by Chappie in


Location: Vestige

Obtained: Speak with Josey at Josey’s Fine Pine store after reaching Off the Rails main story mission


Follow the objective to find Slim then resurrect him. Afterwards, follow behind Slim a short distance. Shoot 5 bottles in the water then wait for Slim to try. Once he’s done, speak with him to encourage him then he’ll want you to find some armor. Collect the safety first sign on the saloon then give it to Slim. Now that we’re ready for the fight, go get Drunk William to begin the dual then head on back to Slim to give him a pep-talk. Slim realizes he needs a helmet so head behind him to find a bucket. When Drunk William arrives, ring the bell to start the fight then revive Slim. After he runs off, speak with Josey, who is now standing near the bell to complete the quest.



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