
Borderlands 3 – Bounty of Blood Echo Log Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the Echo Logs that can be found throughout the Bounty of Blood DLC in Borderlands 3!!



Pact with a Devil

This can be found in the town of Vestigee. The Echo Log is located on a ledge near Gatherday Market.


A Sheriff’s Protection

This is located on a picnic table on the south side of the map near the Blastplains map transition.


Bury the Hatchett

This log is located in Juno’s room in the northern part of Vestige.


The Blastplains

Come Sunup

This log is located on a table in The Blastplains.


Live and Die

This log can be found in the center of the map next to a building on a chair.


Doc Stanley’s Miracle Elixir Ad #3

This can be found during the Miracle Elixir Fixer side quest. It is located in the conference room where you kill Doc Stanley.


Doc Stanley’s Miracle Elixir Ad #1

This log can be found behind a small shack next to a Jakobs chest near Fort Kickwater.


On Your Mark

This log can be found on a barrel in a room leading to the cannon at Fort Kickwater, which is accessible during the Money Back Guarantee side quest.


Shedding Skin

This log can be found in a barn in Amplecore Veins, which is a camp southeast of the Pump & Charge fast travel station. To reach it, climb up the ladder to the right of the building then proceed into the room. The log will be on a table in the small room to the left.


Ashfall Peaks

Squeaky Clean

This log can be found in The Devil’s Greatroom in Caldera Stronghold in the tallest structure, which is climbable via a ladder.


Moonlight Sonata

This can be found in a small hidden room to the west of the Caldera Stronghold fast travel station. To reach this secret room, enter the Devil’s Greatroom and head inside the tallest building to find a portal. The portal will take you to a hidden/secret room containing the log.


Obsidian Forest

Close Quarters

This log can be found in Tallyway Station on a bench before entering the first building you come across with two circular doors.


**NAME UNKNOWN** (We picked it up before getting the name…sorry!!)

This log can be found in The Last Dig. To reach it you will need to punch some wooden boards block the path across a corrosive pond. The log will be located next to an outhouse.


A Mother’s Gift

This log is located on a desk in Accounts Unpayable.


Facility Filcher

This log is located in the Presentation Room. From the Presentation Room fast travel point, continue forward until you reach a large open room. Look left to find a portal. Run and jump to it to get sucked in. The log will be located on the other side of the portal.


Powerful Smells

This log can be found in a hidden area in Crone’s Contentment that is reachable via a portal. The portal can be found north of the Crone’s Contentment fast travel station in a cavern filled with devils. See the above picture for the location of the portal.




Borderlands 3 – The Meatman Prophecy

by Chappie in


Location: Bloodsun Canyon

Obtained: Speak with Adi


Grab Meatman Frame

Grab the object next to Adi.


Place Meatman Frame

Head through the portal behind Adi and follow the path forward. Grab the Echo Log off of the bench on the porch of the first wooden shack you come across.


Collect Jacket, Pants and Gloves

The pants are located in the northern part of the search area on a table. The jacket can be found on a chair next to a stripper pole west of the pants. The gloves can be found on a chair in front of a green tent.


Kill Biggest, Meanest Bellik

Follow the path to find Bellik Bill. Kill him then collect his head!


Build Meatman

Follow the objective to build Meatman.


Find Fuel 

The fuel is located in a storage container at the top of this area.


Place Fuel Canister

Head back down to Meatman and place the fuel at his feet.


Get Bandit’s Hat

The hat is located behind the wooden house next to a bathtub on a wooden crate.


Place Bandit Hat

Put the hat on Meatman.


Set Meatman on Fire

Light him up!!


Kill Bandits

Kill the bandits that spawn.


Return to Reaper Jones

After defeating the bandits, Reaper Jones will come out of his house.


Hear Jones’ Penance or Display Meatman’s Wrath

We chose to display the wrath.


Ignite Fear

Light Meatman up again!


Return to Adi

Head on back to Adi and speak with her to complete the quest.




Borderlands 3 – Lost and Found

by Chappie in


Location: Obsidian Forest

Obtained: Interact with the poster in Tallyway Station


Speak with Oletta

Speak with her near the train station.


Take Pants

Grab the Titus’s Pants from Oletta.


Get Prime Devil Meat

Head up the nearby ladder and run across the roof to reach a cavern containing a bunch of devils. Defeat them to get 4 electric prime devil meat and 4 radioactive prime devil meat.


Lure Bella out with Prime Devil Meat

Use either the electric meat or the radioactive meat to draw Bella out.


