by Chappie in


Investigation Received:  The investigation can be discovered to the southeast of The Docks (see the white custom marker in the image below). You will need to head through a gate, into the house and then up to the second-floor bedroom to find the body. Interact with it to start the investigation.



Summary: Jonathan found the corpse of a man who appears to have been murdered. The man was not taken by the flu or ripped apart by Skal so he decides to look into the case.



  • Find out how Jack Gillingham died
  • Choose what to do with Jack Gillingham’s watch
    • Bring it back to a relative
    • Sell it to someone else


Find out how Jack Gillingham died

After you obtain the bloody letter, inspect Jack’s body and exhaust all of the dialog options to get the next objective.


Choose what to do with Jack Gillingham’s watch

For this objective, you can either give Jack’s watch to his mother Enid Gillingham or sell it to the merchant Martin Nightingale. Enid’s house is located in the Western Docks and Martin is located right next to it. Giving either one of them the watch will complete the investigation.


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