The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City – How to get a lot of denarii (money)?

by Chappie in


Below are the best ways to get large amounts of denarii (money) in The Forgotten City, which can be used for various things throughout the game. It’s possible to get all of these in one loop, but keep in mind that taking from Aurelia and Malleolus counts as stealing. This will break The Golden Rule causing the statues to come to life. We recommend grabbing the chest in the Amphitheater first then paying Desius a visit. From there travel to Malleolus’s Villa where you will steal the money from the chest, breaking the golden rule. After that make your way to Aurelia’s room above the tavern. By now the statue blocking the door for the last chest should have moved allowing you entry to the room containing the chest. Once you get all of the below, you’ll be able to make your escape through the portal in the Shrine of Proserpina.


1. Chest in Amphitheater (requires golden bow)

To reach the chest, head to the amphitheater then look for the column with vines growing up it on the right side. Shoot the vines with the golden bow then climb to the top to find the chest containing 1,052 denarii.


2. Desius (requires golden bow)

After retrieving the golden bow, speak to Desius in a new loop and choose the options below to get 5,000 denarii from him. Please note that if you do the below options, you won’t be able to talk to him for the rest of the loop.

  • You’d never believe me if I told you.
  • For the right price, I’ll tell you where you can get your own…
  • Five thousand denarii.
  • Think of it as an investment: A few little coins, in exchange for riches beyond imagining.
  • In that case: Deal’s off (Bluff)
  • Well the Golden Rule won’t allow me to not deliver on my promises.


3. Malleolus’ Chest

This chest can be found behind the locked door on the second level of Malleolus’ Villa. To open the door, you’ll need to have previously kill him then looted the key from his body. Use the key to open the door then open the chest in the room containing 2,467 denarii.


4. Aurelia’s Dowry

Take the Key for Aurelia’s Chest from the desk in Aurelia’s room above the tavern and use it to unlock the chest in her room containing 2,189 denarii.


5. Old Chest

This chest is only obtainable after breaking The Golden Rule. It can be found along the path leading to the Shrine of Proserpina just before the archway leading to the tavern. The chest contains 4,032 denarii and will be behind a door on the right that was previously blocked by a golden statue.



The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City – The Common Thread

by Chappie in


Obtained: Speak with Equitia in the temple directly behind the fountain past the tree


Ask residents about their stories to identify at least three common threads

Speak with the following people:

  • Octavia who is scrubbing the floor in front of the Great Temple
  • Georgius at the bazar, which is up the stairs to the left of the temple
  • Galerius
  • Horatius

After speaking to the people above, speak with Equitia about the commonalities. She will then want to speak privately with you in the bathhouse. If the assassin is there, you’ll need to deal with him first.



The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City – The Golden Rule

by Chappie in


Obtained: Triggered by speaking with Galerius


Visit Magistrate Sentius in his villa

Follow the objective to reach the villa. Alternatively, you can take the tour from Galerius. Please note that skipping the tour is a trophy!


Learn about The Golden Rule

Speak with Sentius


Figure out who is most likely to break The Golden Rule and inform Sentius

As you talk to each citizen and get to know them, you’ll be able to tell Sentius that each one of them is capable of breaking The Golden Rule. Focus on getting to know each person and working on the leads as you receive them. This quest will complete when you get one of the game’s four endings.



The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City – Point of Origin

by Chappie in


Obtained: Automatically as part of the story


Figure out how to return to your original time

Speak with Sentius at his villa.


Create a time paradox

To create a time paradox, you’ll essentially need to reach one of the four endings of the game.




The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City – Leads

by Chappie in


Below are the leads (side quests) in The Forgotten City!