Place Titus’ Pants

Place the pants in front of her on the ground.


Protect Bella

Defeat the Beliks that spawn once Bella is done sniffing the pants.


Follow Bella

After defeating the enemies, follow after Bella. You’ll need to protect her from Beliks that spawn along the way.


Talk to Oletta

Speak with Oletta to complete the quest.



Borderlands 3 – Of Blood and Beans

by Chappie in


Location: Obsidian Forest

Obtained: Speak to Refried Reba and Baked Betty near the center of the forest


Search for Clues

Head west from Reba and Betty then climb up the rocks there to reach a ledge. You will see an opening leading to a lake of acid. Look to the right of the opening to find a can of beans next rock wall with some scratch marks.


Inspect Can of Beans

Inspect the can of beans.


Follow Trail of Cans

Follow the cans through the nearby entry way jumping from rock to rock. At the end of the path, use the lift pad to reach a ledge in the distance. Melee the crystal facing the breakable wall in the northeastern part of the room then jump across the rock pillars in the middle of the room to reach it.  Head through the doorway and clear out the enemies in the room. After that, follow the path over the bridge and drop down onto the rocks below. Use another lift pad to reach a distant ledge and keep following the path through the tunnel.


Find Remaining Beans

Head to one of the two puddles of green acid to watch the cans of beans dissolve.


Kill the Bean-Thief

Defeat the Gaseous Bloater.


Survive Ambush

Defeat the wave of Gaseous Bloaters.


Find Remaining Beans

Locate the can of beans near the central pillar and collect it.


Return to Betty and Reba

Follow the objective over the cliff’s edge to land where Betty and Reba are.


Talk to Betty and Reba

Speak with them.


Give Can to Refried Reba / or Give can to Baked Betty / or Destroy Can in the Fire

We chose to destroy the can! This causes Reba and Betty to become friends.


Defeat the Bean Queens

Fight both Reba and Betty until they yield.


Take Reward

Take the reward from Reba to complete the quest.




Borderlands 3 – The Quick and the Quickerer

by Chappie in


Location: Vestige

Obtained: Speak with Josey at Josey’s Fine Pine store after reaching Off the Rails main story mission


Follow the objective to find Slim then resurrect him. Afterwards, follow behind Slim a short distance. Shoot 5 bottles in the water then wait for Slim to try. Once he’s done, speak with him to encourage him then he’ll want you to find some armor. Collect the safety first sign on the saloon then give it to Slim. Now that we’re ready for the fight, go get Drunk William to begin the dual then head on back to Slim to give him a pep-talk. Slim realizes he needs a helmet so head behind him to find a bucket. When Drunk William arrives, ring the bell to start the fight then revive Slim. After he runs off, speak with Josey, who is now standing near the bell to complete the quest.




Borderlands 3 – Good Prospects Crew Challenge

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the Good Prospects Crew Challenge in Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC!



The map for the treasure can be found on the balcony of the movie theater between two spotlights.

To reach the treasure, climb up the wooden platform to the left (when facing entrance) of the saloon to reach a balcony. Follow the balcony straight ahead and at the “T” turn left. After the bench ahead take a left to find a ladder along the building leading up. After climbing up the ladder, walk up the slanted roof then turn left and jump across the small shingled part of the roof to reach a wooden ledge of the roof. Walk along this ledge to the left of the pillars. At the end of the ledge look down to see a small landing containing the chest.


Vestige #2 (Secret/Hidden Room in Sheriff’s Office)

This will appear on the map after collecting all of the treasure around Gehenna. This treasure chest can be found in a locked cell in the sheriff’s office. To reach it, head inside the saloon and look for the bookshelf to the left of the bar. Activate the green button near the skull to move the bookshelf, revealing a hidden passage. Follow the passage to find the chest!



This loot can be found at the very top of Amplecore Veins, which is a camp southeast of the Pump & Charge fast travel station. To reach it, climb up the ladder to the right of the building then proceed into the room on the left to find a ladder. Climb up this ladder to reach another ladder immediately on the right. Climb up this one as well then head forward through the room to exit the building. Take a right down the wooden planks to find the chest at the end!


Ashfall Peaks

This treasure can be found in a building with a large wheel attached to it. Punch the crystals preventing the wheel from moving then shoot the target revealed once the wheel starts moving. This will open the door to reveal the chest.


Obsidian Forest

The map for this treasure can be found on a bulletin board in Oletta’s lab at the Crone’s Contentment fast travel station.

