Immortals Fenyx Rising
by Chappie in


Big Lyre

The big lyre can be found southeast of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.

To play the big lyre, you’ll need to first find the small lyres scattered around Clashing Rocks. They will give you the order of the strings to play on the big lyre. At the big lyre, shoot the strings with arrows in the correct order to receive Coins of Charon.


Small Lyre



1. This lyre can be found southwest of Odyssesus’ Struggle near the bridge leading to the oracle.

It is at the base of a Hermes statue. The order of the strings is 241.


2. This lyre can be found north of Odysseus’s Struggle in a cave along the cliffside overlooking the water.

To unseal the red barrier you’ll need to activate 3 pedestals. The first can be found in front of the red barrier. The second pedestal facing the red barrier behind the gate can be found by turning around and following left around the cliff until you reach an opening that will lead to the pedestal.

The third pedestal can be reached by jumping into the water just outside the entrance to the cave where there is bubbling water. Follow this underwater cavern to reach the last pedestal.  The order of the strings is 4341.


3. This lyre can be found in a large building on the eastern side of the large island.

To enter this building, activate the following 4 pillars: The first pedestal is located in front of the main entrance’s red barrier (as pictured above).


The second pedestal is located on the east side of the building behind a red barrier.

To unseal this barrier, you’ll need to head into the cave on the other side of the tree adjacent to the barrier. Once in the cave, head up the stairs on the left side then drop into the hole in the floor. This will bring you into a small sealed hallway. You’ll need to use Herakles’s Strength to move a cube onto a platform behind the gate. This will remove the barrier from the other gate allowing you to shoot an arrow through the fire igniting the brazier inside the tree outside the cave. You can use Apollo’s Arrows to guide the arrow through the fire to the brazier. This will unseal the barrier allowing you to activate the second pedestal.


For the third pedestal, head to the back of the building to find a platform with a feather on it.

From there, head to the north side of the building to find a raised platform of a satyr statue. Grab one of the rocks and carry it to the platform. This will open a red barrier to a room at the end of the bridge. Head into the room and drop down into the hole in the floor in the back corner. This will bring you to a lower level filled with water. In the center of the room, dive into the water and follow the path to emerge under the bridge in front of the pedestal.


For the fourth pedestal, head to the north side of the building and stand next to the satyr statue.

Grab a rock and throw it at the section of the wall just above the red barrier. This will break the wall revealing a target behind a gate. Shoot the target with an arrow to unseal the barrier.


After you have activated all 4 pedestals, head to the main entrance and engage in combat with the enemies awaiting inside. Defeat them to gain access to the lyre. The order of strings is 31244.



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