A Permanent Solution

Obtained: Speak with Octavia in front of the Great Temple

Objective: Figure out how to stop Ulpius from killing himself

Speak with Ulpius. He’ll unfortunately kill himself but after the first loop, speak with Galerius who mentions Sentilla. Return to Ulpius and ask him how Sentilla would feel about his suicide. He’ll still kill himself but will reveal that he had a pact with Iulia who swallowed hemlock that morning. Complete the Dying Gasp lead. Make sure you have 2,000 denarii then speak with him again about Sentilla and tell him that you already saved Iulia. He’ll mention his debt, so offer to pay for it. It’ll cost 2,000 denarii, which you can steal from a chest in the locked room on the second level of Malleolus’s villa. Afterwards, tell him that he won’t have to work for you to complete the lead.


A Thorn in the Paw

Obtained: Speak with Lucretia

Objective: Tell Lucretia how to treat rheumatism

During The Gilding lead, you’ll run into Naevia at the end of the palace. If you help her out, she’ll give you the key to a chest in the Shrine on Apollo. This chest contains a paper with the treatment for rheumatism. Speak with Lucretia and inform her that you’ve figured out how to treat it via willow bark. She will then ask you to give the willow bark to Rufius. Head outside to find him wandering around nearby and speak with him to hand it over. This will complete the lead.


A Virtuous Man

Obtained: Speak with Duli in the cell at the back of the bazar

Objective: Figure out how to get Galerius elected Magistrate

Speak with Galerius and ask him how he feels about running for the election. He’ll mention that he thought about running a couple of times because he didn’t like either candidate and will offer to put his name in if Malleolus drops out. Complete the Democracy in Action lead then speak with Galerius and tell him that Malleolus withdrew. This will cause him to put his name out to become a candidate for Magistrate. In order for him to win, he’ll need to secure more votes than Sentius. Below is a list of each person and how to obtain their vote.

  • Georgius – Have Galerius stop Fabia from entering the empty shrine
  • Desius – Pay him 3,000 denarii
  • Vergil/Rufius – Have Galerius deliver the willow bark to Rufius
  • Ulpius – Have Galerius tell Malleolus his real name and have him withdraw from the election and release his debt bondsmen

After Galerius is elected Magistrate, the lead will complete.


Behind Closed Doors

Obtained: Interact with a note on the palace door

Objective: Find a way into the palace

During The Gilding lead, you’ll escape through a hole in the floor after shooting down the hornet’s nest in the ceiling. Eventually as you work your way through the cave, you’ll reach the palace. Reaching the palace will complete this lead!


Democracy in Action

Obtained: Speak with Galerius about running for Magistrate

Objective: Figure out how to make Malleolus drop out of the election

Speak with Malleolus. (To get inside his villa, head up to the Great Temple to find Octavia and Ulpius. Follow Ulpius over the cliff after he jumps off to land in Malleolus’ Villa.) Next, you’ll want to complete the Intruder lead to receive the Bounty Notice from the assassin if you have not done so already. You’ll then receive an objective to find evidence linking Malleolus to the name Quinctius. Head to Malleolus’s Villa then kill him to trigger The Golden Rule. Loot his body to receive the Key to Malleolus’s Villa. You’ll need this key to unlock the room on the second level of Malleolus’s Villa containing Claudia. Speak with her and select the dialog that you just hate to see beautiful women crying. She’ll then ask you to get her wine. To acquire wine for Claudia, start by speaking with Aurelia and ask her if she has any. You can charm her into giving you the wine, but you’ll need to first ask Iulia how to charm Aurelia. Iulia can be found in the bathhouse. Before you can speak with her, you’ll need to complete the Dying Gasp lead. Once you’ve saved her from the hemlock, speak with her to learn that Aurelia has a thing for the wealthy. Head back to the tavern and speak with Aurelia (make sure it’s the 1st time this loop) then choose the options listed below to get her to hand over the bottle of wine.

  • Thanks. I’m fortunate enough to have  a very good, and very expensive, education.
  • I have more than ten thousand denarii on me / Archaeologist Insight: You first: What sort of dowry could I expect?
  • Malleolus
  • I think he’ll be more amenable to “tributes” than Sentius

Alternatively, you can find another hidden bottle of wine. To reach it, head to the other side of the room across from Aurelia at the bar. You’re going to pass a pedestal with a gold statue on it then head through a doorway. Take a right and head up the stairs following the path left. This will bring you to a wooden shack in a cave. Head into the shack to find a chest that contains the bottle of wine.


