entrance of this room.

(Optional) Use the elevator to return to the surface

Use the elevator in the center of the room to ascend.

Speak to the Brotherhood upstairs

Follow the path forward to enter the main part of Fort Atlas and speak with Paladin Rahmani to complete The Best Defense quest.

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Fallout 76 – Over and Out

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Over and Out quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Over and Out

You’ll automatically obtain the Over and Out quest after completing the Supplying Demands quest!

Over and Out Objectives

Speak to Scribe Valdez

At the start of the Over and Out quest, talk with Scribe Valdez in Fort Atlas.

Listen to Scribe Valdez’s report

Follow Valdez over to Paladin Rahmani and listen to their conversation.

Speak to Scribe Valdez

Follow her back over to where she normally is and speak with her.

Locate the transmitter facility

Travel to the Transmission Station 1AT-U03 on the western side of the map near Tyler County Fairgrounds.

Find a way inside the facility

Head around to the back of the building to find an Enclave Corpse with an Urgent Request. Loot the request then open the Circuit Breaker Lid on the back of the building to the left of the corpse.

Reset the power

Interact with the Circuit Breaker to reset the power.

Enter the transmitter facility

Head back around to the front of the building and interact with the Hand Scanner to the left of the door. Head inside and enter the Enclave Research Facility.

Explore the facility

Head straight ahead to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head to the left and pick the door to avoid going down the hallway of death! Either run or fight your way through this facility until you reach the locked door.

Find the keycard

You’ll need to defeat a Deathclaw then loot the Enclave Corpse in the room to obtain the Holding Cell Keycard.

Explore the facility

Keep making your way through the facility and destroy all the Scorched. Access the Transmission Console in the command center deep inside the facility

Find a way to use the transmitter

Head into the next room and use the Administration Console to register user for mainframe access.

Register your handprint

Activate the Hand Scanner next to the terminal.

Return to the lobby

Continue pressing forward to access the shortcut back to the lobby. You’ll need to use the Hand Scanner to open the door leading to the lobby.

Regroup with the Brotherhood

Speak with Paladin Rahmani in the lobby.

Access the mainframe

Follow the objective to the hand scanner in the lobby to press forward.

Defeat SODUS

Be prepared to defeat the tough robot that lurks in the next couple of rooms. When you defeat it, please be aware that it will explode!

Speak to Paladin Rahmani

Talk with her.

Install the Ultracite battery cell

Follow Knight Shin into the next room and speak with him. You’ll have the option to side with him or with Paladin Rahmani.

Check on Paladin Rahmani

Head back and speak with her. She’ll ask you who you side with…her or the Brotherhood/Knight Shin. Choose what you will. She will destroy the machine either way and you’ll receive the same weapon. This completes the Over and Out quest! Afterwards, The Best Defense quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Supplying Demands

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Supplying Demands quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Supplying Demands

You’ll automatically obtain the Supplying Demands quest after completing the Property Rights quest!

Supplying Demands Objectives

Report to Paladin Rahmani about Foundation

Travel to Fort Atlas and speak with Paladin Rahmani.

(Optional) Talk to Shin

Speak with Knight Shin in Fort Atlas.

Go to Foundation’s Supply Room

Fast travel to the Foundation (free of charge!) then follow the objective to the Supply Room and speak with Gloria Chance.

Go to the weapon testing site

Make your way northeast to the East Mountain Lookout near Kerwood Mine.

Listen to the “Weapon Demonstration” Holotape

Pick up the holotape near the stacked sandbags and listen to it.

Find out where “Mike” went

Inspect the bag near the terminal underneath the tower to find Mike’s bag with a holotape inside. You’ll learn that the password for the terminal is 12345, so go ahead and input it. Select “Seecrut! Keep out!” then “Entry 03 – Kerwood Mine”.

Investigate Kerwood Mine

Follow the objective nearby to Kerwood Mine. Enter the mine and defeat the Mole Miners inside.

Talk to Mike Tiller

Approach Mike near the blue door in the structure to speak with him. You’ll be unable to convince him to unbar the door.

Find a way to reach the weapons

Press on through the mine until you find a crate near the dead end.

