by Chappie in


Ark Chests

1. Ark Chest

The chest is located in the very back of the bandit den in the tallest building on the second floor near a zip line.


Storage Containers

1. Storage Container

The container is located under the bandit den on the north side of the elevator sitting on a wooden crate.


2. Storage Container

After heading up the elevator, follow the path around the walkway.  Head across the bridge and take the flight of stairs up to find the container at the top on a table to the right just before a ramp leading up further into the bandit den.


3. Storage Container

From the previous container, take the ramp up and head through a parking lot to enter the bandit den.  Head southwest past a blue flare under a walkway to reach a courtyard with a green flickering neon medic sign.  Take the pink ladder on the west side up to find the container on top of a metal machine.


4. Storage Container

From the previous container, drop down into the courtyard and take the southeastern steps up two flights of stairs to find the container on the left, sitting on a wooden table.


5. Storage Container

The container is located in the very back of the bandit den just before the stairs leading up to the tallest building.  At the base of the steps facing south, you can see it through the window in the building straight in front of you.  To reach the container, follow the railing just before the steps leading down.  At the top of the steps, jump up to the higher ledge using GRAV-JUMP.  This will bring you to the entrance of the building to loot the container.


6. Storage Container

The container is located on the first level of the tallest building in the very back of the bandit den.


7. Storage Container

From the previous container, head up the stairs to the second level to find the container on a table next to a data pad and the ark chest.


Data Pads

1. Data Pad

The data pad is located on a dumpster at the top of the bandit den just before entering the metal bridge leading to the bandit den.


2. Data Pad

The data pad is located on a table in the very back of the bandit den in the tallest building on the second floor near a storage container and ark chest.


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