Once you obtain the wine, return to Claudia and speak with her. You’ll hand over the wine in exchange for a love letter from Quinctius. With the love letter in hand, return to Malleolus and speak with him. Select the option to have him withdraw from the election and release everyone from their debt to complete the lead.


Dying Gasp

Obtained: Magistrate Sentius after learning about The Golden Rule

Objective: Find out what’s distressing Lucretia

Speak with Lucretia in the bathhouse to learn that she needed silphium resin from Desius, who’s in the bazaar, but he refused to give it to her. You’ll need to take matter into your own hands and retrieve it for her. Speak with Desius and agree to pay 1000 for the resin or you can just steal it. Once you obtain it, return to Lucretia and hand it over to complete the lead.


Heart of Gold

Objective: Unlock the upper cistern with Duli’s key

To have Galerius elected as Magistrate, complete A Virtuous Man lead. Once Galerius is Magistrate, speak with Duli to obtain the key. Once you have the key, head to the cistern behind the Great Temple and use the key to unlock the door inside, which will complete the lead.



Obtained: Approach the bathhouse at night and a lady will approach you

Objective: Confront the armed man entering the city

Speak with the man armed with a bow. Use the lie option then follow behind him as he heads to the nearby location. After he heads through the doorway, the roof will collapse, killing him. This will resolve the lead.


Pandora’s Box

Obtained: Speak with Livia in the tavern

Objective: Figure out why Livia is acting strangely

Complete The Common Thread main goal then return to Livia and speak with her to complete the lead.


Secret Admirer

Obtained: Speak with Galerius at his farm after using any zip line (we used the one stretching across the lake near his farm)

Objective: Obtain a flower for Galerius

The Pretty Flower is located on a rock in the lake near Galerius’ farm. To reach it, use the zipline that runs over it and drop off to land on the rock. Grab the flower then return to Galerius and speak with him. Following the conversation, make your way to Equitia and tell her that someone wanted us to give her this flower. Follow the dialog options then return to Galerius and tell him that Equitia feels the same way. This will also earn you the Match-maker Trophy!!


Straight as an Arrow

Obtained: After passing a whisper that mentions obtaining a bow in front of the palace

Objective: Obtain a bow

Neutralize the armed man in the Intruder lead to resolve this lead.


The Gilding

Obtained: Speak with Desius after receiving the bow from the Straight as an Arrow lead

Objective: Enter the Shrine of Diana

The Shrine of Diana is located in the bazaar. Extinguish the 2 braziers then swap the bows by jumping onto the golden statue kneeling before Diana to reach the Golden Bow. Afterwards, turn around and attempt to leave. You’ll find that Desius locked you in there. Opt out of giving him the bow then shoot the hornets nest on the roof. It will turn to gold and crash through the floor giving you a hole that you can escape through. Note that if you save your game and stick around in this room, the hornets will slowly kill you, awarding you with a trophy! When you drop down, head forward a short way where you’ll jump off a rock ledge landing in a puddle. Look in the water to find the sponge on a stick and pick it up! This will award you with another trophy! Work your way through the cave to reach the palace. Once inside, continue pressing forward through the palace, defeating the golden enemies inside. This is a great spot to earn the Striker trophy! Click here for a guide on what needs to be done to achieve this trophy! When you reach the end of the palace, you’ll be confronted by a new person. You can choose to deal with her by using the Golden Bow or tell her you can turn the nearby peeled statue back to gold. Doing this will reward a key to the chest in the Shrine of Apollo. You can then head past the statue to exit the palace triggering yet another trophy.


The Locked Villa

Obtained: Speak with Domitius and ask him if we can meet with Malleolus

Objective: Enter Malleolus’s villa

In front of the Great Temple, you’ll come across Octavia and Ulpius. Follow Ulpius over the cliff after he jumps off to land in the water in Malleolus’ Villa. Arriving in the villa will complete this lead!