(Optional) Collect a Hazmat Dive Suit

Retrieve the Cave Diving Suit from the crate. Dive into the water near the objective then make your way deeper into the mine through the water. Eventually you’ll come to a locked Security Gate that requires a key.

Find the Back Tunnel Key

Backtrack through the water along the train track to find a blue filing cabinet. Loot the Kerwood Back Tunnel Key from the cabinet.

Unlock the Back Tunnel Door

Once again, backtrack to the locked gate and use the key to unlock it!

Reach the weapons

Follow the objective through the water onto dry land containing more Mole Miners. Defeat them then continue forward a bit to reach a room with lockers. Head into the next room and approach Mike to trigger a dialog cutscene.

Collect the weapon cache

If your Perception or Strength was high enough, just collect the BOS Weapons Cache from the trunk behind Mike.

Return to Foundation’s Supply Room

Head back to the Foundation and enter the Supply Room.

Talk to Gloria Chance

Speak with her and select whatever option you’d like.

Report back to Paladin Rahmani

Head back to Fort Atlas and let her know what happened to complete the Supplying Demands quest. Afterwards, the Over and Out quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Property Rights

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Property Rights quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Property Rights

You’ll automatically obtain the Property Rights quest after completing the Disarming Discovery quest!

Property Rights Objectives

Speak to Knight Shin about the Raiders

At the start of Property Rights, speak with Knight Shin at Fort Atlas.

Secure the Raider storeroom

Head to the northern part of the area, just northwest of Grafton Station to find the Makeshift Vault. Enter the vault to trigger a dialog scene.

Speak to Knight Shin

Speak with him.

Speak to Pierce at the Crater

Exit the vault then travel to the Crater (free of charge). Head slightly north and enter the area to find Pierce. Speak with him.

Speak to Sheena

After Pierce doesn’t have much to say, speak with Sheena. She’ll want you to spy on the Brotherhood.

(Optional) Consult Scribe Valdez about the situation

Travel to Fort Atlas and speak with Scribe Valdez who will give you fake data.

Load Sheena’s Holotape into a Brotherhood terminal

Access the terminal near Scribe Valdez and press square to load Sheena’s Holotape into the terminal (it’s at the very bottom of the list!). Choose to download the dummy files if you want to give the Raiders fake data.

Return the holotape to Sheena

Head back to the Crater and hand over the holotape.

Report to Knight Shin

Travel back to Fort Atlas and speak with Knight Shin to complete the Property Rights quest! Afterwards, the Supplying Demands quest will start.

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Fallout 76 – Disarming Discovery

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Disarming Discovery quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Disarming Discovery

You’ll automatically obtain the Disarming Discovery quest after completing the Field Testing quest!

Disarming Discovery Objectives

Speak to Paladin Rahmani

Speak with Paladin Rahmani in Fort Atlas.

Speak to Jennie Brown

Travel east to The Retreat to speak with Jennie.

Talk with some of the villagers about Dagger x3

Speak with the 3 villagers around The Retreat.

Return to Jennie Brown

Head back to speak with Jennie and agree to help her.

Find the Blood Eagle hideout

Travel southwest to find the Blood Eagle hideout atop a hill. Lockpick the yellow door to find Dagger’s Den (after you clear out the enemies). Enter Dagger’s Den.

Clear out the Blood Eagle Raiders

Defeat the enemies marked inside! In the second area, watch out for the Lieutenant that spawns just before the Throne Room!

Kill Dagger’s Lieutenant

This guy is in power armor and has a missile launcher so be careful!

Enter the Throne Room

Loot the desk in the room with the trip wire to find the Throne Room Key (on the second level overlooking the spot the lieutenant spawns).

Speak to Dagger

You’ll have the option to kill her, find a mutually beneficial arrangement or threaten her if your Strength is high enough. If you decide to kill her, you’ll need to defeat the 2 lieutenants in the room, too. All have pretty hard hitting weapons (missile launcher, minigun and Gatling gun), so be prepared! If you select the mutual agreement, you can give her 300 caps or flirt. Flirting does not work. If you give her the money, you can retrieve the items you need. Choosing to threaten her is the best option since she’ll just hand over the keys to the caches with no fuss.