The actual treasure can be found in the Last Dig underneath the train tracks. To reach it, you will need to climb through shipping container to progress with the area. Once you land on the platform below the shipping container, turn left to spy a reachable platform. Jump down to this platform then climb up the wall marked with paint. Circle around the small path to find the chest.


Bloodsun Canyon

To reach this treasure, head to the large room with the moving containers overhead. Go to the northwest corner of this room and look for a stack of three cylinders that are bundled together. Stand on the stack then fall straight down to reach a ledge marked with yellow and black stripes. Enter the room connected to the ledge and take a left to find a green button next to the ledge. Push the button to open the large circular doorway across the way containing a portal. Drop down onto the green jump pad below the small room you’re in to be taken back up to the top. Once at the top, head to the other side of the stack of three cylinders to drop down onto the green jump pad to reach the portal. When you head through the portal, the chest will be to your right.


Crater’s Edge

The map for this treasure can be found in the starting area. From the fast travel point, head forward until you come across the first green jump pad on a ledge above. Follow the ledge under the jump pad around the cliff to find the map on the ground.

To find the treasure, head through the first portal to come to some burning houses. Head into the first house straight ahead by using the green jump pad in front of it. Once inside, take a left to find a portal in the bedroom. In the next burning house, head straight forward into a room filled with crates. Shoot the crates to reveal a green jump pad. Use the pad to reach the chest!




Borderlands 3 – Dirty Deeds

by Chappie in


Location: Ashfall Peaks

Obtained: Interact with a message in a bottle at Pilfertown


To rescue Nettle, head to Kormash the Decapitator’s Resort and Spa in Caldera Stronghold. Push the button to open Nettle’s cell. You will then need to find Soapy Steve and lock him in his bath using a mop. Afterwards, search for the bath salts, which are in the bath to the right of Steve. Next, put the salts into the water using the machine. To find Steve’s secret stash, head to the locker room through a door in the main room then use the jump pad to reach the vents. Jump across the rafters to enter the room then steal all the soaps and return to Soapy Steve. Dump all the soaps into the machine then defeat Soapy Steve. Return to Nettle to complete the quest.




Borderlands 3 – The Legend of McSmugger

by Chappie in


Location: Ashfall Peaks

Obtained: Speak with McSmugger in Hailhero Pass


Refuse the call first then accept the call. Afterwards, climb Mount Maraboshi. Cross the threshold to begin your journey up the mountain. Once on the mountain, kill devils to collect 3 badass devil hearts then continue on your way. Eventually, you’ll come across a statue. Interact with it then collect the treasure from the chest to the left underneath the waterfall. Keep heading up the mountain until you reach the peak where you will need to place the 3 hearts. This will summon the Father of the Eagles. Defeat it then collect his claw and return it to McSmugger. This will complete the quest.




Borderlands 3 – Money Back Guarantee

by Chappie in


Location: Blastplains

Obtained: Speak with Stickly behind the barred counter in a building in the center of the map


Pay for your new favorite weapon

Interact with the object on the counter to pay $15,000.


Find your new favorite weapon

Follow the objective deeper into the area to find a building with a red curtain. Interact with the curtain to find your new weapon!


Confront that turd farmer Stickly

Head back to where you first encountered Stickly then listen to his message. For the clue to where Stickly is located, search his desk to find his notes.


Find fort

Head to the fort near the Fort Kickwater fast travel station. Once there, defeat all the enemies!


Talk to prisoner

After you shoot down the cage, talk to General Marks.


Go to the abandoned mine

Head to the abandoned mine at Amplecore Veins. Work your way through the area following the objective to reach Stickly and punch him.


Defeat ambush

Kill all the enemies that spawn!


Return to fort

Return to the fort and collect the artillery shell. Afterwards, head to the cannon. Load and fire it for some sweet vengeance!


Collect refund

Collect all 3 bags to complete the quest.



Borderlands 3 – Saurdew Valley

by Chappie in


Location: Blastplains

Obtained: Speak with Margot after completing the Devil Rustlers side quest


Collect Imp Eggs

Collect 24 eggs around the ranch then deliver the eggs to Margot.


Go to Hellion Enclosure

Head to the Hellion enclosure then melee the Hellions to get their teeth. You will need a grand total of 12 teeth. Once all have been collected, return to Margot.


Go to Daisy’s Pen

Daisy’s pen is located on the east side of the ranch. Once you get there, release her from the pen then lure her to the milking barn. Collect 6 of Daisy’s milk then deliver the milk to Margot.


Return to Rancher Margot

With all tasks completed, head back and speak with Margot to complete the quest.