The Roman/Greek/Egyptian/Mystery Plaque

Obtained: Automatically after completing The Common Thread main goal and are tied to A Herculean Task

Objective: Find the plaques

For a detailed guide on these leads, click the following:


The Sinner

Obtained: Speak with Vergil in the bazaar

Objective: Figure out how to stop Vergil’s harassment

Head into Rufius’ quarters to find a letter talking about the harassment. Alternatively, you can speak to Desius and ask him avbout he. He will send you to Fabia who in turn mentions it could be Domitius, Rufius or Horatius. Talk with all three of them then make you way to Rufius room in the slums where you’ll want to inspect the letter  on the small table. Afterwards, speak with Vergil and tell him Rufius is behind the graffiti. Next, speak with Rufius and convince him to stop doing the graffiti. Return to Vergil to resolve the lead.


Vanishing Act

Obtained: Speak with Sentia to learn that Sentilla is missing

Objective: Figure out what happened to Sentilla

Speak with Horatius about Sentilla’s disappearance. Both Ulpius and Domitius might know something of her disappearance so speak with both of them about it. To speak with Ulpius, you’ll need to complete A Permanent Solution lead. He will tell you about the locked room on the second floor of Malleolus’s Villa. To enter the room, you’ll need the key that Malleolus carries. Easiest way to get it is to kill him and loot it off his body. You can then check the room on another loop (this can be done before talking to Ulpius). After checking the room, speak with Ulpius again for him to recommend checking the palace and or the cisterns. You can enter the palace during The Gilding lead to learn she is not there. To get into the cistern, complete Water Under the Bridge. Alternatively, you can get Duli’s key by completing A Virtuous Man. Once in the cistern, speak with Sentilla to complete the lead.


Water Under the Bridge

Obtained: Speak with Vergil at the bazar, which is up the stairs to the left of the temple

Objective: Figure out how to get into the upper cistern

If you go to the cistern to the left of Malleolus’s Villa, follow the path forward taking the first left. This will bring you to a small circular room with vines hanging down from the center. Shoot them with the golden bow then climb up them. Once you reach the top, you’ll complete the lead.



The Forgotten City

The Forgotten City Trophy Guide

by Chappie in


Below are the trophies in The Forgotten City!


Platinum Trophy

Earn all trophies



Loop through time once

Break The Golden Rule once then use the portal at the Shrine of Proserpina to reset the loop.


The Many Shall Suffer

Reach Ending 1 of 4

Kill Sentius.


The One That Got Away

Reach Ending 2 of 4

Get the key from Duli then head to the cave behind the Great Temple and use the key to unlock the door. Free the prisoner behind the door and buy her some time by distracting her captor. This will allow her to sneak up behind her captor and finish them off.


The Ones That Got Away

Reach Ending 3 of 4

Locate Sentilla in the upper cistern and tell her that you will not free her because the others will die. You will then need to break The Golden Rule to reset the loop during which you can tell Galerius to round up the citizens and meet you in the cistern. Afterwards, head back to Sentilla and free her. Follow the objectives to reach the end.


The Cannon Ending

Reach Ending 4 of 4

To get the final and canon ending, you’ll need to locate the Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Mystery plaques then use them to enter the Great Temple. From there head to the end of the temple and shoot the girl in the glass case to the right of the throne. Take her crown then reset the loop and return to the temple. Throw it at feet of the ruler then complete the dialog options and follow the rest of the objectives.


Grave Robber

Steal 2000 coins after the Golden Rule is broken

This is easy enough to do! Just kill someone to break The Golden Rule then steal 2,000 coins. Malleolus has a chest in his villa that has 2000 coins in it. It’s in the locked room on the second floor.


