by Chappie in


Red Pride Seed

This seed can be found in the big open room in the center of the Mid-Starboard Hallway north of the Mid-Starboard Hallway Safe Room. Once in the big room, work your way to the southeastern side to find a door leading to a set of stairs that take you up to the second level. From there, use the grappling hook to reach a balcony with a vent shaft. Head through the shaft to emerge on the balcony containing the path to the Will Seed.


Green Pride Seed

This seed is located on the southwestern part of the Lower Port Hallway. To reach it, start from Side Deck Safe Room and head east entering through the doorway leading to the Lower Port Hallway. Head down the hallway and through the green doors at the end to enter a big open room. Take the first left in the room and head up the stairs to reach the second level where a tiny vent shaft in the wall can be found. You will need to become a mouse and crawl through this shaft. The Will Seed will be located in the room just beyond the shaft.


Blue Pride Seed

This Will Seed will not be accessible until the section of the story where you have to track down the IT Director. From the Side Deck Safe Room, head east and follow the hallway to the lifeboat at the end. Jump up onto the side of the ship near the lifeboat and keep climbing up until you reach the upper ledge. Along the side of the boat, there will be some metal platforms you can use to ascend. Take the platforms leading to the right to reach a ledge with a grapple point. Use the grapple to swing across the gap then climb up the nearby wall to reach a door on a balcony. The Will Seed will be in the most northern room on this floor.


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