Shin Megami Tensei V
by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V guide on the Miman found around Tennozu.

Tennozu Miman Locations

Tennouzu Miman Locations

Miman 1

Shin Megami Tensei Miman

Located behind the remains of a concrete wall next to the Tennozu Isle leyline.

Miman 2

SMT V Miman

Located west of the leyline on a cliff overlooking the streets below.

Miman 3

Miman Shin Megami Tensei V

Located on the roof of a walkway west of the leyline.

Miman 4

Miman SMT V

Located on the top level of a tall ruined building. You can reach the second level of the building via an adjacent cliff.

Miman 5

Miman Locations Tennozu

Located west of the leyline at the base of the highway running through the middle of the area.

Miman 6

Tennozu Miman

Located on a beam/track running along the highway just under the walkway at the start of the area.

Miman 7

Tennozu SMT 5

Located on the walkway directly east of the Tennozu leyline.

Miman 8

Miman Tennozu

Located west of the Tennozu leyline next a tree. You’ll need to scale the fallen building to reach it.

Miman 9

Tennozu Miman

Located on a cliff overlooking the red water in the southeastern part of the area just south of the bridge.

Miman 10

Tennozu Miman

Located at the very southern tip of the map following along the highway next to a cliff.

Click here for the next guide on the locations of the Miman in Shinagawa Pier and Container Yard in SMT V!

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