Dead Shot

Free the captive and shoot her captor in the face

In order to get this trophy, you’ll need to pick the soldier class at the beginning of the game. This will give you a pistol with 10 bullets. You’ll need to free the captive and then shoot the captor in the face using the gun. The quickest way to get to the captive is to run to the bathhouse at the start of a loop and deal with the assassin. If you kill the assassin with your gun, that will break The Golden Rule. Loot the bow and arrows off his corpse then return to the Shrine of Proserpina to reset the loop. You’ll then want to head to the market and speak with Desius. Agree to his little scheme to start The Gilding lead. Complete it to receive the golden bow, which you will then use in the cistern to the left of Malleolus’ Villa. Once in the cistern, follow the path forward taking the first left to come to a circular room with vines hanging down in the middle. Use the golden bow to shoot the vines turning them to gold. Climb up the vines to reach the upper level of the cistern then free the captive. When confronted by her captor, you’ll get the option to shoot him with your gun. Choose that option then follow the dialog events to receive the trophy.


Super Looper

Loop through time ten times

Break The Golden Rule then use the portal at the Shrine of Proserpina to reset the loop 10 times.


Bloodless Shadow

Learn the true identity of the stranger by the river

Complete The Common Thread main goal! For a guide on this main goal, click here.



Confront the creator of The Golden Rule

Complete A Herculean Task main goal.



Discover what lies beneath the city

Facing the entrance to the bathhouse, enter the first building on the right with columns to find a statue of a goddess inside. Head behind the goddess on the right side to find a small wooden door that you’ll need to crouch to walk through. Follow the path through the cave to reach an open cavern where the trophy will trigger.



Find all three missing persons

For the Sleuth trophy, we’re not 100 percent sure on how we got this, but we’re pretty sure it’s tied to finding The Hermit Philosopher, Khabash and Sentilla in one loop. We recommend completing The Common Thread main goal, which will unlock the leads to collect the 4 plaques. Specifically focus on the Egyptian plaque, which will lead you to both The Hermit Philosopher and Khabash. When you emerge from the Undercity, make your way to the upper cistern by using the golden bow through the lower cistern (to the left of Malleolus’ Villa) or Duli’s key if you obtained it from A Virtuous Man lead. Once there, speak with the captive. After learning their name, hopefully the trophy will trigger.


Italian Plumber

Enter the upper cistern in an unconventional way

Head through the doorway to the left of the stairs leading up to Malleolus’s Villa (when facing the villa). Take the first available left to find a circular tunnel leading up. There will be water at the bottom of this tunnel. Shoot the vines with the golden bow and climb up to reach the upper cistern containing the prisoner. Please note that you must do this before you get the key to here.



Survive the Palace

Complete The Gilding lead to successfully exit the palace. Click here for a guide on this lead!



Intimidate the creator of The Golden Rule

Complete A Herculean Task main goal.


Law Abiding Citizen

Finish the game without looping through time once

To get this trophy, start a new game and choose the solider. When you reach Sentius in his villa, shoot him with the gun the solider starts with to create a time paradox leading to the first ending. This will cause the trophy to pop.



Reach the best ending with the smallest number of loops

To get this trophy, you’ll need to get the canon ending in 9 loops or less.



Topple 10 peeled statues by kicking others into them

The peeled statues are the statue enemies that have green splotches on them. You’ll need to turn one to gold using the golden bow then kick it into the other peeled statues (that still move) to get this trophy. The can be done easily during The Gilding lead which you can find here on this lead guide.


Silver Tongue

Talk your way through every possible confrontation

The 3 confrontations are with Naevia, Khabash and the God of the Underworld. For which dialog options to select, click here!


Underworld Explorer

Discovering Underworld icons Sisyphus, Tantalus, Ixion and the Belide

One golden statue can be found near Galerius’ farm in the water reaching for fruit on a tree. Another statue can be found pushing a large rock up the path near the Great Temple. Facing the amphitheater, follow the path right through an archway and take the first left up a set of stairs to find the third statue tied to a wheel. With the entrance of the palace behind you, head down a flight of stairs and keep heading straight to find a statue near a fountain. You just have to look at these 4 statues to trigger the trophy!



Trigger The Golden Rule by stealing 5 items

The best way to do this is to steal from the chests so you are getting denarii while resetting the loops.