Recover the Weapons Cache and Retreat’s supplies

Collect the 2 caches.

Return the supplies to Jennie Brown

Head back to Jennie at The Retreat. You’ll have the option to give her a weapon from the BoS Weapon Cache.

Return to Paladin Rahmani

Travel back to Fort Atlas to speak with Paladin Rahmani and complete the Disarming Discovery quest. The Property Rights quest will then automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Field Testing

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Field Testing quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Field Testing

You’ll automatically obtain the Field Testing quest after completing the Mother of Invention quest!

Field Testing Objectives

Speak to Paladin Rahmani

At the start of the Field Testing quest, you’ll need to follow the objective in Fort Atlas to the second level to find Paladin Rahmani and speak with her. Agree to join the Brotherhood to continue with the quest. While speaking with her, you can receive a Stimpak if you select the Charisma option.

Go to Lewis & Sons Farming Supply

Travel to Lewis & Sons Farming Supply on the southwestern side of the map.

Speak to the Putnam family

Enter the Putnam Residence to trigger a cutscene then speak with Carol. If your Charisma is high enough, you can get a Rad-X.

(Optional) Recruit Marty or Colin Putnam

For this objective, you can choose to recruit the eager Marty or the quiet Colin. If you select Marty, you’ll receive a super sledge called The Farmhand. If you select Colin, you’ll receive a plasma pistol called Mind Over Matter.

Go to Orwell Orchards

Head northeast to reach Orwell Orchards.

Enter the bunker

Enter the house and go down to the basement. Head through the red door to enter the Orwell Bomb Shelter.

Speak with Marty/Colin Putnam

Speak with whoever you recruited.

Clear the Ghouls from the bunker

Watch out for this part because there are a lot of them! You might want to equip your Power Armor or down some Rad-X.

Speak with Marty/Colin Putnam

Speak with whoever you recruited.

Report to Paladin Rahmani

Head back to Fort Atlas and speak with Paladin Rahmani to complete the Field Testing quest. The Disarming Discovery quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Mother of Invention Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for the Mother of Invention quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Mother of Invention

You’ll automatically obtain the Mother of Invention quest after completing the Forging Trust quest!

Mother of Invention Objectives

Speak to Scribe Valdez

At the start of the Mother of Invention quest, you’ll need to head through the door into the large room of Fort Atlas and speak with Scribe Valdez, who is on the second level.

Enter the Fort Atlas substructure

Follow the objective downstairs and enter the Atlas Substructure via the red door.

Wait for Scribe Valdez

Wait a few seconds for her to show up.

Speak to Scribe Vadez

Go ahead and speak to her.

Learn about the Fort Atlas substructure… collect 3 documentation

Head downstairs and follow the objective markers to the 3 pieces of paper. Atlas Decommission Report #01 is on the blue computer terminals, #02 is on a cart near a corpse and #03 is on a table on the west side of the room.

Speak to Scribe Vadez

Go ahead and speak with her.

Run a diagnostic check

Use the Atlas Diagnostic Terminal next to Scribe Vadez and select “Run Diagnostics Check”.

Test the release valve

Turn the yellow wheel on the pipe.

Examine the wiring

Examine the wire box on the large cylinder in the middle of the room. After you examine the wiring, a horde of Mole Rats will attack!

Speak to Scribe Valdez

Go ahead and speak with her after you defeat the Mole Rats. When she asks you about the ion focus, say “misaligned”. For the release valve, we said “it exploded”. For the wires we said “Completely chewed through. Mole Rats are the prime suspect.”

Extract components from the ATLAS machines x3

Follow her up to the second level and collect the Ion Focus by “Gently unhook each tube and wire from the device and lift it out.” Access the Atlas Central Processing Terminal in the office and select “CPU Management”. Use the Intelligence option for the easiest removal. Alternatively, you can also select “Power Down and Eject CPU”. For the pressure gauge, you can use the Strength option or “Oil the screws to remove the rust and lift the gauge out.”

Extract the induction coil from the ATLAS machine core

Head to the induction coil on the large cylinder in the center of the room. If you have Luck 12+, use that option. Alternatively, you can select “Unhook both wires and slide the coil out.” You’ll get shocked but it won’t do much damage.

