The Last of Us Part 2
by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 5 artifacts, 1 journal entry, 3 trading cards and 1 workbench that can be found during The Tunnels chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Artifact – Subway Note

As part of the story, you and Dina will need to open a train car door. Head through the train cars to the very end to find the artifact in the last train car on a wall next to a window.


Trading Card – The Imp

After entering a train car to escape some Clickers as part of the story, follow the path further down to exit the train car then follow the traintracks towards an open doorway emitting red light. This card can be found alongside a blue train car to the left of the doorway. It will be underneath the train car door next to some trash bags.



After entering the red lit room, you will need to climb a ladder on the right side to reach a walkway containing a rope. Head to the right side of the walkway to find a door leading to a storage room that contains this workbench.


Journal Entry

After defeating a new enemy, inspect the body to receive a new journal entry.


Trading Card – Dr. Daniela Star

After opening the large door using a chain, follow the path forward until you come across the first blue door on the right. Open the door to reveal a cage. The card can be found in this room on a desk. To get inside the cage, crawl under a desk on the back right side of the room.


Artifact – Locker Room Note

This artifact can be found on a table in the break room past a cola vending machine.


Artifact – Soda Can Note

This artifact is located in the cola vending machine next to the previous artifact. You will need to break the glass in the vending machine to collect the note on a can of soda.


Artifact – Whittled Statue

This artifact can be found next to a microwave in the same room as the above 2 artifacts.


*NOTE: The code to get into the locked locker room door in the break room is 15243. We just guessed this code based on the pattern.


Trading Card – Bastet

After entering the metro, proceed forward until you reach a large red box. Before climbing up the box to progress with the level, crawl underneath the overturned train car on the left of the box to find the card in the train car.


Artifact – Subway Station Note

After climbing up the large red box in the metro, enter the train car. The artifact can be found on the door to the right in the train car.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Theater!



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