High Diver

Enter Malleolus’s villa with a daring leap

In front of the Great Temple, you’ll come across Octavia and Ulpius. Follow Ulpius over the cliff after he jumps off to land in the water in Malleolus’ villa.


Avid Reader

Read ten different grafitti

  1. “The only way out is…” – From the Shrine of Proserpina (at the very beginning of the game), head down the stairs in front of the shrine. At the bottom, take a left through the doorway to reach a tavern. The grafitti can be found on the right side of the room across from the bar next to a golden statue.
  2. “Galerius for Magistrate” – On the wall near Livia in the tavern
  3. “Let the buyer beware” – On the wall to the right of the bar (when facing Aurelia) in the tavern
  4. “Don’t steal anything. Don’t hurt anyone. Don’t…” From the Shrine of Proserpina, head down the stairs. Once at the bottom, keep following the path forward. When you reach the fork at the campfire, head right then look on the wall to the left just past the wall mounted torch to find the graffiti.
  5. “To survive we must all be kind” – Facing the stairs leading up to the door at the Great Temple, head left around to the side of the temple and take the steps down. Follow the path, passing the golden statue pushing a boulder to reach a long bridge. The graffiti can be found on the right wall of the archway at the end of the bridge.
  6. “Sentius and Malleolus: Same excrement, different smell” – On the stairs behind Domitius leading to Malleolus’s villa
  7. “Oppius the thief stole my purse and I–” – On the wall outside of the bakery in the bazaar
  8. “Secundus and Cithera were together until the end.” – On the wall inside the bakery in the bazaar
  9. “Sinner” – On the wall of Vergil’s store
  10. “The bloodless shadows wander without flesh or bone” – Enter the tavern and head to the other side of the room across from Aurelia at the bar. Work your way past a pedestal with a gold statue on it then head through the doorway. Take a right and head up the stairs following the path left. This will bring you to a wooden shack in a cave. Keep moving past the shack then take the next left to reach another structure. The graffiti can be found on the wall to the left of the bed.



Pick up the sponge on a stick

This can be accomplished during The Gilding lead. For a guide on this lead, click here! During the lead, you’ll shoot a hornet’s nest on the ceiling then escape through the hole in the floor. When you drop down, you’ll land in a puddle. Look in the water to find the sponge on a stick and pick it up!



Dodge three boulders

After finishing The Mystery Plaque lead, you’ll need to escape the Undercity. Along the path leading to the exit, there will be 3 pressure plates. Step on each of them and avoid getting hit by the boulders to get this trophy.


Smooth Talker

Get rejected by Aurelia

Aurelia can be found in the tavern at the very beginning of the game. The tavern is located through a doorway at the bottom of the stairs from the Shrine of Prosperina. Speak with her then select “You’re as charming as you are beautiful” when speaking with her.


Golden Archer

Gild your first thing

You’ll obtain it during The Gilding lead after you shoot your golden bow and turn something to gold for the first time!



Die from hornet stings

This can be accomplished during The Gilding lead. For a guide on this lead, click here!



Skip Galerius’s Tour

Galerius is the first person you meet in the game just after the Shrine of Proserpina. While speaking with him, he’ll offer to show you to Magistrate Sentius’ villa. Keep declining his offer and head there yourself to trigger this trophy!


The Oracle

Assemble as many people as possible in the Museum

For this trophy, complete the A Virtuous Man lead to help as many citizens as possible. You’ll then want to get the fourth ending of the game. If done correctly, the trophy will pop at when you reach the museum at the end.



Allow Fabia to die in the collapsing temple

Either examine the note on the temple or let her die once and start a new loop after. Head back to Fabia’s location just outside the bathhouse and speak with her. Select the option “How is this my problem” then “Just callous. Good luck!”. This will cause her to run into the shrine and the trophy will pop.



Lie ten times

Whenever it comes up in the dialog with the citizens, select the option that lies to them. It’s pretty easy to get!



Save Iulia’s life

Complete the Dying Gasp lead. For a guide on this lead, click here!