Extract the mysterious component

Examine the mysterious component on the large cylinder then “Gently lift it out of its container”.

Defeat the security robots

Defeat the robots that spawn.

Speak to Scribe Valdez

Speak with her to complete the Mother of Invention quest. Afterwards, the Field Testing quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Welcome to the Neighborhood Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Fallout 76 Welcome to the Neighborhood quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest!

Welcome to the Neighborhood

You’ll automatically obtain the Welcome to the Neighborhood quest after reaching Level 20!

Welcome to the Neighborhood Objectives

Listen to the Brotherhood message

The first thing you’ll need to do for the Welcome to the Neighborhood quest is to open your Pip-boy and go to the Radio tab. Select “Brotherhood of Steel Welcome Broadcast”.

Go to Fort Atlas

Next, make your way to Fort Atlas is in the southeastern part of the map. Please note that you can fast travel here free of charge! Traveling to Fort Atlas will complete this quest and the Forging Trust quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – Forging Trust Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Fallout 76 Forging Trust quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this main story quest!

Forging Trust

You’ll automatically obtain the Forging Trust main quest after completing the Welcome to the Neighborhood quest!

Forging Trust Objectives

Speak to Russel Dorsey

At the start of the Fallout 76 Forging Trust quest, you’ll need to speak with Russel near the entrance.

Speak to Knight Shin

Head inside the main building.

Listen to Knight Shin’s conversation

Listen to Knight Shin, who is near the red grid straight ahead.

Speak to Knight Shin

Follow Shin into the room on the right and speak with him.

Speak to the 4 petitioners

Head downstairs and speak with Doctor Blackburn, Tally Lang, Art Knapp and Shawn Hockman.

Report to Knight Shin

Head back to Knight Shin and speak with him.

Activate the scanner

Head to the red grid and use the Hand Scanner to complete the Forging Trust quest. The Mother of Invention quest will automatically begin!

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Fallout 76 – The Elusive Crane Walkthrough

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Fallout 76 walkthrough for The Elusive Crane quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this main story quest!

The Elusive Crane

You’ll automatically obtain The Elusive Crane main quest after completing Strength in Numbers!

The Elusive Crane Objectives

Follow Duchess

At the start of The Elusive Crane, you’ll need to follow Duchess upstairs.

Wake Crane

Interact with Crane to wake him up.

Determine Crane’s fate

Decide what you will.

Collect the map and keycard from Crane

Loot Crane to obtain the RobCo Experimental Cache Keycard and Crane’s Map.

Find Crane’s treasure

Head to Gauley Mine and make your way to the area will all the metal stairs. The code to get into the locked room is 071990, which can be found on a piece of paper posted to the bulletin board directly across (north) of the door to the locked room. Enter the room and proceed through the hole in the wall. Activate the ID Card Reader to the left of the door then head inside the RobCo Auto-Cache #001. Head through this area to find the Cache Control Room Key on the desk in the office overlooking the cache. Once you grab the key, push the button in this room then proceed into the next room to your right. This will bring you to a large open area with 2 turrets. Take out the turrets then approach the door.

Find a way to open the cache door

Return to the office (left when you exit the room) and interact with the System Registration Terminal on the wall. You will need to unlock it first by solving the puzzle. Afterwards, select “Register Pip-Boy Device”. Exit the terminal then return to the door in the large room.

Loot the cache

Loot what you would like then make your way to the blue door and open it. Head down the short hallway and go through a brown door to reach an area with a lot of chairs. Grab the Mega-Dispenser Test Token from the podium then put it in the slot machine for whichever weapon you would like. Your choices are Energy Weapon, Shotgun, Rifle, Pistol, Unarmed, Two-Handed Melee Weapon and One-Handed Melee Weapon.

Speak to Duchess

Exit the area and return to the Wayward. Inside you’ll be confronted by Roper.

Deal with Roper

If you have the Strength, you can give him the key to the cache and let him take what’s inside. Alternatively, you can attack and kill him or hand over the weapon you chose. There is also a Charisma option if your skill is high enough.

Speak to Duchess

Afterwards, speak with Duchess to complete The Elusive Crane quest.

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