Save Ulpius’s life

Complete A Permanent Solution lead. For a guide on this lead, click here!



Save Fabia’s life

Either examine the note on the temple or let her die once and start a new loop after. Head back to Fabia’s location just outside the bathhouse and tell her not to go to the shrine. Send the assassin to the shrine using it to do your dirty work for you. Wait for it to collapse then speak with Fabia at the bakery in the bazaar.


Lion Tamer

Solve Vergil’s problem

Complete The Sinner lead! For a guide on this lead, click here!



Have Duli released from his cell

Complete A Virtuous Man lead! For a guide on this lead, click here!



Help Galerius romance Equitia

Complete the Secret Admirer lead! For a guide on this lead, click here!



Use Photo Mode

For PlayStation, press up on the D-pad to enter photo mode.


Treasure Hunter

Find treasure using the golden bow

The treasure can be found in Cistern to the left of Malleolus’s Villa. From the entrance to the big open room filled with water, you’ll want to follow the path straight around the room until you reach a split. Take the left path to reach a spot in the room where the there is a missing section of wall in a closed corner. You’ll need to shoot the moss in front of it with the Golden Bow to climb up on it. This will allow you to loot a treasure chest that will cause the trophy to pop.



New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Secret Side Path LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for the Secret Side Path in New Pokemon Snap. To unlock this hidden path, you’ll need to use the new shrink feature on the NEO-ONE. To do this, enter Florio Nature Park either during the day or at night. When you reach the area with the giant lake, look at the large tree on the left side just before the bridge and across from the Bidoofs’ dam.


Dancing Trio

Requestor: Rita

Location: Research Level 1 – Day

Objective: Capture a picture of 3 Shroomish dancing

After you jump onto Emolga’s back, look for 3 Shroomish clustered next to a crystalbloom on the right side of the path. Throw an orb at the crystalbloom then use the music box to make the Shroomish dance. Capture a picture of the 3 dancing Shroomish.


The Parachute

Requester: Todd

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Foongus floating down from the air



Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite – Slowbro Build

by Chappie in


Below are the build(s) we are using with Slowbro in Pokemon Unite. Please note that for the items below we upgraded them to level 20 to increase their effectiveness!



Battle Item: Eject Button
Held Item 1: Focus Band
Held Item 2: Buddy Barrier
Held Item 3: Shell Bell
Move 1: Surf
Move 2: Telekinesis

This build puts Slowbro’s support capabilities front and center. The skills we went with were Surf and Telekinesis. Surf helps Slowbro move around the map quicker and has the capability to deal some solid damage. Telekinesis is used to lockdown an enemy so that an ally can finish them off or keep them out of the fight for a short time. We paired these skills with the Focus Band, Buddy Barrier and Shell Bell. The Focus Band helps boost Slowbro’s defenses while providing a heal when health gets low. The Buddy Barrier is used to provide some coverage to allies, and the Shell Bell boosts Slowbro’s special attack while reducing the cooldown of its abilities. We also used the Eject Button with this build to give Slowbro some support to get out of sticky situations.



Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite – Gardevoir Build

by Chappie in


Below are the build(s) we are using with Gardevoir in Pokemon Unite. Please note that for the items below we upgraded them to level 20 to increase their effectiveness!


Lunar Queen

Battle Item: Eject Button
Held Item 1: Shell Bell
Held Item 2: Wise Glasses
Held Item 3: Float Stone
Move 1: Moonblast
Move 2: Future Sight

For this Gardevoir build we want to build off of her high offensive power. For this we selected the moves Moonblast and Future Sight. Moonblast can hit multiple enemies while stunning the closest one. You can then use Future Sight to hit the stunned enemy for some serious big damage. We paired these attacks with the Shell Bell, Wise Glasses and Float Stone. The Wise Glasses increase her special attack higher. The Shell Bell is used to increase special attack while reducing the cooldown of skill, and the Float Stone is to help her move around a little quicker. You’ll want to use the battle item Eject Button with this build to help Gardevoir with retreating when needed.